Creating a new role

IMPORTANT: You must have one or more site-level Site Settings permissions in order to view Site Settings. For more information, read About roles and permissions.

The Roles section of Site Settings allows you to create custom roles for users in your Surpass instance.

A role is a predefined set of permissions that grant access to specific areas of Surpass. For example, The Mark role contains the Mark Test, Void Test, and Override Auto-Mark permissions (among others) that allow the user to mark, void, and turn off computer marking on scripts, respectively. For more information, read About roles and permissions.

NOTE: Users cannot view areas of Surpass they do not have permissions for. For example, a user with only Item Authoring permissions will not see Test Creation, Test Administration, Reporting, and so on.

This article explains how to create a custom role and lists all available permissions.

In this article

1. Navigate to the Roles screen

To view Site Settings, select your user name to open the User menu.

Select Site Settings in the User menu.

Select the Roles tab to view the Roles screen.

2. Select Create New Role

Select Create New Role to create a blank custom role.

The new role appears in the Roles list as New Role. Select it to open it in the Role Builder.

3. Choose your role’s section of Surpass

Determine which section of Surpass you want your role to give access to by selecting the relevant area in the Pick the tab from the list below menu.

The available sections are as follows:

  • Setup
  • Site Settings
  • Item Authoring
  • Test Creation
  • Test Administration
  • Reporting
  • Integration
  • Tasks
NOTE: You cannot create custom roles for SecureClient.

4. Choose your role’s user type

Determine the level of user you want your custom role to be available to in the Pick the user type from the list below menu.

The available user types are as follows:

  • Site – The role can only be assigned to site-level users.
  • Centre – The role can be assigned to centre and site-level users.
  • Subject – The role can be assigned to subject, centre, and site-level users.
NOTE: Specific centres and/or subjects for Centre and Subject users are chosen when assigning roles during user creation. For more information, read Creating a user.

5. Name your role

Name your role in the Add your role name in the box below entry field.

NOTE: Role names are limited to 200 characters.

6. Choose your role’s permissions

The available permissions depend on the section of Surpass chosen in Step 3.

Setup permissions

Site Settings permissions

Item Authoring permissions

Test Creation permissions

Test Administration permissions

Reporting permissions

Integration permissions

Tasks permissions

SecureClient permissions

7. Give your role a description

Enter a brief description for your new custom role in the Add your description text in the box below entry field.

NOTE: Role descriptions are limited to 400 characters.

8. Save your role

Select Save to confirm your new role’s details and save it.

The role is now available to assigned to a user.