About test types in the Test Wizard

The Test Wizard section of Surpass lets you create tests with predetermined test and delivery settings appropriate to the type of test you are creating. There are five test types available in Surpass.

This article explains the differences between the Learning, Formative, Summative and Paper and Onscreen test types. For more information about test delivery, About Surpass test delivery options.

In this article


TIP: Learning tests can be used to monitor candidates’ progress and prepare candidates for future formative and summative tests.
NOTE: Only tests containing computer-marked items generate instant results.

Learning tests are delivered in a web browser and are used for the purpose of candidate development. This allows candidates to view feedback at the end of their test.


TIP: Formative tests can be used to monitor candidates’ progress in preparation for summative tests.
NOTE: Only tests containing computer-marked questions generate instant results.

Formative tests are designed to be used as low-stakes tests and are delivered in a web browser. Some of the test feedback options are available to candidates immediately after a test, including the Printable Summary, Show Candidate Details, and the Show View Feedback Button.


TIP: The summative test type can be used to deliver high stakes tests.

Summative tests are designed to assess the final result of a candidate’s learning process. When you create a summative test, the Requires Invigilation and Requires Moderation to release results test settings are automatically selected. For more information, read About test settings and About test form settings.

Some of the test feedback options are available to candidates immediately after a test, including the Printable Summary, Show Candidate Details, and the Show View Feedback Button.

Summative tests are delivered in locked down SecureClient. This prevents candidates from accessing the internet and ensures full security during a test. Summative tests must be moderated before results can be released to candidates.

Paper and Onscreen

In the Test Wizard, you can create tests that can be taken both on paper and onscreen. When your paper test has been created, it is printed and handled externally until results are uploaded back into Surpass using OMR software. For more information, read Uploading OMR results in the Results screen.

You can also deliver paper tests onscreen. For this type of test, the Requires SecureClient test setting is automatically selected. Candidate feedback is not available for paper tests delivered onscreen and moderation is not required. For more information, read Creating a Paper and Onscreen test with the Test Wizard.

NOTE: This form is to provide feedback to help improve the Surpass Help documentation only. If you need live support, contact support@surpass.com.