Saving a search in Item Search

You can use Item Search to find items and item sets across all available subjects in Item Authoring. Search criteria can be saved and recalled to streamline your workflow in Item Search.

This article explains how to save search criteria in the Item Search screen.

In this article

1. Go to the Item Search screen

To view the Item Search screen, go to Item Authoring > Item Search.

2. Create your search criteria

To search for items in Item Search, you must first create some search criteria. You can create simple and advanced search criteria in Item Search.

For more information on creating search criteria, read Searching for items with Item Search.

3. Save your search criteria

Select Save As to save your search criteria.

Fill out the following fields in the Save Search dialog.

Field Description
Name Enter a name for the saved search. This name appears in the Select a saved search menu on the Item Search screen and the Saved Searches screen.

Enter a description of the saved search.

NOTE: Search criteria are not visible in either the Select a saved search menu on the Item Search screen or the Saved Searches screen. Use the Description field to explain the saved search criteria to other users.

Determines whether other users can see and use the saved search.

Select Private to prevent other users from viewing the saved search.

Select Shared to allow other users to view and use the saved search.

NOTE: Users with the Site Administrator permission can see all saved searches regardless of the chosen Visibility setting.

Select Save to save the search criteria.

NOTE: Searches can also be saved after a search has been executed. If you have executed a search, you can sort the columns in the results grid. This customisation is also captured in a saved search. For more information, read 'Filtering your search results' in About the Item Search results grid.

Further reading

Now you know how to save a search in Item Search, read the following articles to learn more:

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