About the Audit screen

WARNING: This article refers to an area of Surpass that uses Flash, which is no longer supported by web browsers. Use the Surpass Viewer to view this area of Surpass. For more information, read Installing the Surpass Viewer.
NOTE: Only site-level users can access the Audit screen. For more information, read About roles and permissions.

The Audit screen contains records for all tests delivered in your Surpass instance. From the Audit screen, you can view detailed reports about the test’s history and flag scripts for re-marking if necessary.

This article explains what the Audit screen is, how to navigate it, and how to use its features.

In this article

Navigating to the Audit screen

To view the Audit screen, go to Test Administration > Audit.

About the Audit grid

The Audit grid lists all historical scripts you have access to. Each row is dedicated to a single candidate script. Refer to the following table for information on each column.

Column Description
Warehouse State

Displays the current state of the script. When a script is submitted by the candidate and fully marked and moderated, it is stored in the Surpass warehouse. The available warehouse states are:

  • Warehoused – The script is stored in the Surpass warehouse.
  • Awaiting Export to SecureMarker – SecureMarker is waiting to receive the candidate’s script.
  • Exported to SecureMarker – SecureMarker has successfully received the candidate’s script.
  • Result Pending from SecureMarker – Surpass is waiting to receive marking information from SecureMarker.
  • Unable to Export to SecureMarker – There has been an issue with the candidate’s script. Please contact support@surpass.com.
  • Marked Externally – The candidate’s script has been exported from Surpass to be marked in an external app. The script will not return to Surpass. 
Subject  Displays the name of the test’s parent subject.
Test Name Displays the name of the test. 
Test Form Reference Displays the test form’s unique reference code.
Keycode Displays the keycode the candidate used to access the test.
Last Name Displays the candidate’s surname.
First Name Displays the candidate’s forename.
Candidate Ref. Displays the candidate’s unique reference code.
Duration Displays the test’s duration. 
Original Result Displays the result the candidate originally achieved on the test. This is presented as a grade (for example, “Pass”), rather than a raw mark.
Adjusted Result Displays the result the candidate received after any grade boundaries were changed. 
Scale Score
IMPORTANT: This is obsolete functionality and will be removed in a future release of Surpass.
Percent Displays the percentage score achieved by the candidate.
Mark Displays the raw score achieved by the candidate. 
Centre Name Displays the name of the centre the test was sat at.
Centre Code Displays the unique reference of the centre the test was sat at.
Completed Displays the date on which the candidate submitted their script.
Shown to Centre Indicates whether the test has been made available to centre-level users. 
Re-mark Status

Indicates where in the re-marking process the script is. The following states are available:

  • None – Re-marking has not been requested for this script.
  • Requested – The script has been flagged for re-marking and is awaiting attention in the Re-mark screen.
  • Re-marked – The script has been re-marked and has returned to the Audit screen.

For more information, read Flagging a script for re-marking in the Audit screen.

Exported Indicates whether the result has been retrieved via the Result API
Language Displays the language the test was taken in. 

Finding a script

By default, the Audit grid displays all historical scripts you have access to, ordered by most recently submitted. You can filter and sort to reorganise the Audit grid.

Filtering scripts

Select the expander () on a column header to open a contextual filter menu. Columns with filters applied are indicated by the filter icon: . You can combine filters across multiple columns.

Sorting scripts

Select a column header to sort the cell data alphabetically or numerically.

The arrow icon on the column header represents whether the information in the column is sorted in ascending () or descending () order. You can toggle between ascending or descending order by selecting the column header.

Actions on the Audit screen

There are many actions you can take on the Audit screen. Refer to the following table for more information on each option.

Setting Description
Export to CSV

Exports candidate results data to a spreadsheet. 

The export obeys whatever search or filter settings you have applied. For example, if you have set up the Audit grid to only show candidates that have passed, only those results will be exported to the spreadsheet.

Show to Centre Allows users in the Results screen to view candidate responses.
Hide From Centre Prevents users in the Results screen from viewing candidate responses.
Flag for Re-Mark Sends the selected script to the Re-marking screen, where it will be marked again. 
Cancel Re-Mark Abandons the re-marking process for the selected script.
Edit Grade Boundaries
NOTE: This is obsolete functionality and will be removed in a future release of Surpass. You can edit grade boundaries in the Moderate screen. For more information, read  Editing grade boundaries in the Moderate screen.
Audit Report Open the script’s audit report. For more information, read Viewing an audit report in the Audit screen.
View Responses Opens the candidate’s script, allowing to view their responses to each item in the test. 
Quintile Analysis Opens a report for any Multiple Choice items in the test with responses presented against five performance-based brackets of candidates (or quintiles). Correct answers are indicated by an asterisk (*). Quintile 1 contains the highest performing candidates and Quintile 5 contains the lowest performing candidates. 
Question Summary Opens a summary report for all items in the test, including each item’s ID, name, P value, and Discrimination Index
Package Test

Downloads a package of the script containing all test content and candidate’s responses in a read-only format. This can be distributed externally to Surpass.

TIP: For more information on packaged scripts, read Packaging a script in the Moderate screen.

Further reading

To learn more about working in Audit, read the following articles:

NOTE: This form is to provide feedback to help improve the Surpass Help documentation only. If you need live support, contact support@surpass.com.