Working as a lead assignee

In Tasks, lead assignees act as senior team members on specified tasks.

A lead assignee is a user with the Authoring Assignee, Review Assignee, or Standard Setting Assignee permission who has been chosen by the task manager to be a team leader for this particular task. The Assignee permission allows you to work in tasks and gives you access to the Own Tasks list where you can observe the progress of tasks you have been assigned. Lead assignees are assigned during task setup and are given extra functionality. For more information about the Tasks screen, read About the Tasks screen.

This article explains a lead assignee’s role in Authoring tasks, Review tasks, and Standard Setting tasks.

In this article

Authoring tasks

In Authoring tasks, lead assignees have the ability to view all assignees’ items and make any changes before submission. Lead assignees play an editorial role in Authoring tasks. To learn more, read Working in an Authoring (Edit Existing Items) task as a lead assignee and Working in an Authoring (Create New Items) task as a lead assignee.

Review tasks

In Shared Review tasks, lead assignees count assignees’ votes on each item and read comments to make a final decision and change the item’s workflow status. To learn more, read Working in a Shared Review task as a lead assignee.

In Individual Review tasks, lead assignees review all assignees’ item versions and promote selected changes to the original central copy of the item. To learn more, read Working in an Individual Review task as a lead assignee.

In Item Analysis Review tasks, lead assignees read and compare assignee’s comments on the items. Lead assignees can then make a final decision on the items by accepting, changing or deleting the item. To learn more, read Working in an Item Analysis Review task as a lead assignee.

Standard Setting tasks

In Standard Setting tasks, lead assignees can view read-only versions of the task’s items without restricted navigation settings and download a summary of assignees’ ratings. To learn more, read Working in a Standard Setting task as a lead assignee.