Sharing tests in the Test Wizard

In Surpass, you can share tests with the Test Wizard. Sharing a test lets other users perform quality review checks and interact with the test as a candidate would.

This article explains how to share tests with the Test Wizard, including how to schedule a quality review test.

In this article

1. Go to your subject

You can share tests with the Test Wizard in Item Authoring. In your subject, select Tests  to open the Test Wizard menu.

2. Share your test

Select Share Test to share a test with the Test Wizard.

3. Choose your test

In the Share Test – Select Test Form and options dialog, choose the test you want to share with other users. You can search for a test using the free text search bar.

When you have selected a test, you can view a summary of the test you want to share.

Detail Description

Test Name

The test’s name.

Test Reference

The test’s unique alphanumeric reference code.

Test Form Name

The test form’s name.

Test Form Reference

The test form’s unique alphanumeric reference code.

Test Status

The test form’s status.

Test Availability

The period of time in which the test is available for scheduling. 


The total number of questions in the test.

Total Marks

The total number of marks available in the test.

Total Items

The total number of items in the test, including Introduction Pages and Finish pages.

Grade Boundaries

The test’s grade boundaries. You can set up to ten custom grade boundaries for your test. Grade boundaries can be defined on either percentages or numerical scores. For more information, read Setting up grade boundaries.

Test Source

The area of Surpass where the test was created. This can either be the Test Wizard or Test Creation.

4. Configure the settings

In the Settings panel, you can configure the settings of the test you want to share.

Schedule and Create Keycodes

NOTE: You can only use Schedule and Create Keycodes for users with the Review Shared Tests permission.

In the Test Wizard, you can schedule quality review tests. This lets other users perform quality checks on a test and ensure it is behaving as expected.

IMPORTANT: You can only take quality review tests in web delivery. For more information on delivery methods, read About Surpass test delivery options.
NOTE: You can only schedule quality review tests for tests at Live or Quality Review status.

When you have selected Schedule and Create Keycodes, you can choose the centre the users are associated with.

Enable Quality Review Panel

If the quality review panel is enabled, users can view marking information, download mark schemes, and view the correct answers in a test. If this setting is selected in combination with the Schedule and Create Keycodes setting for a test delivered in HTML, the quality review panel displays more detailed information. For more information, read About the Quality Review panel.

Anonymous Share

TIP: Anonymous Share displays a candidate perspective on test-ready content. To perform in-depth quality checks on tests, use the Quality Review Panel. For more information, read About the Quality Review Panel.

You can choose to only share the test with the user logged into Surpass. This link can then be distributed and accessed by other users.

NOTE: To enable end of test summary feedback in anonymously shared test forms, speak to your Surpass Account Manager.

Select Continue .

5. Select users

NOTE: If you selected Anonymous Share in the Settings panel, you cannot select other users to share a test with.

In the Share Test dialog, you can select the users you want to share your test with. You can search for users by their first name, last name, and username. Once selected, press Continue .

6. Share test with users

You can define your test schedule availability window in the Share Test – Select dates and number of keycodes dialog. You can also define how many keycodes are generated for each user.

NOTE: You can schedule a maximum of five tests per user.

Select Schedule Test to schedule the quality review test. You will receive an email containing unique keycodes for each user. These keycodes can only be used once.

If you selected Anonymous Share in the Settings panel, the web link availability can be set between one and seven days. Select Create Web Link .

When you have created a web link, an email containing the web link is sent to the user.