About Customise Columns options

IMPORTANT: You must have the Site Administrator role in order to view Site Settings. For more information, read About roles and permissions.

The Customise Columns section of Site Settings allows you to customise the layout and content of the Test Administration screens. You can decide what information is displayed and the order in which it is displayed. Any changes made in Customise Columns affect all users in your instance of Surpass.

EXAMPLE: You might want to remove the First Name and Last Name columns in the Mark screen to implement blind marking.

This article explains how to use the Customise Columns options in Site Settings to configure the appearance of the Test Administration screens.

In this article

Navigating to the Customise Columns screen

To view Site Settings, select your user name to open the User menu.

Select Site Settings in the User menu.

Select the Customise Columns tab to view the Customise Columns options.

About the Customise Columns screen

The Customise Columns screen is divided into two areas. Settings are separated into sections that are displayed in the Tabs list. Each of these sections correspond with a screen in Test Administration.

Select a section in the Tabs list to edit the columns on its associated screen.

Select or clear a column’s Show checkbox to show or hide the column, respectively.

NOTE: Each section must have at least one column set to Show.

In Moderate, Results, Re-mark, and Audit, select or clear a column’s Printable checkbox to show or hide its information in the printed version of the data.

NOTE: Setting a column as Printable has no effect on the Results (HTML) screen.

Drag Move to reorder the columns.

Customise Columns settings are saved on a section-by-section basis. Ensure that you select Save Changes to save your changes before moving to another section. Select Cancel to discard any unsaved changes. To reset the section to its original settings, select Restore Default.

About Schedule (Group by session)

NOTE: This applies to the Schedule (Legacy) screen with the Group by session layout option selected. For more information, read About the Schedule (Legacy) screen.

In Schedule (Group by session), you can configure the visibility and order of the following columns.

Column Description

Displays the validity of the test session. Tests can be Valid  or Invalid . Only valid tests can be taken by candidates.

NOTE: A test can become invalid if the rules defined in Test Creation can no longer be met.
Centre Name Displays the name of the test’s parent centre.
Subject Displays the name of the test’s parent subject.
Test Name Displays the name of the test.
Start Date Displays the date on which the test session starts.
End Date Displays the date on which the test session ends.
Start Time Displays the earliest time on a valid test day that candidates can start the test.
End Time Displays the latest time on a valid test day that candidates can start the test.
Number of Candidates Displays the number of candidates scheduled for this test session.
Date Scheduled Displays when the test session was scheduled.
Scheduled By Displays the user name of the person who scheduled the test session. 

Displays the test session’s current status. This is dependent on the Advance content download timespan test form setting. There are two available test session statuses:

  • Editable – Candidate details and test times can be edited.
  • Locked – Tests cannot be edited. 
Invigilated Indicates whether the test requires invigilation. For more information, read Setting up a test for invigilation.

About Schedule (Show each candidate)

NOTE: This applies to the Schedule (Legacy) screen with the Show each candidate layout option selected and the Schedule (Standard) screen. For more information, read About the Schedule (Legacy) screen and About the Schedule (Standard) screen.

In Schedule (Show each candidate), you can configure the visibility and order of the following columns.

Column Description

Displays the validity of the test session. Tests can be either Valid  or Invalid . Only valid tests can be taken by candidates.

NOTE: A test can become invalid if the rules defined in Test Creation can no longer be met.
Centre Name Displays the name of the test’s parent centre.
Subject Displays the name of the test’s parent subject.
Test Name Displays the name of the test.
Candidate Displays the name of the candidate.
Candidate ref. Displays the candidate’s unique reference code.
Date of Birth Displays the candidate’s date of birth.
Start Date Displays the date on which the test session starts.
End Date Displays the date on which the test session ends.
Start Time Displays the earliest time on a valid test day that candidates can start the test.
End Time Displays the latest time on a valid test day that candidates can start the test.
Date Scheduled Displays when the test session was scheduled.
Scheduled By Displays the user name of the person who scheduled the test session.

Displays the test session’s current status. This is dependent on the Advance content download timespan test form setting. There are two available test session statuses:

  • Editable – Candidate details and test times can be edited.
  • Locked – Tests cannot be edited. 
Invigilated Indicates whether the test requires invigilation. For more information, read Setting up a test for invigilation.

About Invigilate

NOTE: This applies to the Invigilate (Legacy) and Invigilate (Standard) screens. For more information, read About the Invigilate (Legacy) screen and About the Invigilate (Standard) screen.

In Invigilate, you can configure the visibility and order of the following columns.

Column Description


Displays the status of the candidate’s test.

  • Awaiting Upload – The test has been downloaded in advance and taken in SecureClient, but has not yet been uploaded back to the central server.
  • Finished – The candidate has submitted their test successfully. 
  • In Progress – The candidate is currently taking the test.
  • Locked For Invigilator – The candidate has entered their keycode and is waiting for an invigilator to unlock their test. For more information on unlocking tests, read Unlocking an invigilated test.
  • Locked For PIN – The candidate has entered their keycode and is waiting for an invigilator to give them their PIN. For more information on unlocking tests, read Unlocking an invigilated test.
  • Offline – The test is being taken offline.
  • Offline Voided – The test was taken offline and has been voided. For more information, read Voiding a test.
  • Paused – The test has been paused. 
  • Ready – The test is ready to be taken.
  • Scheduled (locked) – The test is being prepared and cannot yet be started.
  • Void – The test has been voided. For more information, read Voiding a test.

Displays the test session’s PIN code. A PIN code is a string of characters that candidates must enter to unlock an invigilated test. PIN codes are unique to a test session and shared by all candidates sitting the test. PIN codes are only visible to users in the Invigilate screen. 

For more information, read Unlocking an invigilated test.

NOTE: PIN codes might still be visible for tests that do not require invigilation.
Test Name Displays the name of the test being taken taken.

Displays the candidate’s unique alphanumeric keycode. The candidate needs this keycode in order to enter the test. Keycodes are also printed in invigilation packs

For more information, read Printing an invigilation pack.

Centre Name Displays the name of the centre the test is being sat at. 

Displays any tags that were assigned to the test when scheduling via the TestSchedule API

TIP: This might include details on the amount of unscheduled break time allocated to each candidate.
Subject Displays the name of the subject that contains the test being sat.
Start Date Displays the test’s start date. This is the earliest date a candidate can start the test.
End Date Displays the test’s end date. This is the latest date a candidate can start the test.
Start Time Displays the test’s start time. This is the earliest time on a valid test day that a candidate can start the test.
End Time Displays the test’s end time. This is the latest time on a valid test day that a candidate can start the test.
Candidate Displays the candidate’s name.
Candidate ref. Displays the candidate’s unique alphanumeric reference code.
Invigilated Indicates whether the test has been scheduled for invigilation. Tests scheduled for invigilation have a secondary lock that requires manual intervention from invigilators before being accessed by candidates.
Duration Displays the test’s time limit in minutes (for computer based tests) or days (for computer based projects).
Strict Control
NOTE: This is obsolete functionality and will be removed in a future release of Surpass.
Auto Sync
NOTE: This is obsolete functionality and will be removed in a future release of Surpass.

About Mark

NOTE: This applies to the Mark (Legacy) and Mark (Standard) screens. For more information, read About the Mark (Legacy) screen and About the Mark (Standard) screen.

In Mark, you can configure the visibility and order of the following columns.

Column Description
Status Indicates whether the candidate’s script has been escalated. For more information, read Escalating a script from the Mark screen.
Subject Displays the name of the test’s parent subject.
Test Name Displays the name of the test.
Test Form Displays the test form’s unique reference number.
Centre Name Displays the name of the test’s parent centre.
Centre Code Displays the parent centre’s unique reference number.
Last Name Displays the candidate’s last name.
First Name Displays the candidate’s first name.
Completed Date Displays the date on which the candidate submitted the script. 
Max Mark Available Displays the maximum mark available for the script.
Mark Awarded Displays the total mark awarded to the candidate.
Percent Displays the total mark awarded to the candidate as a percentage.
Marking Progress

Displays the marking progress for the script as a percentage.

NOTE: Scripts that have not been marked display as Not started.
Auto Void Date Displays the date on which the script is automatically voided.
Override Auto Mark Indicates whether Enable Override Auto Mark has been enabled for the script.
Marker Displays the user who marked the script.
Moderator Displays the user who moderated the script.

About Moderate

NOTE: This applies to the Moderate screen. For more information, read About the Moderate screen.

In Moderate, you can configure the visibility and order of the following columns.

Column Description
Centre Name Displays the name of the test’s parent centre.
Subject Displays the name of the test’s parent subject.
Test Name Displays the name of the test.
Test Form Reference Displays the test form’s unique reference number.
Last Name Displays the candidate’s last name.
First Name Displays the candidate’s first name.
Candidate ref. Displays the candidate’s unique reference number.

Displays the candidate’s unique learner number.

NOTE: Candidate ULN numbers only display if Enable ULN has been enabled in Site Settings.
Original Result

Displays the candidate’s original result before moderation.

Adjusted Result Displays the candidate’s adjusted result after moderation. 
Percent Displays the percentage score achieved by the candidate.
Mark Displays the mark achieved by the candidate. 
Centre Code Displays the parent centre’s unique reference number.
Completed Displays the date on which the candidate submitted the test .
Override Auto Mark Displays if Enable Override Auto Mark has been enabled on the script.
Moderator Displays the user who moderated the script.
Marker Displays the user who marked the script.
Status Indicates whether the script has been escalated.

About Results

In Results, you can configure the visibility and order of the following columns.

Column Description

Displays the keycode the candidate used to enter the test. Keycodes are unique and specific to the candidate and the test session.

Last name Displays the candidate’s last name.
First name Displays the candidate’s first name.
Subject Displays the name of the test’s parent subject.
Test Name Displays the name of the test.
Candidate Ref Displays the candidate’s unique reference number.
Result Displays the result achieved by the candidate.
Scale Score

Displays the scale score achieved by the candidate.

IMPORTANT: Scale Score is obsolete functionality and will be removed in a future release of Surpass.
Percent Displays the percentage score achieved by the candidate.
Mark Displays the numerical mark achieved by the candidate.
Centre Name Displays the name of the test’s parent centre.
Completed Displays the date on which the candidate submitted their script.
Duration Displays the test’s time limit in minutes (computer based tests) or days (computer based projects).
Shown to Centre If Yes, users with centre-level permissions can view candidate responses and package tests in the Results screen.

About Re-mark

NOTE: This applies to the Re-mark screen. For more information, read About the Re-mark screen.

In Re-mark, you can configure the visibility and order of the following columns.

Column Description
Subject Displays the name of the test’s parent subject.
Test Name Displays the name of the test.
Test Form Reference Displays the test form’s unique reference number.
Last Name Displays the candidate’s last name.
First Name Displays the candidate’s first name.
Candidate Ref. Displays the candidate’s unique reference number.
Duration Displays the test’s time limit in minutes (computer based tests) or days (computer based projects).
Original Result Displays the candidate’s original result.
Adjusted Result Displays the candidate’s adjusted result after any grade boundary changes.
Scale Score

Displays the scale score achieved by the candidate.

IMPORTANT: Scale Score is obsolete functionality and will be removed in a future release of Surpass.
Percent Displays the percentage score achieved by the candidate.
Mark Displays the numerical mark achieved by the candidate.
Centre Name Displays the name of the test’s parent centre.
Completed Displays the date on which the candidate submitted their script.

About Audit

NOTE: This applies to the Audit screen. For more information, read About the Audit screen.

In Audit, you can configure the visibility and order of the following columns.

Column Description
Warehouse State

Displays the current state of the script. When a script is submitted by the candidate and fully marked and moderated, it is stored in the Surpass warehouse. The available warehouse states are:

  • Warehoused – The script is stored in the Surpass warehouse.
  • Awaiting Export to SecureMarker – SecureMarker is waiting to receive the candidate’s script.
  • Exported to SecureMarker – SecureMarker has successfully received the candidate’s script.
  • Result Pending from SecureMarker – Surpass is waiting to receive marking information from SecureMarker.
  • Unable to Export to SecureMarker – There has been an issue with the candidate’s script. Please contact support@surpass.com
  • Marked Externally – The candidate’s script has been exported from Surpass to be marked in an external app. The script will not return to Surpass. 
Subject  Displays the name of the test’s parent subject.
Test Name Displays the name of the test. 
Test Form Reference Displays the test form’s unique reference code.
Keycode Displays the keycode the candidate used to access the test.
Last Name Displays the candidate’s surname.
First Name Displays the candidate’s forename.
Candidate Ref. Displays the candidate’s unique reference code.
Duration Displays the test’s duration. 
Original Result Displays the result the candidate originally achieved on the test. This is presented as a grade (for example, “Pass”), rather than a raw mark.
Adjusted Result Displays the result the candidate received after any grade boundaries were changed. 
Scale Score

Displays the score achieved by the candidate mapped to a scale score.

IMPORTANT: Scale Score is obsolete functionality and will be removed in a future release of Surpass.
Percent Displays the percentage score achieved by the candidate.
Mark Displays the raw score achieved by the candidate. 
Centre Name Displays the name of the centre the test was sat at.
Centre Code Displays the unique reference of the centre the test was sat at.
Completed Displays the date on which the candidate submitted their script.
Shown to Centre Indicates whether the test has been made available to centre-level users. 
Re-mark Status

Indicates where in the re-marking process the script is. The following states are available:

  • None – Re-marking has not been requested for this script.
  • Requested – The script has been flagged for re-marking and is awaiting attention in the Re-mark screen.
  • Re-marked – The script has been re-marked and has returned to the Audit screen.

For more information, read Flagging a script for re-marking in the Audit screen.

Exported Indicates whether the result has been retrieved via the Result API
Language Displays the language the test was taken in. 

About Candidate Review

NOTE: This applies to the Candidate Review screen. For more information, read About the Candidate Review screen.

In Candidate Review, you can configure the visibility and order of the columns in both the Schedule Review table and Candidate Information table.

Schedule Review

Column Description
Date Displays the date on which the review session is scheduled to take place.
Time Displays the time window in which the review session will take place.
Passcode Displays the six digit passcode required to access the candidate review session.
Centre Displays the name of the centre at which the candidate review session will take place.
Test Displays the name of the test that is being reviewed.
No. of Candidates Displays the total number of candidates scheduled for the candidate review session.

Candidate Information

Column Description
Name Displays the name of the candidate.
Candidate Ref Displays the candidate’s unique alphanumeric reference number.
Keycode Displays the candidate’s unique six digit keycode. Candidates will use this keycode to access the test during the candidate review session.
Completed Date Displays the date on which the candidate completed their test.

Further reading

NOTE: This form is to provide feedback to help improve the Surpass Help documentation only. If you need live support, contact support@surpass.com.