Starting online-only secure browser tests

If your test is set up for online-only secure browser delivery, depending on what type of device you are using, the Surpass test driver will prompt you to enable the relevant kiosk mode in order to start your test.

This article explains how to start a secure browser delivery test. For more information on online-only secure browser delivery, read About online-only secure browser delivery.

NOTE: If you are experiencing any technical difficulties launching secure browser tests, read 'Test centre and administrator guidance' in About online-only secure browser delivery before contacting
In This Article

1. Open the Surpass test driver

The Surpass test driver can be opened from the Launch Test screen or directly via URL.

TIP: A typical browser delivery test setup involves candidates receiving a URL taking them directly to the Enter Keycode screen. For tests taken using online-only secure browser mode, you can provide candidates with a simple link that launches their test in a web browser, bypasses the keycode screen, and prompts them to enable kiosk mode in order to begin their test.

Speak to your Surpass Customer Success Manager for help with configuring these URLs.

Choose a language and select Launch in the Secure browser delivery > Online-only section of the Launch Test screen. For more information, read Opening the Surpass test driver.

2. Enter your keycode

Enter your unique alphanumeric keycode and confirm your details in the Enter Keycode screen of online-only secure browser delivery. For more information on the Enter Keycode screen, read Entering your keycode and confirming your details.

NOTE: While you can configure your preferences at this stage, any changes to preferences made here have no effect. Preferences for secure browser delivery tests must be applied during the test. To learn how to apply preferences during a test, read 'Preferences' in About the Surpass test driver interface.

3. Launch your test

After entering your keycode, the Enter Keycode screen confirms that your test is configured for secure browser delivery. Select Launch to continue.

4. Allow Take a Test to run

Select Open Take a Test to allow Windows’ kiosk mode – Take a Test – to run.

TIP: If taking multiple tests, select to Always allow {your Surpass instance} to open links of this type in the associated app before pressing Open Take a Test.

Launching your test on iPad/Mac

Secure browser delivery tests taken on iPad/Mac devices use the SecureClient for iPad/Mac application to enter the iOS/MacOS kiosk mode, known as ‘Assessment Mode’.

If taking your test on an iPad or Mac, select Allow in response to allowing your web browser to open SecureClient.

IMPORTANT: If you do not already have SecureClient for iPad/Mac installed, secure browser tests will not launch successfully. For information on how to install SecureClient, read Installing SecureClient.

5. Confirm your details

NOTE: You can enable Requires User Details Confirmation in the Advanced Settings tab of the Edit Test window in Test Creation. You cannot disable this requirement in the Test Wizard. For more information, read 'Test Interface Options' in About test settings.

Confirm your details in the Confirm Details dialog. For more information, read Entering your keycode and confirming your details.

6. Agree to terms

NOTE: Candidate Agreement is enabled by default in a test's Advanced Settings. This forces candidates to agree to specified Terms before starting the test. For more information, read 'Additional Settings' in About test settings in the Test Wizard.

Before you can start your test, you must agree to any terms. Select I accept these terms and choose Continue to start your test.

If your test contains Audio Capture questions, you must test your microphone by recording a short audio clip in the Sound Recording Test. For more information, read ‘Checking your microphone for Audio Capture questions’ in Checking your system.

If your test requires invigilation, enter your PIN if you have it or wait for further instructions from an invigilator before you can proceed. For more information, read ‘2. Unlock your test’ in Starting invigilated tests.

Enabling Assessment Mode on iPad

If taking your test on an iPad, once you have agreed to the terms you are prompted to allow Assessment Mode to run. Select Yes in the Confirm App Self-Lock dialog to continue and start your test.

NOTE: Tests taken on Mac have Assessment Mode running once a keycode is entered and the test is launched.