Importing files to the media library

All of your subject’s media (images, videos, audio files, and source material) are stored in a subject-specific repository called the media library. You must import files to the media library before you can add them to items.

This article explains how to import files to the media library and includes details on supported file types and importing shared resources for use on multiple items.

1. Open the media library

In your subject, select Media Library to open the subject’s media library.

TIP: You can also open the media library from an item’s Edit screen. To open the media library from an item, use Select Media. For more information, read Creating items.

2. Choose import type

There are two ways to upload media to the Surpass media library: Import and Import Shared Resource .

Use Import Shared Resource in the following circumstances:

  • The media/source material is to be used on multiple items in the same test.
  • You are uploading a zipped HTML package.
  • You are uploading a PDF for use in the Surpass PDF viewer.

3. Choose your media

WARNING: Media file filenames must not contain apostrophes.

Selecting Import or Import Shared Resource opens your device’s file explorer. Choose the files you want to upload and select Open.

Supported file types

You can upload the following file types to the Surpass media library. Some file types can be embedded on the item and viewed in the test driver (Internal). Other file types require candidates to download the files and open them in an external application (External). This requires the relevant software to be installed on the test device.

HTML packages

In HTML subjects, you can use HTML packages to upload custom content such as animations to the media library. An HTML package must be imported to the media library as a shared resource and added to an item as source material.

NOTE: HTML packages are only supported in HTML tests.

Custom Question Types

Custom Question Type files are ZIP files that contain configurable custom question content. These ZIP files must be imported as a shared resource. For more information on Custom Questions, read Creating Custom Question Types.

4. Choose media type (images only)

If you are uploading images, you must choose whether the images are to be used as Media or Source Material .

Media images are embedded on the item and are visible alongside the question text and answer options. For more information, read Adding images to an item.

Source material images are attached to the item and require candidates to manually open them. Source material images can be used in the high-fidelity image viewer if they are grouped. For more information, read About the Surpass high-fidelity image viewer and Grouping media in the media library.

NOTE: If you import an image as source material, you can choose whether to import the full resolution image using Import full size image(s). Images not imported at full size are automatically resized to fit the test driver.

When you have chosen Media or Source Material , select Upload Image(s) to upload your files.

Further reading

To learn more about source material in Surpass, read the following articles: