Getting started in the Test Wizard
The Test Wizard section of Surpass is where you can create and edit tests. The Test Wizard provides a simple way of creating tests, using predetermined test and delivery settings appropriate to the type of test you are creating.
This section discusses everything you need to know before you create a test in the Test Wizard. This includes detailed information on the difference between creating tests in the Test Wizard and Test Creation. You will also learn about the different test types in the Test Wizard.
In This Section
Differences between the Test Wizard and Test Creation
Differences between the Test Wizard and Test Creation explores the differences between creating tests in the Test Wizard and Test Creation. This section also includes information on how to manage tests and test forms in both screens.
About test types in the Test Wizard
About test types in the Test Wizard looks at the different test types in Surpass. This includes information on Learning, Formative, Summative, Paper and Onscreen, and HTML Delivery tests.