Creating a computer-based project in the Test Wizard

NOTE: Computer-based projects must be taken in web delivery. You cannot retrospectively change a computer-based test created with the Test Wizard into a computer-based project.

A computer-based project is a long-term assessment measured in days or weeks. Candidates can log into their test at any time between the start and end dates.

This article explains how to create a computer-based project.

In this section

1. Open the Test Wizard

In Item Authoring, open your subject and select Tests to open the Test Wizard menu.

2. Select Create New Test

Select Create New Test to open the Create New Test dialog.

3. Select the test type

Select your test type in the Select test type dialog. For more information on the available test types in the Test Wizard, read About test types in the Test Wizard.

4. Set the Test Type setting to Computer-based Project

In the Test Settings tab, select Computer-based Project in the Test Type area.

5. Configure your settings

You can configure the settings of your computer-based project in the Test Wizard. For more information about the available settings in the Test Wizard, read About test settings in the Test Wizard and About test form settings in the Test Wizard.

In the Date & Time section of Test Settings, you can configure the availability of the computer-based project. During this time, candidates can enter the project at any point.

NOTE: Project end dates can be modified by invigilators in the Invigilate screen. For more information, read Modifying the submission date of a computer-based project in the Invigilate screen.