Adding Introduction and Finish Pages to a test form

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You can add Introduction and Finish Pages to provide information to candidates at the start and end of a test.

Introduction and Finish Pages appear in separate sections that can be independently timed. You can add both Introduction and Finish Pages in the same way.

TIP: You can also add sample items to the introduction section so candidates can practise interacting with questions before they start the test.

This article explains how to add Introduction Pages and sample items to a test form’s introduction section and Finish Pages to a test form’s finish section.

In this article

1. Choose a section

In the Test Rules area of the Test Form Rules tab, select the Introduction or Finish section folder.

Select Add to add a new page to the section.

2. Find a page

The Section Properties dialog displays the relevant items in your subject depending on the type of section selected. Introduction Pages and sample items are displayed in introduction sections. Finish pages are displayed in finish sections.

Expand the folders in your subject to find an item.

NOTE: You can define the section's duration in minutes in the Section Duration field. This applies to timed and timed section tests.

3. Add the page

Select OK to add the page to the section.

IMPORTANT: You cannot reorder Introduction Pages or sample items once you have added them to an introduction section. Ensure you add all pages in the correct order.

Further reading

See the following articles for more information about adding items to test forms: