Modifying the submission date of a computer-based project in the Invigilate screen

In Invigilate, you can change the submission date for a particular candidate’s computer-based project. You can only modify the submission date of projects at the In Progress, Paused, or Ready states. 

This article explains how to change the submission date of a candidate’s computer-based project in the Invigilate screen.

1. Go to the Invigilate screen

To change the submission date of a candidate’s computer-based project, navigate to the Invigilate screen in Test Administration.

TIP: For more information about the Invigilate screen, read About the Invigilate screen.

2. Select a test

Choose the test you want to change the submission date of a candidate’s computer-based project for in the Invigilate grid.

Select Modify Submission Date to open the Modify Submission Date dialog.

3. Choose a new end date

Enter a new End Date in DD/MM/YYYY format.

You can also use the calendar  to select a date. Use the Next  and Previous  arrows to navigate between months.

4. Provide a reason

Provide a reason in the Reason text field, of at least 10 characters.

5. Confirm your changes

IMPORTANT: Any candidates with reasonable adjustments will not be given their extra time in addition to the modified date. You must take this into account when changing the submission date.

Select Modify to confirm the updated submission date.