Modifying the duration of a test in the Invigilate screen

In Invigilate, you can change the duration of a candidate’s test. You can only modify the test duration for tests at the Locked or Ready states, unless the test setting Allow Time Extension While In Progress is enabled.

This article explains how to modify test duration in the Invigilate screen.

1. Go to the Invigilate screen

To change the duration of a candidate’s test, navigate to the Invigilate screen in Test Administration.

TIP: For more information about the Invigilate screen, read About the Invigilate screen.

2. Select a test

Choose the test you want to modify the duration of in the Invigilate grid.

Select Modify Duration to open the Edit Candidate Exam Duration dialog.

3. Modify the duration

NOTE: You cannot reduce the duration of a test. If modifying the duration of an In Progress test with timed sections, the additional time given is evenly distributed across each section, including any sections the candidate may have already completed.
TIP: If the test-level Enable strict control for Reasonable Adjustments setting is enabled, only candidates with reasonable adjustments applied can be given extra time, but only by users with the Add extra time to tests with strict control for reasonable adjustments permission. You may want to do this to prevent invigilators giving extra time to candidates who do not have reasonable adjustments.

Enter an updated duration in the Duration text field. A percentage of how much extra time is being added is indicated.

Refer to the table blow for a description of the information available in the Edit Candidate Exam Duration dialog.

Information Description
Candidate Displays the name of the candidate.
Candidate ref. Displays the candidate’s unique reference code.
Standard Duration Displays the original test duration set for the candidate.
Pre-registered Additional Time

If the candidate has reasonable adjustments applied, displays the additional time already assigned to the candidate.

NOTE: The default extra duration value is defined in the test form’s settings, unless a custom reasonable adjustments value has been applied to the candidate in Setup. The maximum amount of time that can be given is also defined in the test form’s settings. For more information on reasonable adjustments, read Setting up reasonable adjustments for candidates.
Break Time Displays the time allowed for a break during the exam.

Enter a length of time (in minutes) to give the candidate extra time.

For candidates with reasonable adjustments, the default duration value is defined in the test form’s settings, unless a custom reasonable adjustments value has been applied to the candidate in Setup.

Maximum Duration

Displays the maximum extra time the candidate now has, which is limited by the maximum value defined in the test form’s settings.

Reason for Additional Time Select your reason for editing the candidate’s allotted time.

4. Provide a reason

Choose a reason for the extra time being given from the Reason for Additional Time drop-down menu.

If the reason provided is Other, you must enter a reason using at least 10 characters.

5. Confirm your changes

Select OK to confirm the modified duration.