Setting up tag groups

In Surpass, you can attach metadata (known as ‘tags’) to items and then use these tags to organise items when authoring content, creating tests, and viewing results. Tags are made up of ‘tag groups’ and ‘tag values’.

Tag groups are categorised containers for tag values. You can create tag groups in the Subjects screen of Setup. Tag groups are subject-specific.

EXAMPLE: The tag group Difficulty Rating could contain the following tag values: Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced.

This article explains how to set up tag groups in the Subjects screen of Setup, including how to edit a tag group.

In this article

1. Go to the Subjects screen in Setup

To view the Subjects screen in Setup, go to Setup > Subjects.

TIP: For more information about the Subjects screen, read About the Subjects screen in Setup.

2. Choose a subject in the Subjects list

Choose a subject in the Subjects list.

3. Select Create Tag Group in the Tag Groups panel

The Tag Groups panel displays the chosen subject’s existing tag groups.

NOTE: The default tag groups are Learning Outcomes, Units, and Keywords.

Select Create Tag Group to create a new custom tag group.

4. Create your tag group

Enter a name for the tag group in the Create Tag Group dialog.

NOTE: The following symbols are not supported in the Group Name field: " ' & < >.

Refer to the following table about the available settings in the Create Tag Group dialog.

Setting Description

Use in Tag Collections

Determines whether this tag group will be available to select when creating a tag collection group. For more information, read Setting up tag collection groups.

NOTE: Only one tag value can be created if this tag group is part of a tag collection. If the tag group is being used in tag collections, only the tag values in the tag collection marked as the latest tag collection are reflected in the No. Items count. For more information, read 'Creating a new tag collection' in Using tag collections in items.


Prevents users without the Read-only Tag Groups permission from editing this tag group. For more information, read About roles and permissions.

Publish to Test Creation

Determines whether tags in this tag group are published from Item Authoring to Test Creation.

NOTE: For existing subjects with items, changes do not take effect until changes are made to a live item in Item Authoring as this triggers a republish of the tag group.
IMPORTANT: Item pools that are generated from item lists still include all tags even if the Publish to Test Creation checkbox is deselected.

Allow authors to create their own tags

Allows users to create their own tag values in Item Authoring

NOTE: Users can only select from predetermined tag values if Allow authors to create their own tags is not selected.
NOTE: Up to 150 tag groups can be assigned to a subject. 

Setting up text tag values

Select Text in the Create Tag Group dialog to create a tag group containing text tag values.

Before creating a tag value, choose whether you want users to only assign one tag (Single Tag) or any number of tags (Multiple Tags) to items from this tag group.

NOTE: You cannot change the tag value type (Single Tag to Multiple Tags / Multiple Tags to Single Tag) when a tag value has been created and saved.

Select Add Tag Value to create a new tag value. You can add up to 100 tag values to a tag group.

TIP: Type in the search bar to filter existing tag values in real time. Surpass looks up your search string in tag values’ Name fields. For performance reasons, do not exceed 500 characters per tag value.

Select Edit to edit a tag value in the entry field. Select Remove to delete a tag value.

Select Special Characters Ω to add special characters to your tag value. For more information, read About special characters.

Setting up numeric tag values

Select Numeric in the Create Tag Group dialog to create a tag group containing numeric tag values.

The Value menu determines the range of values available in the tag group. Choose one of the following options from the Value menu.

Setting Description
Range/between two values Numeric tag values must be between two predetermined values (From and To).
Less than Numeric tag values must be less than or equal to a predetermined value.
Greater than Numeric tag values must be greater than or equal to a predetermined value. 
Custom Numeric tag values can be any value. 

Select Allow decimal places to enable decimal places in tag values. This cannot be changed after the tag group has been created.

5. Save your tag group

Select Create Tag Group to create your tag group.

The new tag group appears in the chosen subject’s Tag Groups panel. For more information about how to use tags in items, read Using tags in items.

Editing tag groups and their values

Created tag groups and their values can be edited. Expand the following section for more information.

Featuring tag groups

Up to three tag groups can be selected as a subject’s designated featured tag group. All tag values in featured tag groups are visible on items in Item Authoring and Tasks.

Deleting tag groups

Created tag groups can be deleted. Expand the following section for more information.

Further reading