Setting the marking type

When creating an item, you can decide whether you want the item to be marked automatically by Surpass (Computer) or if you want the item to be marked manually (Human). You can set the marking type in the Edit Settings dialog.

IMPORTANT: Essay, File Attach, Fraction Entry, and Spreadsheet items must be human marked.

This article explains how to set up your item’s marking type.

In this article

1. Go to your item’s Edit screen

Select an item in your subject to open it and go to the Edit screen.

2. Open the Item Settings panel

Open the Item Settings panel.

The General Settings tab is opened automatically.

3. Set the marking type

NOTE: The default Marking Type setting is based on the most appropriate option for the chosen question type.

Select either Computer (Auto) or Human against Marking Type to set your marking type.

After you have chosen your Marking Type option, select Save to save your item’s new marking type. Select Discard Changes to cancel any changes made in the Item Settings tab.

IMPORTANT: If you choose Computer (Auto), you must define a correct answer in the Edit screen.