Searching for items with Item Search

IMPORTANT: You must have the Item Search permission to access the Item Search screen. For more information, read About roles and permissions.

You can use Item Search to find items and item sets across all available subjects in Item Authoring. You can create search criteria using a variety of search parameters and perform advanced searches by combining search parameters with ‘AND’ / ‘OR’ Boolean operators.

When you have found the necessary items, you can create item lists for use in LOFT/Adaptive tests, Authoring tasks, or Review tasks. You can also bulk update items across multiple subjects in the Item Search results screen.

This article explains how to create search criteria and use both simple and advanced Boolean logic in Item Search.

In this article

1. Go to the Item Search screen

To view the Item Search screen, go to Item Authoring > Item Search.

2. Create your search criteria

To search for items in Item Search, you must first create some search criteria. You can create simple and advanced search criteria in Item Search.

Select New and choose New search parameter to begin creating a search criterion.

Choose a search parameter (for example, Question Type), choose a filter (is any of), and either enter or choose the relevant search value (Multiple Response) to create a search criterion. For a full list of all available search parameters and filters, read ‘Available search parameters’ later in this article.

To add another search criterion, select New , select New search parameter, and then choose the relevant parameter, filter, and value.

NOTE: To remove a search criterion, select Delete .

By default, all additional search criteria are added with ‘AND’ logic. This means that search criteria are added to each other. In the following example, the search will return only Multiple Response items at the Live workflow status (Question Type is Multiple Response AND Item Status is Live).

Using OR Boolean operators

There are two available Boolean operators in Item Search: ‘AND’ and ‘OR’. ‘AND’ operators require a match on all search parameters to return a result. ‘OR’ operators only require a match on one search parameter to return a result. ‘AND’ operators narrow the search while ‘OR’ operators broaden the search.

To change the search logic, select the Operator and choose OR in the menu.

The following example uses ‘OR’ logic and will return both Multiple Response items and items at the Live status (Question Type is Multiple Response OR Item Status is Live). The search results may include live Multiple Response items but might also include Multiple Response items at other workflow statuses and other item types that have been set to Live.

Creating advanced search criteria

To create advanced search criteria with multiple Boolean operators, select New and choose New Operator (AND/OR). Select the operator type (AND or OR) and then choose the relevant parameters, filters, and values to build your criteria.

The following example demonstrates combined ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ Boolean operators. The search will return Multiple Response items set to Live and Multiple Choice items set to Draft (Question Type is Multiple Response AND Item Status is Live OR Question Type is Multiple Choice AND Item Status is Draft).

TIP: Ensure that ‘OR’ is the highest-level operator if you want to distinguish between multiple ‘AND’ rules with no common values.

To see some examples of how to construct complex search criteria using multiple Boolean operators, expand the following sections.

Available search parameters

There are 25 available search parameters in Item Search. Expand the following section for information on each search parameter.

Saving a search

Search criteria can be saved and recalled to streamline your workflow. For information on how to use the saved search functionality, read Saving a search in Item Search.

Showing entire item sets

Items in item sets returned in your search results can be displayed either individually or collectively. Expand the following section for information on how to show entire item sets.

3. Search for items

Select Search to find items that match your chosen search criteria.

IMPORTANT: Searches only return items you have permission to view.

4. View your search results

NOTE: Searches with complex criteria or on a large item pool might take a long time.

After your search is complete, the Item Search grid is populated with items matching the chosen search criteria.

For more information about the Item Search results grid, read About the Item Search results grid.

TIP: Select Hide Search to hide the search criteria when viewing results. Select Amend Search to view the search criteria and make any changes. Select Clear All to delete all search criteria and start a new search.

Further reading

Now you know how to search for items using Item Search, read the following articles to learn more: