Adding audio to an item

NOTE: The accepted audio file types are MP3, MP4, and WAV.

You can add audio to items in Item Authoring. Audio can be used to support question content or to aid candidates with accessibility requirements. Audio can be embedded on the page or opened using external apps.

This article explains how to add audio an item, including how to import audio into the media library and configure audio player options.

In this article

1. Go to your item’s Edit screen

Select an item in your subject to open it and go to the Edit screen.

2. Open the Select Media dialog

Select Select Media on the Edit screen to open the Select Media dialog. The Select Media dialog is populated with media from your subject’s media library. For more information about the media library, read About the Surpass media library.

TIP: You can also add audio as source material and as assistive media. For more information, read Adding source material to an item and Adding assistive media to an item.

3. Choose your audio

IMPORTANT: The maximum file size is 20MB.
NOTE: You can add up to 30 media files to an item.

Search for your audio file and select Add media to item. You can preview your audio file before adding it to your item.

NOTE: Select Import to upload your audio file to the media library. Select Import Shared Resource to upload an audio file that can be shared across multiple items. For more information, read Importing files to the media library.

If you want to add another audio file to your item, select Add Media Item on the Edit screen.

To delete an audio file from your item, select Remove media from this item on the Edit screen.

Finding media

By default, files in the Select Media dialog are ordered alphabetically by name. To find a specific media file, you can search or re-order files.

Type into the search bar to filter the Select Media dialog in real time. Surpass looks up your search string in media files’ names.

Use the Order by menu to re-order the contents of the Select Media dialog by the most recently updated first (Last Updated), file names in alphabetical order (Title), or file types in alphabetical order (Type).

4. Configure audio player

If you add an MP3 or MP4 file to your item, you can configure how the media player behaves in the test driver. For more information on using the video player from a candidate’s perspective, read Listening to audio in the test driver.

Select Additional Options to open the options menu.

Expand the following section for an explanation of the audio player’s available options.

5. Choose a media layout

NOTE: If you add more than one audio file to your item, you cannot choose your layout.

You can determine the media’s layout by selecting a Choose layout option.

Icon Setting Description
Auto Media is automatically laid out based on its dimensions. 
Left of the Answer Media is displayed to the left of the answer block.
Right of the Answer Media is displayed to the right of the answer block.
Above the Question Text Media is displayed above the question stem.
Above the Answer Media is displayed between the question stem and the answer block.
Below the Answer Media is displayed below the answer block.

6. Preview your item

To see your item from a candidate’s perspective, select Preview .

In Mixed subjects, you can preview your item in the HTML test driver. Use the Preview arrow to open the Preview Options menu and select Preview in HTML . Any custom CSS is applied in the Preview screen. For more information on custom CSS, read ‘About Subject settings’ in About Site Settings options.

7. Saving and closing your item

Select Save to save your item to your subject.

To see additional saving options, use the Save  arrow to open the Save Options menu. Select Save & Close to save the item and return to the Subjects screen. Select Save & New to save the item and create another item.

WARNING: Saving changes to live items included in scheduled tests might affect candidate delivery.

Select Close to leave the Edit screen. If you have unsaved changes, you are prompted to either save or discard them.

Further reading

To learn more about media in Surpass, read the following articles: