About test settings in the Test Wizard

When creating or editing a test with the Test Wizard, you can configure its settings in the Test Settings window.

The Test Settings window is divided into four tabs:

  • Test Details covers fundamental test settings like name, reference, and test type.
  • Date & Time allows you to set the availability for your test.
  • Test Delivery Options covers how test forms are distributed to candidates in delivery.
  • Additional Settings allows you to set a candidate agreement, change the test driver language and limit resits.

This article explains each option, including how to set your test availability and delivery options. For more information about creating tests with the Test Wizard, read Creating a test in the Test Wizard.

In This Article

Test details

Detail Description

Test Name

The test’s name.

Test Reference

The test’s unique alphanumeric reference code.

Test Status

The test’s workflow status (Draft or Live).

Test Profile

The test profile applied to the test. For more information, read About test profiles.

Test Style

The test’s navigation style.

Test Type

Whether the test is a computer-based test or a computer-based project. For more information, read Creating a computer based project in the Test Wizard.

Date and time

Detail Description


The period of time in which the test is available for scheduling. 

Test delivery options

Detail Description
SecureClient Mode

Sets the SecureClient delivery mode. Choose from the following two options:

  • Unlocked allows candidates to minimise SecureClient and browse their device and/or the internet freely.

  • Locked prevents candidates leaving SecureClient during the test.

Restrict to SecureClient

Restricts test delivery to SecureClient. This means that the test cannot be delivered using web delivery.


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to when candidates are allowed to take tests at a test centre on their personal machines rather than devices provided by the awarding organisation or test centre.

Secure Browser Mode

Web delivery tests with secure browser mode enabled are delivered in a kiosk mode that prevents candidates from accessing any other files or applications during a test. Any test content that may require an external application to open, for example source material, is not compatible with secure browser mode.


Determines the type of invigilation for candidates. Choose one of the following options:

  • Standard – Candidates can enter their test using only a keycode. If selected, Test Administration users can change this setting at the point of scheduling.

  • PIN – Candidates must enter their test using a keycode and start their test using a PIN code.

  • Manual – Candidates can enter their test using a keycode and must then wait for an invigilator to manually unlock their test from the Invigilate screen of Test Administration.

NOTE: If you are delivering tests using SecureClient for iPad/Mac, read the ‘Invigilation’ section of the SecureClient troubleshooting article for information on SecureClient for iPad/Mac’s invigilation limitations.
Candidates Receive

Determines the test delivery options available to Test Administration users. Choose one of the following options:

  • Same test forms – If a test has multiple test forms, candidates receive the same test form. If the test form has dynamic sections, the rules are run once to create a static test form that is delivered to all candidates. 

  • Different test forms – If a test has multiple test forms, candidates receive different test forms. If a given test form has dynamic sections, the rules are run as many times as necessary to create a unique test form for each candidate.

  • Choose when scheduling – Allows Test Administration users to decide whether to deliver the same test or different tests at the point of scheduling.

Randomise Test Forms

Distributes test forms in a random order to candidates if there is more than one form of the same test.

Mark Test Externally

Forces the test to bypass the Mark screen and go straight to Audit, allowing you to mark the test externally to Surpass. Computer-marked items are marked automatically and human-marked items are awarded zero marks.

Additional settings

Detail Description
Candidate Agreement 

Forces candidates to agree to terms before starting the test.


Change the default text. You can use basic formatting tools. 

Test Driver Language

Determines the language used for the test driver’s interface and menus. This does not affect item content. For a list of all available languages, read About Surpass test languages.

Change Language When Scheduling

Allows Test Administration users to change the Test Driver Language setting at the point of scheduling.

Limit Resits

Determines whether candidates have a limited number of resits. If cleared, candidates have unlimited resits.