Marking a script in the Mark (Standard) screen

IMPORTANT: Only scripts containing human-marked items appear in the Mark (Standard) screen.

In the Mark (Standard) screen, you can assign marks to and interact with candidate responses. This includes adding comments, viewing mark schemes, and escalating scripts for further attention.

This article explains how to mark a script in the Mark (Standard) screen, including how to assign marks to items.

In this article

1. Go to the Mark screen

To mark a script, go to the Mark screen in Test Administration.

Select Standard on the Standard / Legacy toggle to view the Mark (Standard) screen.

TIP: For more information about Mark (Standard), read About the Mark (Standard) screen.

2. Choose a script

Select the relevant script in the Mark grid.

Select Mark Script to open the marking dialog.

3. Find an item to mark

In the marking dialog, you can view candidate responses, assign marks to item, and view mark schemes.

If the test has multiple sections, use the section tabs to change the currently selected section. Use the item breadcrumbs to change the currently displayed item.

If an item requires attention, it is marked with an asterisk (*).

Grouped items are separated in the item breadcrumb. You can identify grouped items through their number format. For example, items 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 were grouped in delivery.

Select Previous to view the previous item in the script. Select Next to view the next item in the script. Select Next to Mark to immediately jump to the next item requiring attention.

4. Mark the item

IMPORTANT: You cannot mark computer-marked items or unattempted items unless Enable Override Auto-Mark is selected on the Mark screen.

To assign a mark to an item, enter a value in the Mark field and select Assign Mark. The Progress percentage updates to reflect how much of the script has been marked.

TIP: When marking an Audio Capture item, you have access to all media player controls even if they were hidden from candidates. There is no limit to the amount of times a candidate’s response can be played.

Marking items with Marked Learning Outcomes

If an item has Marked Learning Outcomes, you must add a score for each Learning Outcome.

Viewing marking history

Marking history can be used to view the date, name, mark and markers comments from previous marking.

Annotating items

If annotation tools are set up on the parent test form, you can mark up candidates’ scripts. For more information, read ‘Annotation Settings‘ in About test form settings.

Downloading mark schemes

Mark schemes can be attached to items, these can assist when marking such item types like Essay items.

Leaving marker comments

Comments can be added to items when marking, these comments can then be reviewed during auditing and re-marking.

5. Submit the script

IMPORTANT: You can only submit scripts with a Progress value of 100%

Select Submit Script to transfer the script to the Results screen.

NOTE: You cannot submit escalated scripts. For more information, read Escalating a script in the Mark (Standard) screen.

Select Close to exit the marking dialog and return to the Mark screen.