Adding tools to a test form

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If the items in your test form have source material like images or PDFs, you must add these separately to the test form as “tools”. Tools can be automatically added to test forms in Test Creation, but you can also manually add tools.

IMPORTANT: Do not confuse “tools” in Test Creation (images and PDF source materials) with “tools” in Item Authoring (calculators and calipers).

This article explains how to add tools to a test form.

In this article

Automatically adding tools

NOTE: Automatic adding of tools to test forms was added in Surpass R12.20. If your test form was created on an earlier version of Surpass, you might need to edit the test form and enable the relevant settings.

In the Test Rules area of the Test Form Rules tab, select the Tools folder.

Select Add or Edit to open the Edit Rule dialog.

In the Edit Rule dialog, select Automatically add tools to test form.

WARNING: Tools cannot be automatically added to test forms with adaptive sections.

Manually adding tools (legacy)

IMPORTANT: Only follow this process if you are on an Surpass release lower than R12.20.

In the Test Rules area of the Test Form Rules tab, select the Tools folder.

Select Add or Edit to open the Edit Rule dialog.

You can find the necessary tools either by using the Search field or by expanding the folder structure.

Select the tool and press OK to add it to the test form.

IMPORTANT: The test form may not validate if a tool has an apostrophe (‘) in its filename.

Further reading