Deleting test forms

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NOTE: You must have the Site Administrator permission to be able to delete test forms.

You can delete test forms in the Test Forms screen of Test Creation. Test forms must be at the Retired status before they can be deleted.

Deleted test forms cannot be restored. However, data from deleted test forms can still be viewed in Reporting.

This article explains how to delete a test form, including how to set a test form’s status to Retired.

In this article

1. Go to the Test Forms screen

To view the Test Forms screen, go to Test Creation > Test Forms.

TIP: For more information about Test Forms, read About the Test Forms screen.

2. Choose a test form

Select the test form you want to delete in the Test Forms grid, then select Edit Test Form.

NOTE: You cannot edit a test form that is checked out to another user. For more information, read Checking test forms in and out.

3. Retire the test form in Test Form Details

NOTE: If your test form's status is already Retired, skip to '4. Delete the test form'.

In the Test Form Details tab, select Retired in the Status menu to retire the test form.

Select OK to save your changes and return to the Test Forms screen.

4. Delete the test form

IMPORTANT: You cannot delete a test form if it has locked content, pooled timed sections, or printed tests associated with it.

Choose the retired test form in the Test Forms grid, then select Delete Test Form.

NOTE: Delete Test Form is only available for test forms at the Retired status.

Select Yes in the Delete Test Form dialog to confirm you want to delete the test form.

Further reading

To learn more about test forms, read the following articles: