NOTE: You must have the Script Review >Reviewpermission to review scripts in the Script Review screen.
All scripts in SecureMarker can be viewed and managed in the Script Review screen. You can review and moderate scripts, export scripts to a spreadsheet, and send completed scripts with pending results from SecureMarker to Surpass.
This article explains how to review scripts in the Script Review screen, including how to upload additional files on behalf of candidates.
In This Article
1. Go to the Script Review screen
To view the Script Review screen, select Script Review on the navigation bar.
Choose a script to review in the Candidate Scripts grid.
3. Select Review
Select Review in the Candidate Scripts grid to open the Review screen.
4. Review the script
The Review screen displays the candidate’s script. In this screen, you can review candidate responses, view annotations, and download mark schemes.
You can view basic details about the selected script in the Review screen:
Exam – Displays the name of the exam.
Candidate name – Displays the name of the candidate.
Candidate membership number – Displays the candidate’s unique reference number in Surpass.
Response ID– Displays the selected response’s ID number.
NOTE: For more information about setting up candidates in Surpass, read Creating a candidate.
5. Choose a response to review
Select an item in the Review grid to review the candidate’s response and the marker’s marks, comments, and annotations.
If the selected response has been double marked, you can see the mark awarded by Marker 1, Marker 2, and the aggregated Final Mark.
NOTE: Double and double blind marking functionality is not available by default. If you would like this functionality, contact your Surpass Customer Success Manager.
Finding responses
You can find responses and view marks in the Review grid.
Refer to the following table for information on each column in the Review grid.
Response ID
Displays the response’s unique ID number. If the response is part of an item group, select the expander () to view responses to items in that item group. For more information, read About the Item Groups screen in SecureMarker.
Displays the name of the item or item group. Items can be human marked () or computer marked ().
Displays the mark awarded to the response. Unattempted items are marked with (NA).
If an item has been double marked, the final aggregated mark is displayed.
Displays the mark awarded to the response after moderation. If a mark has been changed during moderation, the new mark is indicated by the Score Change symbol: (). For more information, read Moderating a script in SecureMarker.
You can search for a response by typing the response’s unique ID code in the text entry field. Select Clear to remove your search.
In the Score row, you can see the candidate’s overall marked and moderated score, respectively.
Downloading mark schemes
You can download mark schemes attached to items in the Review screen.
Select Download Mark Scheme to download a mark scheme attached to the item. Mark schemes are uploaded to items in Surpass. For more information, read Uploading a mark scheme to an item.
Viewing marking history
You can view a marking history for each response in a script. Details include the name of the examiner who marked the response and the date on which the response was marked.
Select View Marking History to view the item or item group’s marking history.
In the Marking History dialog, you can detailed information about the marking history of the item or item group.
If an item has been configured for double marking, you are able to see both marker’s marks and a final, aggregated mark (or an adjudicated mark if the response was sent for adjudication). For more information on double marking and the adjudication process, read Setting up double marking in SecureMarker and Adjudication.
NOTE: Double and double blind marking functionality is not available by default. If you would like this functionality, contact your Surpass Customer Success Manager.
Refer to the following table for information on each column in the grid.
Date (Time)
Displays the date and time on which the item was last marked.
Displays the name of the examiner.
Displays the mark awarded by the examiner out of the total available marks.
Displays the type of marking.
Adjudication Assigned Mark – The adjudicated mark if the two markers marked the response out of tolerance for an item configured for double or blind double marking.
Aggregated Mark – The aggregated mark between the two markers for an item configured for double or blind double marking.
Displays any comments added to the response by the examiner.
Select Close to return to the Review screen.
Viewing marker annotations and comments
NOTE: You can control what commenting and annotation tools are available to examiners working in SecureMarker in Surpass. For more information, read Configuring a test form for SecureMarker.
You can view annotations and comments added to a response by the examiner in the Review screen.
Select Marker Annotations to view annotations added to the response by the examiner. For more information about using annotations, read Marking responses in SecureMarker.
Select General Comments to view comments added to the response by the examiner.
Uploading additional files for File Attach items
NOTE: You must have the Script Review > Upload On Behalf Of Candidate permission to upload files for candidates in the Review screen.
A File Attach item allows candidates to work in an external app (like a word processor or spreadsheet editor) and upload a file as their response. If a candidate has been unable to attach the necessary files in a File Attach item, you can upload files on behalf of the candidate in the Review screen.
Select Upload On Behalf Of Candidate to open the Upload Additional Files dialog.
In the Upload Additional Files dialog, choose Select File to upload a file for the candidate.
Enter a reason for uploading the file on behalf of the candidate in the Reason entry field.
Select Upload to upload the file.
A message appears to confirm the upload has been successful.
Further reading
To learn more about working in Script Review, read the following articles:
Select Marker Annotations to view annotations added to the response by the examiner. For more information about using annotations, read Marking responses in SecureMarker.
Select General Comments to view comments added to the response by the examiner.