About the Script Review screen in SecureMarker

WARNING: You must use the Surpass Viewer to view or mark Flash test content in SecureMarker. For more information, read Installing the Surpass Viewer.

All scripts in SecureMarker can be viewed and managed in the Script Review screen. You can review and moderate scripts, export scripts to a spreadsheet, and send completed scripts with pending results from SecureMarker to Surpass.

This article explains how to navigate the Script Review screen in SecureMarker, including how to put a script in VIP mode and how to flag a script for further attention.

In This Article

Navigating to the Script Review screen

To view the Script Review screen, select Script Review on the navigation bar.

About the Candidate Scripts grid

The Candidate Scripts grid lists all scripts in your SecureMarker instance.

Refer to the following table for information on each column. Each row represents one candidate.

Column Description
Qualification Displays the name of the qualification.
Exam Displays the name of the exam.
Version Displays the name of the exam version.

Displays the candidate’s unique alphanumeric keycode.

Score Displays the number of marks awarded to the candidate out of the total marks available. If a mark has been changed during moderation, a pencil icon () is displayed in the Score column of the Candidate Scripts grid. For more information, read Moderating a script in SecureMarker.
Moderated Displays a check () if the script has been moderated. For more information, read Moderating a script in SecureMarker.
Percent % Displays the candidate’s total mark as a percentage.

Displays the current status of the script.

  • Marking not started – Marking has not started for the script.
  • Marking in progress – Marking is in progress for the script.
  • Marking complete – Marking is complete for the script.
  • Result pending – The script can be confirmed from SecureMarker to Surpass. For more information, read Sending completed scripts from SecureMarker to Surpass.
  • Result confirmed and archived – The script’s results are confirmed and has been automatically exported to Surpass.
  • Fail to export – The script has failed to export to Surpass.
Submitted Displays the date and time on which the candidate submitted their script.
Imported Displays the date on which the script was imported into SecureMarker from Surpass.
Flagged Displays a flag () if the script has been flagged for further attention. For more information, read ‘Flagging scripts’ later in this article.
VIP Displays a user () if the script is in VIP mode. For more information, read ‘Putting scripts in VIP mode’ later in this article.
Country Displays the country in which the exam was taken.

Choose a script in the Candidates Script grid to view details about the centre and candidate. Details include:

  • Candidate – Displays the name of the candidate.
  • Candidate Number – Displays the candidate’s unique reference code in Surpass.
  • Centre – Displays the name of the centre at which the test was taken.
  • Centre Code – Displays the centre’s unique reference code.
NOTE: For more information about setting up candidates in Surpass, read Creating a candidate.

You can navigate through pages of data using the Page menu. Use the Rows entry field to define how many rows are displayed in the Candidate Scripts grid. Select Refresh  to update the number of rows.

Finding scripts

By default, the Candidate Scripts grid is ordered by the most recently submitted scripts. Select the expander () on a column header to open a filter menu. Columns with filters applied are indicated by the filter icon: .

Actions on the Script Review screen

There are many actions you can take in the Script Review screen. Refer to the following table for more information.

Column Description
Review Allows you to review the script. For more information, read Reviewing a script in SecureMarker.
Moderate Allows you to moderate the script. For more information, read Moderating a script in SecureMarker.
Confirm Scripts Allows you to send scripts with pending results from SecureMarker to Surpass. For more information, read Sending completed scripts from SecureMarker to Surpass.
Export Script Allows you to export scripts to a spreadsheet. For more information, read Exporting scripts from SecureMarker to a spreadsheet.

Flagging scripts

NOTE: You must have the Script Review > Set Flag permission to use the Flagged toggle.

You can flag scripts for further attention in Script Review. Set the Flagged toggle to On to flag the selected script. Flagged scripts are indicated in the Candidate Scripts grid by a flag icon: ().

Flagging a script in the Script Review screen is for administrative purposes only.

Putting scripts in VIP mode

NOTE: You must have the Script Review > Set VIP permission to use the VIP toggle.

If a script requires urgent attention, you can put it in VIP mode in Script Review. Scripts in VIP mode are prioritised for marking and are presented first in an examiner’s quota.

Set the VIP toggle to On to put the selected script in VIP mode. Scripts in VIP mode are indicated in the Candidate Scripts grid by a user icon: ().

Moderating scripts

NOTE: You must have the Script Review > Set Moderated permission to use the Moderated toggle.

Set the Moderated toggle to On to mark the selected script as moderated. Moderated scripts are indicated in the Candidate Scripts grid by a tick icon: (). For more information, read Moderating a script in SecureMarker.

Using the Moderated toggle in the Script Review screen is for administrative purposes only.

Exporting data to a spreadsheet

Select Download CSV to export the Candidates Script data to a spreadsheet.

NOTE: This form is to provide feedback to help improve the Surpass Help documentation only. If you need live support, contact support@surpass.com.