Moderating a script in SecureMarker

WARNING: You must use the Surpass Viewer to view or mark legacy test content in SecureMarker. For more information, read Installing the Surpass Viewer.
NOTE: You must have the Script Review > Moderate Script permission to moderate scripts in the Script Review screen.

All scripts in SecureMarker can be viewed and managed in the Script Review screen. You can review and moderate scripts, export scripts to a spreadsheet, and send completed scripts with pending results from SecureMarker to Surpass.

This article explains how to moderate a script in the Script Review screen, including how to change marks.

1. Go to the Script Review screen

To view the Script Review screen, select Script Review on the navigation bar.

NOTE: For more information about Script Review, read About the Script Review screen in SecureMarker.

2. Choose a script

NOTE: You can only moderate scripts at the Result pending status.

Choose a script to moderate in the Candidate Scripts grid.

3. Select Moderate

Select Moderate to open the Moderate screen.

4. Moderate the script

The Moderate screen displays the candidate’s script. In this screen, you can review candidate responses, change marks, and view a marking history for each response in the script.

You can view basic details about the selected script in the Moderate screen:

  • Exam – Displays the name of the exam.
  • Candidate name – Displays the name of the candidate.
  • Candidate membership number – Displays the candidate’s unique reference number in Surpass.
  • Response ID – Displays the selected response’s ID number.
NOTE: For more information about setting up candidates in Surpass, read Creating a candidate.

5. Choose a response to moderate

Select an item in the Moderate grid to view the candidate’s response.

If the selected response has been double marked, you can see the mark awarded by Marker 1Marker 2, and the aggregated Final Mark.

Finding responses

You can find responses and view marks in the Moderate grid.

Downloading mark schemes

You can download mark schemes attached to items in the Moderate screen.

Viewing marking history

You can view a marking history for each response in a script. Details include the name of the examiner who marked the response and the date on which the response was marked.

Adding moderator annotations and comments

If annotation tools are set up on the parent test form in Surpass, you can mark up candidates’ scripts. For more information, read Configuring a test form for SecureMarker.

Viewing marker annotations and comments

If annotation tools are set up on the parent test form in Surpass, you can view markers’ annotations and comments on candidates’ scripts. For more information, read Configuring a test form for SecureMarker. You cannot view marker and moderator annotations at the same time.

Changing marks

During the moderation process, you can change the marks awarded to responses by examiners.

Assigning zero marked codes

If zero marked codes are enabled in Site Settings, a code can be assigned to a response awarded a mark of zero. For more information, read ‘About Zero Marked Codes’ in About Site Settings options.

6. Save your changes

Select Script Review to save your changes and return to the Script Review screen.

When you navigate away from the Moderate screen, a message appears to confirm if your changes have been successful.

When a script has been moderated, you can set the Moderated toggle to On in the Candidates Script grid of the Script Review screen. Moderated scripts are indicated in the Candidate Scripts grid by a check icon: ().

NOTE: You must have the Script Review > Set Moderated permission to use the Moderated toggle.