Viewing unmarked item reports in SecureMarker

NOTE: You must have the Marking > Unmarked Items Report permission to view unmarked items reports in the Marking screen.

You can view a report of unmarked candidate responses in the Marking screen. This report includes information on the examiners assigned to mark responses and their remaining quota. For more information, read About the Quotas screen in SecureMarker.

This article explains how to view unmarked item reports in the Marking screen of SecureMarker.

1. Go to the Marking screen

To view the Marking screen, select Marking on the navigation bar.

NOTE: For more information about Marking, read About the Marking screen in SecureMarker.

2. Select View Unmarked Items Report

Select View Unmarked Items Report to open the Unmarked Item Report screen.

NOTE: You can also view marking reports from the SecureMarker home screen. For more information, read About the SecureMarker home screen.

3. View your unmarked items report

The Unmarked Items grid lists all items and item groups with unmarked responses in your SecureMarker instance. In the Examiners grid, select an unmarked item or item group to view a list of examiners assigned to mark responses for the item or item group.

You can navigate through pages of data using the Page menu. Use the Rows entry field to define how many rows are displayed in the Unmarked Items grid. Select Refresh  to update the number of rows.

About the Unmarked Items grid

Refer to the following table for information on each column in the Unmarked Items grid.

Column Description
Qualification Displays the name of the qualification.
Exam Displays the name of the exam.
Item Name Displays the name of the item or item group.
No. of Outstanding Responses Displays the number of responses left to mark for the item or item group.

About the Examiners grid

Refer to the following table for information on each column in the Examiners grid.

Column Description
Full Name Displays the examiner’s user name.
Remaining Quota Displays the number of responses left to mark in the examiner’s quota. For more information, read Setting quotas for examiners in SecureMarker.

Filtering unmarked responses

Select This Month to only display unmarked responses from the current month. Select Last Month to only display unmarked responses from the previous month.

Select Custom to only display unmarked responses in a specific date range. Use the From and Until date pickers to choose a custom date range.

Sorting unmarked responses

Select a column header to sort the cell data alphabetically or numerically.

The arrow icon on the column header represents whether the information in the column is sorted in ascending () or descending () order. You can toggle between ascending or descending order by selecting the column header.

Exporting data to a spreadsheet

Select Download CSV to download the Umarked Items and Examiners grids data to a spreadsheet.