In SecureMarker, the home screen is where users can view marking reports and edit the home page content, including the welcome message. You can add links to selected text in your welcome message on the SecureMarker home screen.
This article explains how to add links to the SecureMarker home screen.
To view the SecureMarker home screen, select Home on the navigation bar. You are automatically directed to the home screen when you log in to SecureMarker.
NOTE: You must have the Welcome Message Editorpermission to edit the SecureMarker home screen.
Select Edit Home Page to edit the welcome message displayed on the SecureMarker home screen.
3. Add links to your welcome message
You can edit your SecureMarker home message with the formatting toolbar. For more information on editing your welcome message, including how to remove links, read ‘Editing your welcome message’ in About the SecureMarker home screen.
Select Link on the formatting toolbar to add a link to selected text.
Configuring Link Info settings
You can use the Link Info settings to add URLs, anchors, and email addresses to selected text.
For Link Type, choose from the following options:
URL – Enter the URL of the site you want to link to in your welcome message.
Link to anchor in the text – You can provide an internal link directing to a specific area on the home screen. You must create any anchors before adding links.
E-mail – Enter an email address that can be used in your welcome message.
If you have chosen URL as your link type, enter your URL in the URL entry field.
For Protocol, choose from the following options:
If you have chosen E-mail as your link type, enter an E-mail Address, Message Subject, and Message Body in the relevant fields.
Configuring Target settings
For URL links, you can choose where your link opens.
For Target, choose from the following options:
<not set> – There is no selected target for the link.
<frame> – Opens the link in another inline frame.
<popup window> – Opens the link in a pop-up window.
New Window (_blank) – Opens the link in a new browser window.
Topmost Window (_top) – Opens the link in the main window on your browser when using inline frames.
Same Window (_self) – Opens the link in the same inline frame.
Parent Window (_parent) – Opens the link one inline frame level from where it is located.
Configuring Advanced settings
Users proficient in HTML and CSS can use the Advanced settings to configure the presentation of links.
Refer to the following table for more information on each field in the Advanced tab.
Enter the unique identifier of the link (id attribute).
Enter the name of the link (name attribute).
Language Direction
Enter the desired direction of the text in the link (dir attribute). Choose from the following options:
Left to Right (LTR)
Right to Left (RTL)
Language Code
Enter the language of the text in the link (lang attribute).
Access Key
Enter the keyboard shortcut used to access the link (accesskey attribute).
Tab Index
Enter the tab order of the link (tabindex attribute).
Advisory Title
Enter the tooltip text when a cursor hovers over the link (title attribute).
Advisory Content Type
Enter the content type of the link (type attribute).
Stylesheet Classes
Enter the style class of the link (class attribute).
Linked Resource Charset
Enter the character set of the link (charset attribute).
Enter the relationship between the document and the link (rel attribute).
Enter the CSS style definitions (style attribute). Separate styles with a semi colon (;).
Select OK in the Link dialog to add the link to the selected text.
4. Save your welcome message
Select Save to save your welcome message and return to the SecureMarker home screen. The welcome message is updated for all users in your instance.
Further reading
To learn more about working in SecureMarker, read the following articles: