Adding links to the SecureMarker home screen

In SecureMarker, the home screen is where users can view marking reports and edit the home page content, including the welcome message. You can add links to selected text in your welcome message on the SecureMarker home screen.

This article explains how to add links to the SecureMarker home screen.

1. Go to the SecureMarker home screen

To view the SecureMarker home screen, select Home  on the navigation bar. You are automatically directed to the home screen when you log in to SecureMarker.

NOTE: For more information about the SecureMarker home screen, read About the SecureMarker home screen.

2. Select Edit Home Page

NOTE: You must have the Welcome Message Editor permission to edit the SecureMarker home screen.

Select Edit Home Page to edit the welcome message displayed on the SecureMarker home screen.

3. Add links to your welcome message

You can edit your SecureMarker home message with the formatting toolbar. For more information on editing your welcome message, including how to remove links, read ‘Editing your welcome message’ in About the SecureMarker home screen.

Select Link on the formatting toolbar to add a link to selected text.

Configuring Link Info settings

You can use the Link Info settings to add URLs, anchors, and email addresses to selected text.

Configuring Target settings

For URL links, you can choose where your link opens.

Configuring Advanced settings

Users proficient in HTML and CSS can use the Advanced settings to configure the presentation of links.

Select OK in the Link dialog to add the link to the selected text.

4. Save your welcome message

Select Save to save your welcome message and return to the SecureMarker home screen. The welcome message is updated for all users in your instance.