Task API
The Tasks section of Surpass allows you to create, manage, and complete assignments. You can use tasks to create and review items and use the deadline tools to manage projects outside of the system.
This article explains what calls can be made to the Surpass API using the Task resource.
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In This Article
Listing tasks
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve a list of tasks. Refer to the available parameters to influence the response. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
top |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Task?$top={top} |
Defines number of responses to return when paging a response, where {top} is a number between 1 and 40. |
skip |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Task?$skip={skip} |
Defines how many responses to skip when paging a response, where {skip} is a number that should not exceed the total number of responses. |
filter |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Task?$filter={filter} {operator} {value} |
Filters results, searching either for an exact match or for the data to contain a defined value. For an exact match: {filter} is id, {operator} is eq (equal to), and {value} is the integer the filter query looks for an exact match for in the request. For a greater than query: {filter} is id, {operator} is ge (greater than), and {value} is the integer the filter looks for more than in the request. For a less than query: {filter} is id, {operator} is le (less than), and {value} is the integer the filter looks for less than in the request. For a contains query: {filter} is contains({attribute}, '{value}'), where {attribute} is one of name or reference; and {value} is the string or integer the filter query looks for the data to contain in the request. |
orderBy |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Task?$orderBy={attribute} |
Determines order of results, where {attribute} is name. |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": 386,
"top": 10,
"skip": 0,
"pageCount": 39,
"nextPageLink": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com:443/api/v2/Task?$skip=10",
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"id": 1,
"reference": "ReviewTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/1"
"id": 2,
"reference": "ReviewTask2",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/2"
"id": 3,
"reference": "GeneralTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/GeneralTask/3"
"id": 4,
"reference": "AuthoringTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask/4"
"id": 5,
"reference": "GeneralTask2",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/GeneralTask/5"
"id": 6,
"reference": "ReviewTask3",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/6"
"id": 7,
"reference": "ReviewTask4",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/7"
"id": 8,
"reference": "GeneralTask3",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/GeneralTask/8"
"id": 9,
"reference": "AuthoringTask2",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask/9"
"id": 10,
"reference": "StandardSettingTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/10"
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many tasks there are in total.
top integer
Details number of tasks returned in the response.
skip integer
Details how many tasks were skipped to display those in the response.
pageCount integer
Details how many pages of tasks there are.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of tasks. If null, the response is the last page of tasks.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of tasks. If null, the response is the first page of tasks.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
id integer
The task’s unique identifier.
reference string
The task’s unique reference code.
href string
The endpoint to call the task’s information, such as /api/v2/Task/{id} where {id} is the task’s unique identifier.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
General tasks
General tasks are useful for setting deadlines and prompting users to perform certain actions in Surpass. The Task API resource can be used to retrieve, create, and update General tasks.
To learn more about General tasks, read Creating a General task and Working in a General task as an assignee.
Retrieving General task information
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve information for a specific General task using either its ID or reference. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/GeneralTask/{id} |
Returns information for the specified General task, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
reference |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/GeneralTask?reference={reference} |
Returns information for the specified General task, where {reference} is the task’s unique reference code. |
includeDetails |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/GeneralTask/{id}?includeDetails={Boolean} |
If {Boolean} is true, returns further information about the task creator and task assignee, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier (or reference code). |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": null,
"top": null,
"skip": null,
"pageCount": null,
"nextPageLink": null,
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Create January 2023 Test Form",
"reference": "GeneralTask1",
"description": null,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/GeneralTask/1",
"type": 0,
"startDate": "2021-12-14T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-05T00:00:00Z",
"createDate": "2021-04-04T14:09:25.583",
"creator": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "User1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/1",
"firstName": "Stuart",
"lastName": "Fenwick",
"email": "stuart.fenwick@surpass.com",
"jobTitle": "",
"defaultLanguage": "English",
"dateCreated": "2017-04-04T15:51:15.79",
"retired": false,
"expiryDate": "2027-05-21T18:46:31.813",
"userName": "stuartf"
"status": 1,
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/Subject/1",
"name": "Geography Subject"
"executor": {
"id": 2,
"reference": "User2",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/2",
"firstName": "Kathrin",
"lastName": "Wilcox",
"email": "kathrin.wilcox@surpass.com",
"jobTitle": "",
"defaultLanguage": "English",
"dateCreated": "2017-04-04T15:51:15.79",
"retired": false,
"expiryDate": "2027-05-21T18:46:31.813",
"userName": "kathrinw"
"updateDate": "2018-04-04T14:09:25.583",
"attachments": []
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many tasks there are in total. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
top integer
Details number of tasks returned in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
skip integer
Details how many tasks were skipped to display those in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
pageCount integer
Details how many pages of tasks there are. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of tasks. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of tasks. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
id integer
The task’s unique identifier.
name string
The task’s name.
reference string
The task’s unique reference code.
description string
The task’s description.
href string
The endpoint to call the task’s information, such as /api/v2/GeneralTask/{id} where {id} is the task’s unique identifier.
type enumeration
Indicates the task type. The possible values are:
- 0 – General task.
- 1 – Review task.
- 2 – Authoring task.
- 3 – Standard Setting task.
This property always returns a 0 as it is a General task.
startDate string
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
createDate string
The date the task was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator object
Contains the task creator’s information.
creator/id integer
The task creator’s unique identifier.
creator/reference string
The task creator’s unique reference code.
creator/href string
The endpoint to call the task creator’s information, such as /api/v2/User/{id} where {id} is the task creator’s unique identifier.
creator/firstName string
The task creator’s first name.
creator/lastName string
The task creator’s surname.
creator/email string
The task creator’s email address.
creator/jobTitle string
The task creator’s job title.
creator/defaultLanguage enumeration
Determines whether the task creator’s default language is English (UK) (English), English (US) (EnglishUs), Dutch (Dutch), Arabic (Arabic), German (German), Spanish (Spanish), Latin American Spanish (SpanishLatinAmerica), French Canadian (FrenchCanadian), or Welsh (Welsh).
creator/dateCreated string
The date the task creator’s user account was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator/retired Boolean
Determines whether the task creator is retired.
creator/expiryDate string
The date the task creator’s user account expires, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator/username string
The task creator’s username.
status enumeration
Indicates the task’s status. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task not yet started.
- 1 – Task currently in progress.
- 2 – Task is complete.
subject object
Contains the task’s parent subject’s information.
subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
subject/href string
The endpoint to call the subject’s information, such as /api/v2/Subject/{id} where {id} is the subject’s unique identifier.
subject/name string
The subject’s name. This property always returns as null.
executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executor/href string
The endpoint to call the task assignee’s information, such as /api/v2/User/{id} where {id} is the task assignee’s unique identifier.
executor/firstName string
The task assignee’s first name.
executor/lastName string
The task assignee’s surname.
executor/email string
The task assignee’s email address.
executor/jobTitle string
The task assignee’s job title.
executor/defaultLanguage enumeration
Determines whether the task assignee’s default language is English (UK) (English), English (US) (EnglishUs), Dutch (Dutch), Arabic (Arabic), German (German), Spanish (Spanish), Latin American Spanish (SpanishLatinAmerica), French Canadian (FrenchCanadian), or Welsh (Welsh).
executor/dateCreated string
The date the task assignee’s user account was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executor/retired Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee is retired.
executor/expiryDate string
The date the task assignee’s user account expires, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executor/username string
The task assignee’s username.
updateDate string
The date the task’s status was last updated, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
attachments array
Contains any attachments’ information.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Creating a General task
Send a request to the endpoint to create a General task.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
content-type |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the request, which can be either JSON or XML. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
Sample request
The following request contains the minimum required request body to create a General task.
"reference": "GeneralTask1",
"name": "Create January 2023 Test Form",
"startDate": "2021-12-14T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-05T00:00:00Z",
"executor": {
"id": 1
"subject": {
"id": 1
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
reference string mandatory
The task’s unique reference code.
name string mandatory
The task’s name.
description string optional
The task’s description.
startDate string mandatory
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string mandatory
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executor object mandatory
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
subject object mandatory
Contains the task’s parent subject’s information.
subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the new General task’s details.
"id": 1,
"reference": "GeneralTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/GeneralTask/1",
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": null
Updating a General task
Send a request to the endpoint to update a specific General task.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
content-type |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the request, which can be either JSON or XML. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/GeneralTask/{id} |
Updates specified task, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
reference |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/GeneralTask?reference={reference} |
Updates specified task, where {reference} is the task’s unique reference code. |
Sample request
At least one property must be updated in the request. The following request contains the minimum required request body to update a General task. Refer to the request body schema for all properties that can be updated.
"name": "Create June 2023 Test Form"
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
reference string
The task’s unique reference code.
name string
The task’s name.
description string
The task’s description.
startDate string
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
status enumeration
Indicates the task’s status. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task not yet started.
- 1 – Task currently in progress.
- 2 – Task is complete.
executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the updated General task’s details.
"id": 1,
"reference": "GeneralTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/GeneralTask/1",
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": null
Authoring tasks
In an Authoring task, assignees write items and submit them for review. The Task API resource can be used to retrieve, create, and update Authoring tasks.
To learn about Authoring tasks, read Creating an Authoring task, Working in an Authoring (Edit Existing Items) task as an assignee, Working in an Authoring (Create New Items) task as an assignee, Working in an Authoring (Edit Existing Items) task as a lead assignee, and Working in an Authoring (Create New Items) task as a lead assignee,
Retrieving Authoring task information
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve information for a specific Authoring task using either its ID or reference. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask/{id} |
Returns information for the specified Authoring task, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
reference |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask?reference={reference} |
Returns information for the specified Authoring task, where {reference} is the task’s unique reference code. |
includeDetails |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask/{id}?includeDetails={Boolean} |
If {Boolean} is true, returns further information about the task creator and task assignee, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier (or reference code). |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": null,
"top": null,
"skip": null,
"pageCount": null,
"nextPageLink": null,
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Author January 2023 Test Form items",
"reference": "AuthoringTask1",
"description": null,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask/1",
"type": 2,
"startDate": "2020-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"createDate": "2020-07-06T09:53:47.08",
"creator": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "User1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/1",
"firstName": "Stuart",
"lastName": "Fenwick",
"email": "stuart.fenwick@surpass.com",
"jobTitle": "",
"defaultLanguage": "English",
"dateCreated": "2017-11-23T15:30:16.857",
"retired": false,
"expiryDate": "2027-11-23T00:00:00",
"userName": "stuartf"
"status": 1,
"itemStatus": {
"id": 2,
"name": "To Review"
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/Subject/1",
"name": "Geography Subject"
"itemList": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "ItemList1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemList/1",
"name": "Geography 2023 Test Form items",
"isDeleted": false
"updateDate": "2020-11-10T10:58:53.063",
"executors": [
"quota": null,
"status": 0,
"executor": {
"id": 2,
"reference": "User2",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/2",
"firstName": "Kathrin",
"lastName": "Wilcox",
"email": "kathrin.wilcox@surpass.com",
"jobTitle": "",
"defaultLanguage": "English",
"dateCreated": "2017-11-23T15:30:16.857",
"retired": false,
"expiryDate": "2027-11-23T00:00:00",
"userName": "kathrinw"
"role": 0
"quota": null,
"status": 0,
"executor": {
"id": 3,
"reference": "User3",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/3",
"firstName": "Nigella",
"lastName": "Schulz",
"email": "nigella.schulz@surpass.com",
"jobTitle": "",
"defaultLanguage": "English",
"dateCreated": "2017-11-23T15:30:16.857",
"retired": false,
"expiryDate": "2027-11-23T00:00:00",
"userName": "nigellas"
"role": 1
"taskProfile": null,
"isChangesTrackingEnabled": false,
"isExtendedHistoryEnabled": false,
"attachments": [],
"itemSource": 0
"externalFolderId": null,
"allowEditTaskByLeadAssignee": false,
"savedItemTypesLimits": null,
"listToAddItems": {
"addItemsToListMode": "UponCreation",
"listToAddItemsId": 1,
"listToAddItemsName": "Item List 1"
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many tasks there are in total. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
top integer
Details number of tasks returned in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
skip integer
Details how many tasks were skipped to display those in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
pageCount integer
Details how many pages of tasks there are. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of tasks. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of tasks. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
id integer
The task’s unique identifier.
name string
The task’s name.
reference string
The task’s unique reference code.
description string
The task’s description.
href string
The endpoint to call the task’s information, such as /api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask/{id} where {id} is the task’s unique identifier.
type enumeration
Indicates the task type. The possible values are:
- 0 – General task.
- 1 – Review task.
- 2 – Authoring task.
- 3 – Standard Setting task.
This property always returns a 2 as it is an Authoring task.
startDate string
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
createDate string
The date the task was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator object
Contains the task creator’s information.
creator/id integer
The task creator’s unique identifier.
creator/reference string
The task creator’s unique reference code.
creator/href string
The endpoint to call the task creator’s information, such as /api/v2/User/{id} where {id} is the task creator’s unique identifier.
creator/firstName string
The task creator’s first name.
creator/lastName string
The task creator’s surname.
creator/email string
The task creator’s email address.
creator/jobTitle string
The task creator’s job title.
creator/defaultLanguage enumeration
Determines whether the task creator’s default language is English (UK) (English), English (US) (EnglishUs), Dutch (Dutch), Arabic (Arabic), German (German), Spanish (Spanish), Latin American Spanish (SpanishLatinAmerica), French Canadian (FrenchCanadian), or Welsh (Welsh).
creator/dateCreated string
The date the task creator’s user account was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator/retired Boolean
Determines whether the task creator is retired.
creator/expiryDate string
The date the task creator’s user account expires, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator/username string
The task creator’s username.
status enumeration
Indicates the task’s status. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task not yet started.
- 1 – Task currently in progress.
- 2 – Task is complete.
itemStatus object
Contains the information of the workflow status that items will be automatically posted to when submitted as part of this task.
The default workflow statuses are Draft, To Review, Reviewed, Live, and Withdrawn. Custom workflow statuses can also be created and assigned to items.
itemStatus/id integer
The unique identifier of the workflow status. For the unique identifier of each workflow status, refer to WorkflowStatus API.
itemStatus/name string
The name of the workflow status.
subject object
Contains the task’s parent subject’s information.
subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
subject/href string
The endpoint to call the subject’s information, such as /api/v2/Subject/{id} where {id} is the subject’s unique identifier.
subject/name string
The subject’s name.
itemList object
Contains the item list’s information. If null, the task is an Authoring (Create New Items) task.
itemList/id integer
The item list’s unique identifier.
itemList/reference string
The item list’s unique reference code.
itemList/href string
The endpoint to call the item list’s information, such as /api/v2/ItemList/{id} where {id} is the item list’s unique identifier.
itemList/name string
The item list’s name.
itemList/isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the item list has been deleted.
updateDate string
The date the task’s status was last updated, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executors array
Contains the task assignees’ information.
executors/quota integer
If the task is an Authoring (Create New Items) task, the assignee’s quota. Returns as null if an Authoring (Edit Existing Items) task because the assignee’s quota is determined by the number of items they are the item owner for in the task’s item list.
executors/status enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s progress. The possible values are:
- 0 – Assignee has not yet started the task.
- 1 – Assignee is in progress with the task.
- 2 – Assignee has completed the task.
executors/executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executors/executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executors/executor/href string
The endpoint to call the task assignee’s information, such as /api/v2/User/{id} where {id} is the task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/firstName string
The task assignee’s first name.
executors/executor/lastName string
The task assignee’s surname.
executors/executor/email string
The task assignee’s email address.
executors/executor/jobTitle string
The task assignee’s job title.
executors/executor/defaultLanguage enumeration
Determines whether the task assignee’s default language is English (UK) (English), English (US) (EnglishUs), Dutch (Dutch), Arabic (Arabic), German (German), Spanish (Spanish), Latin American Spanish (SpanishLatinAmerica), French Canadian (FrenchCanadian), or Welsh (Welsh).
executors/executor/dateCreated string
The date the task assignee’s user account was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executors/executor/retired Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee is retired.
executors/executor/expiryDate string
The date the task assignee’s user account expires, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executors/executor/username string
The task assignee’s username.
executors/role enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s role. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task assignee.
- 1 – Lead assignee.
taskProfile object
Contains the information of any tags assigned to items in the list that are available to view by assignees.
taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tags to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tags are shown.
- 1 – All tags are hidden.
- 2 – Some tags are shown.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails array
If some tags are shown (taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag group’s details.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeName string
The tag group’s name.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeKey enumeration
The type of tag group. The default tag groups in Surpass are ‘Learning Outcomes’ (1), ‘Units’ (2), and ‘Keywords’ (3). Users can also create custom (4) tag groups.
taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tag collections to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tag collections are shown.
- 1 – All tag collections are hidden.
- 2 – Some tag collections are shown.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria array
If some tag collections are shown (taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag collection group’s details.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/subjectReferences array
Contains the tag collection group’s subject’s reference. The reference code of any other subject’s specified during tag collection setup for the tag collection group are also listed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollectionGroup string
The tag collection group’s name.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollections array
Contains the tag collection’s name. Multiple tag collections can be listed together.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/inverseTagCollectionSelection Boolean
Determines whether the tag collection is visible (false) or not (true).
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/criteriaType enumeration
Determines whether the most recent (1) or individual (0) tag collections are displayed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/numCollectionsToShow integer
If displaying the most recent tag collections (taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/criteriaType is set to 1), determines how many are displayed, up to a maximum of 99 tag collections.
isChangesTrackingEnabled Boolean
Determines whether the Track Changes setting is enabled. This highlights all edits, additions, and deletions made to on-page text fields during the task. Each assignee’s changes are highlighted in a different colour.
isExtendedHistoryEnabled Boolean
Determines whether the Extended History setting is enabled. This allows assignees to view all previous versions of their assigned items from the Version menu.
attachments array
Contains any attachment’s information.
attachments/id integer
The attachment’s unique identifier.
attachments/fileName string
The attachment’s file name and extension.
attachments/href string
The endpoint to call the attachment’s information, such as /api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask/{id}/Attachment/{id} where {id} is the task’s unique identifier and {id} is the attachment’s unique identifier.
attachments/fileSize integer
The file size in KB.
itemSource enumeration
Indicates the source of items, or ‘authoring mode’. The possible values are:
- 0 (Edit Existing Items) – Assignees author items from an item list.
- 1 (Create New Items) – Assignees author items directly into a subject.
externalFolderId integer
The target folder’s unique identifier.
allowEditTaskByLeadAssignee Boolean
Determines whether the Allow lead assignees to edit task settings setting is enabled. If true, lead assignees can edit task settings.
savedItemTypesLimits object
If the task is an Authoring (Create New Items) task and the Limit Item Types Authoring task setting has been enabled (or defined item types or templates have been passed in the savedItemTypesLimits object when creating an Authoring task using the Task API), contains the item types and templates the assignees can create from.
savedItemTypesLimits/itemTypes array
The item types assignees can create from are represented by the following identifiers:
- 0 – Introduction Page
- 2 – Multiple Choice
- 3 – Multiple Response
- 4 – Either/Or
- 5 – Numerical Entry
- 7 – Short Answer
- 9 – Select From a List
- 13 – Information Page
- 14 – File Attach
- 15 – Extended Matching
- 16 – Drag and Drop
- 18 – Hotspot
- 20 – Finish Page
- 23 – Survey Multiple Choice
- 24 – Survey Multiple Response
- 25 – Survey Essay
- 26 – Item Set
- 27 – Audio Capture
- 29 – Likert
- 31 – Custom Question
- 32 – Fraction Entry
- 33 – Table
savedItemTypesLimits/templates array
Lists the item templates’ unique identifiers.
listToAddItems object
Contains information about the Add Items To List setting.
listToAddItems/addItemsToListMode Boolean
Determines whether newly created items are automatically added to an item list UponCreation, UponSubmission, or not at all (DoNotAdd).
listToAddItems/listToAddItemsId integer
The item list’s unique identifier. If null, listToAddItems/addItemsToListMode is DoNotAdd.
listToAddItems/listToAddItemsName string
The item list’s name. If null, listToAddItems/addItemsToListMode is DoNotAdd.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Creating an Authoring task
Send a request to the endpoint to create an Authoring task.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
content-type |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the request, which can be either JSON or XML. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
Sample request
The following request contains the minimum required request body to create an Authoring (Edit Existing Items) task.
"reference": "AuthoringTask1",
"name": "Author January 2023 Test Form items",
"startDate": "2022-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-10-06T00:00:00Z",
"itemList": {
"id": 1
"executors": [
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "LeadAssignee"
The following request contains the minimum required request body to create an Authoring (Create New Items) task.
"reference": "AuthoringTask2",
"name": "Author September 2023 Test Form items",
"startDate": "2023-06-04T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-06-04T00:00:00Z",
"executors": [
"quota": 5,
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "Assignee"
"executor": {
"id": 2
"role": "LeadAssignee"
"itemSource": 1,
"taskSubjectId": 1
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
reference string mandatory
The task’s unique reference code.
name string mandatory
The task’s name.
description string optional
The task’s description.
startDate string mandatory
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string mandatory
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
itemList object mandatory
Contains the item list’s information.
itemList/id integer
The item list’s unique identifier.
itemList/reference string
The item list’s unique reference code.
executors array mandatory
Contains the task assignees’ information.
executors/quota integer
If the task is an Authoring (Create New Items) task, the assignee’s quota of items.
executors/executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executors/executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executors/role enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s role. This can be either Assignee or LeadAssignee. If the assignee has been removed from the task, their role is Retired.
itemStatus object optional
Contains the information of the workflow status that items will be automatically posted to when submitted as part of this task.
The default workflow statuses are Draft, To Review, Reviewed, Live, and Withdrawn. Custom workflow statuses can also be created and assigned to items. Defaults to Draft if omitted.
itemStatus/id integer
The unique identifier of the workflow status. For the unique identifier of each workflow status, refer to WorkflowStatus API.
itemStatus/name string
The name of the workflow status.
taskProfile object optional
Contains the information of any tags assigned to items in the list that are available to view by assignees.
taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tags to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tags are shown.
- 1 – All tags are hidden.
- 2 – Some tags are shown.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails array
If some tags are shown (taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag group’s details.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeName string
The tag group’s name.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeKey enumeration
The type of tag group. The default tag groups in Surpass are ‘Learning Outcomes’ (1), ‘Units’ (2), and ‘Keywords’ (3). Users can also create custom (4) tag groups.
taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tag collections to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tag collections are shown.
- 1 – All tag collections are hidden.
- 2 – Some tag collections are shown.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria array
If some tag collections are shown (taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag collection group’s details.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/subjectReferences array
Contains the tag collection group’s subject’s reference. The reference code of any other subject’s specified for the tag collection group should also be listed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollectionGroup string
The tag collection group’s name.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollections array
Contains the tag collection’s name. Multiple tag collections should be listed together.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/inverseTagCollectionSelection Boolean
Indicates whether the tag collection is visible (false) or not (true). Defaults to false if omitted.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/criteriaType enumeration
Determines whether the most recent (1) or individual (0) tag collections are displayed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/numCollectionsToShow integer
If displaying the most recent tag collections (taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/criteriaType is set to 1), determines how many are displayed, up to a maximum of 99 tag collections.
isChangesTrackingEnabled Boolean optional
Determines whether the Track Changes setting is enabled. This highlights all edits, additions, and deletions made to on-page text fields during the task. Each assignee’s changes are highlighted in a different colour. Defaults to true if omitted.
itemSource enumeration optional
Indicates the source of items, or ‘authoring mode’. The possible values are:
- 0 (Edit Existing Items) – Assignees author items from an item list.
- 1 (Create New Items) – Assignees author items directly into a subject.
If omitted, defaults to 0 and the task is created as an Authoring (Edit Existing Items) task.
taskSubjectId integer optional
The task’s parent subject’s unique identifier. Determines which subject the items are created into for Authoring (Create New Items) tasks. If the task is an Authoring (Edit Existing Items) task, defaults to the item list’s parent subject if omitted.
isExtendedHistoryEnabled Boolean optional
Determines whether the Extended History setting is enabled. This allows assignees to view all previous versions of their assigned items from the Version menu. Defaults to true if omitted.
allowEditTaskByLeadAssignee Boolean optional
Determines whether the Allow lead assignees to edit task settings setting is enabled. If true, lead assignees can edit task settings. Defaults to false if omitted.
savedItemTypesLimits object optional
If passed in the request for Authoring (Create New Items) tasks, limits the item types and
templates the assignees can create from to those specified
savedItemTypesLimits/itemTypes array
Define which item types assignees can create from using the following identifiers:
- 0 – Introduction Page
- 2 – Multiple Choice
- 3 – Multiple Response
- 4 – Either/Or
- 5 – Numerical Entry
- 7 – Short Answer
- 9 – Select From a List
- 13 – Information Page
- 14 – File Attach
- 15 – Extended Matching
- 16 – Drag and Drop
- 18 – Hotspot
- 20 – Finish Page
- 23 – Survey Multiple Choice
- 24 – Survey Multiple Response
- 25 – Survey Essay
- 26 – Item Set
- 27 – Audio Capture
- 29 – Likert
- 31 – Custom Question
- 32 – Fraction Entry
- 33 – Table
savedItemTypesLimits/templates array
List item templates’ unique identifiers to let assignees create items from those templates.
listToAddItems object optional
Contains information about the Add Items To List setting. If omitted, listToAddItems/addItemsToListMode defaults to DoNotAdd and newly created items are not automatically added to an item list.
listToAddItems/addItemsToListMode Boolean
Determines whether newly created items are automatically added to an item list UponCreation, UponSubmission, or not at all (DoNotAdd).
listToAddItems/listToAddItemsId integer
The item list’s unique identifier. If newly created items are to be added to a new item list, do not specify an existing item list by omitting this property.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the new Authoring task’s details.
"id": 1,
"reference": "AuthoringTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask/1",
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": null
Updating an Authoring task
Send a request to the endpoint to update a specific Authoring task.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
content-type |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the request, which can be either JSON or XML. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask/{id} |
Updates specified task, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
reference |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask?reference={reference} |
Updates specified task, where {reference} is the task’s unique reference code. |
Sample request
At least one property must be updated in the request. The following request contains the minimum required request body to update an Authoring task. Refer to the request body schema for all properties that can be updated.
"name": "Author June 2023 Test Form items"
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
name string
The task’s name.
description string
The task’s description.
startDate string
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
itemStatus object
Contains the information of the workflow status that items will be automatically posted to when submitted as part of this task.
The default workflow statuses are Draft, To Review, Reviewed, Live, and Withdrawn. Custom workflow statuses can also be created and assigned to items. Defaults to Draft if omitted.
itemStatus/id integer
The unique identifier of the workflow status. For the unique identifier of each workflow status, refer to WorkflowStatus API.
itemStatus/name string
The name of the workflow status.
executors array
Contains the task assignees’ information.
executors/quota integer
If the task is an Authoring (Create New Items) task, the assignee’s quota.
executors/executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executors/executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executors/role enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s role. This can be either Assignee or LeadAssignee. If the assignee has been removed from the task, their role is Retired.
taskProfile object
Contains the information of any tags assigned to items in the list that are available to view by assignees.
taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tags to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tags are shown.
- 1 – All tags are hidden.
- 2 – Some tags are shown.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails array
If some tags are shown (taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag group’s details.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeName string
The tag group’s name.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeKey enumeration
The type of tag group. The default tag groups in Surpass are ‘Learning Outcomes’ (1), ‘Units’ (2), and ‘Keywords’ (3). Users can also create custom (4) tag groups.
taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tag collections to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tag collections are shown.
- 1 – All tag collections are hidden.
- 2 – Some tag collections are shown.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria array
If some tag collections are shown (taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag collection group’s details.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/subjectReferences array
Contains the tag collection group’s subject’s reference. The reference code of any other subject’s specified for the tag collection group should also be listed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollectionGroup string
The tag collection group’s name.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollections array
Contains the tag collection’s name. Multiple tag collections should be listed together.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/inverseTagCollectionSelection Boolean
Indicates whether the tag collection is visible (false) or not (true).
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/criteriaType enumeration
Determines whether the most recent (1) or individual (0) tag collections are displayed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/numCollectionsToShow integer
If displaying the most recent tag collections (taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/criteriaType is set to 1), determines how many are displayed, up to a maximum of 99 tag collections.
isExtendedHistoryEnabled Boolean
Determines whether the Extended History setting is enabled. This allows assignees to view all previous versions of their assigned items from the Version menu.
itemSource enumeration
Indicates the source of items, or ‘authoring mode’. The possible values are:
- 0 (Edit Existing Items) – Assignees author items from an item list.
- 1 (Create New Items) – Assignees author items directly into a subject.
taskSubjectId integer
The task’s parent subject’s unique identifier. Determines which subject the items are created into for Authoring (Create New Items) tasks.
allowEditTaskByLeadAssignee Boolean
Determines whether the Allow lead assignees to edit task settings setting is enabled. If true, lead assignees can edit task settings.
savedItemTypesLimits object
If passed in the request for Authoring (Create New Items) tasks, limits the item types and
templates the assignees can create from to those specified
savedItemTypesLimits/itemTypes array
Define which item types assignees can create from using the following identifiers:
- 0 – Introduction Page
- 2 – Multiple Choice
- 3 – Multiple Response
- 4 – Either/Or
- 5 – Numerical Entry
- 7 – Short Answer
- 9 – Select From a List
- 13 – Information Page
- 14 – File Attach
- 15 – Extended Matching
- 16 – Drag and Drop
- 18 – Hotspot
- 20 – Finish Page
- 23 – Survey Multiple Choice
- 24 – Survey Multiple Response
- 25 – Survey Essay
- 26 – Item Set
- 27 – Audio Capture
- 29 – Likert
- 31 – Custom Question
- 32 – Fraction Entry
- 33 – Table
savedItemTypesLimits/templates array
List item templates’ unique identifiers to let assignees create items from those templates.
listToAddItems object
Contains information about the Add Items To List setting.
listToAddItems/addItemsToListMode Boolean
Determines whether newly created items are automatically added to an item list UponCreation, UponSubmission, or not at all (DoNotAdd).
listToAddItems/listToAddItemsId integer
The item list’s unique identifier. If newly created items are to be added to a new item list, do not specify an existing item list by omitting this property.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the updated Authoring task’s details.
"id": 1,
"reference": "AuthoringTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemAuthoringTask/1",
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": null
Review tasks
In a Review task, assignees inspect an item list on an item-by-item basis. Assignees may also be allowed to edit items in Review tasks. There are two editing modes available for Review tasks:
- In a Shared Review task, all assignees access and may edit the same version of a review item, with any changes visible to all assignees. For more information, read Creating a Review task, Working in a Shared Review task as an assignee, and Working in a Shared Review task as a lead assignee.
- In an Individual Review task, each assignee receives their own copy of a review item to edit. Their changes are private and visible only to the lead assignee. For more information, read Creating a Review task, Working in an Individual Review task as an assignee, and Working in an Individual Review task as a lead assignee.
The Task API resource can be used to retrieve, create, and update Review tasks, as well as list, retrieve, and update Review task results.
Retrieving Review task information
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve information for a specific Review task using either its ID or reference. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/{id} |
Returns information for the specified Review task, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
reference |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask?reference={reference} |
Returns information for the specified Review task, where {reference} is the task’s unique reference code. |
includeDetails |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/{id}?includeDetails={Boolean} |
If {Boolean} is true, returns further information about the task creator and task assignee, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier (or reference code). |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": null,
"top": null,
"skip": null,
"pageCount": null,
"nextPageLink": null,
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Review January 2023 Test Form items",
"reference": "ReviewTask1",
"description": null,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/1",
"type": 1,
"startDate": "2021-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"createDate": "2021-07-06T09:53:47.08",
"creator": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "User1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/1",
"firstName": "Stuart",
"lastName": "Fenwick",
"email": "stuart.fenwick@surpass.com",
"jobTitle": "",
"defaultLanguage": "English",
"dateCreated": "2017-11-23T15:30:16.857",
"retired": false,
"expiryDate": "2027-11-23T00:00:00",
"userName": "stuartf"
"status": 0,
"itemStatus": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Reviewed"
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/Subject/1",
"name": "Geography Subject"
"itemList": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "ItemList1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemList/1",
"name": "Geography 2023 Test Form items",
"isDeleted": false
"updateDate": "2020-11-10T10:58:53.063",
"executors": [
"status": 0,
"executor": {
"id": 2,
"reference": "User2",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/2",
"firstName": "Kathrin",
"lastName": "Wilcox",
"email": "kathrin.wilcox@surpass.com",
"jobTitle": "",
"defaultLanguage": "English",
"dateCreated": "2017-11-23T15:30:16.857",
"retired": false,
"expiryDate": "2027-11-23T00:00:00",
"userName": "kathrinw"
"role": 0
"status": 0,
"executor": {
"id": 3,
"reference": "User3",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/3",
"firstName": "Nigella",
"lastName": "Schulz",
"email": "nigella.schulz@surpass.com",
"jobTitle": "",
"defaultLanguage": "English",
"dateCreated": "2017-11-23T15:30:16.857",
"retired": false,
"expiryDate": "2027-11-23T00:00:00",
"userName": "nigellas"
"role": 1
"allowEditItems": true,
"isChangesTrackingEnabled": false,
"reviewType": "Multiple",
"taskProfile": null,
"isExtendedHistoryEnabled": false,
"attachments": [],
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many tasks there are in total. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
top integer
Details number of tasks returned in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
skip integer
Details how many tasks were skipped to display those in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
pageCount integer
Details how many pages of tasks there are. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of tasks. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of tasks. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
id integer
The task’s unique identifier.
name string
The task’s name.
reference string
The task’s unique reference code.
description string
The task’s description.
href string
The endpoint to call the task’s information, such as /api/v2/ItemReviewTask/{id} where {id} is the task’s unique identifier.
type enumeration
Indicates the task type. The possible values are:
- 0 – General task.
- 1 – Review task.
- 2 – Authoring task.
- 3 – Standard Setting task.
This property always returns a 1 as it is a Review task.
startDate string
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
createDate string
The date the task was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator object
Contains the task creator’s information.
creator/id integer
The task creator’s unique identifier.
creator/reference string
The task creator’s unique reference code.
creator/href string
The endpoint to call the task creator’s information, such as /api/v2/User/{id} where {id} is the task creator’s unique identifier.
creator/firstName string
The task creator’s first name.
creator/lastName string
The task creator’s surname.
creator/email string
The task creator’s email address.
creator/jobTitle string
The task creator’s job title.
creator/defaultLanguage enumeration
Determines whether the task creator’s default language is English (UK) (English), English (US) (EnglishUs), Dutch (Dutch), Arabic (Arabic), German (German), Spanish (Spanish), Latin American Spanish (SpanishLatinAmerica), French Canadian (FrenchCanadian), or Welsh (Welsh).
creator/dateCreated string
The date the task creator’s user account was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator/retired Boolean
Determines whether the task creator is retired.
creator/expiryDate string
The date the task creator’s user account expires, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator/username string
The task creator’s username.
status enumeration
Indicates the task’s status. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task not yet started.
- 1 – Task currently in progress.
- 2 – Task is complete.
itemStatus object
Contains the information of the workflow status that items will be automatically posted to when submitted as part of this task.
The default workflow statuses are Draft, To Review, Reviewed, Live, and Withdrawn. Custom workflow statuses can also be created and assigned to items.
itemStatus/id integer
The unique identifier of the workflow status. For the unique identifier of each workflow status, refer to WorkflowStatus API.
itemStatus/name string
The name of the workflow status.
subject object
Contains the task’s parent subject’s information.
subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
subject/href string
The endpoint to call the subject’s information, such as /api/v2/Subject/{id} where {id} is the subject’s unique identifier.
subject/name string
The subject’s name.
itemList object
Contains the item list’s information.
itemList/id integer
The item list’s unique identifier.
itemList/reference string
The item list’s unique reference code.
itemList/href string
The endpoint to call the item list’s information, such as /api/v2/ItemList/{id} where {id} is the item list’s unique identifier.
itemList/name string
The item list’s name.
itemList/isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the item list has been deleted.
updateDate string
The date the task’s status was last updated, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executors array
Contains the task assignees’ information.
executors/status enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s progress. The possible values are:
- 0 – Assignee has not yet started the task.
- 1 – Assignee is in progress with the task.
- 2 – Assignee has completed the task.
executors/executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executors/executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executors/executor/href string
The endpoint to call the task assignee’s information, such as /api/v2/User/{id} where {id} is the task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/firstName string
The task assignee’s first name.
executors/executor/lastName string
The task assignee’s surname.
executors/executor/email string
The task assignee’s email address.
executors/executor/jobTitle string
The task assignee’s job title.
executors/executor/defaultLanguage enumeration
Determines whether the task assignee’s default language is English (UK) (English), English (US) (EnglishUs), Dutch (Dutch), Arabic (Arabic), German (German), Spanish (Spanish), Latin American Spanish (SpanishLatinAmerica), French Canadian (FrenchCanadian), or Welsh (Welsh).
executors/executor/dateCreated string
The date the task assignee’s user account was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executors/executor/retired Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee is retired.
executors/executor/expiryDate string
The date the task assignee’s user account expires, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executors/executor/username string
The task assignee’s username.
executors/role enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s role. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task assignee.
- 1 – Lead assignee.
allowEditItems Boolean
Determines whether the Allow assignees to edit items during the task setting is enabled.
isChangesTrackingEnabled Boolean
Determines whether the Track Changes setting is enabled. This highlights all edits, additions, and deletions made to on-page text fields during the task. Each assignee’s changes are highlighted in a different colour.
reviewType enumeration
Determines the type of Review task:
- Multiple [copy] – The task is an Individual Review task. Each assignee receives their own copy of a review item to edit.
- Single [copy] – The task is a Shared Review task. All assignees access and may edit the same version of a review item.
taskProfile object
Contains the information of any tags assigned to items in the list that are available to view by assignees.
taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tags to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tags are shown.
- 1 – All tags are hidden.
- 2 – Some tags are shown.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails array
If some tags are shown (taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag group’s details.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeName string
The tag group’s name.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeKey enumeration
The type of tag group. The default tag groups in Surpass are ‘Learning Outcomes’ (1), ‘Units’ (2), and ‘Keywords’ (3). Users can also create custom (4) tag groups.
taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tag collections to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tag collections are shown.
- 1 – All tag collections are hidden.
- 2 – Some tag collections are shown.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria array
If some tag collections are shown (taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag collection group’s details.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/subjectReferences array
Contains the tag collection group’s subject’s reference. The reference code of any other subject’s specified during tag collection setup for the tag collection group are also listed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollectionGroup string
The tag collection group’s name.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollections array
Contains the tag collection’s name. Multiple tag collections are listed together.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/inverseTagCollectionSelection Boolean
Indicates whether the task collection is visible (false) or not (true).
isExtendedHistoryEnabled Boolean
Determines whether the Extended History setting is enabled. This allows assignees to view all previous versions of their assigned items from the Version menu.
attachments array
Contains any attachment’s information.
attachments/id integer
The attachment’s unique identifier.
attachments/fileName string
The attachment’s file name and extension.
attachments/href string
The endpoint to call the attachment’s information, such as /api/v2/ItemReviewTask/{id}/Attachment/{id} where {id} is the task’s unique identifier and {id} is the attachment’s unique identifier.
attachments/fileSize integer
The file size in KB.
allowEditItemsByLeadAssignee Boolean
Determines whether the Allow assignees to edit items during the task setting is enabled.
allowAssigneeVote Boolean
Determines whether assignees can vote and comment (true) or comment only (false).
allowAssigneeViewComments Boolean
Determines whether the Allow assignees to see other assignee comments setting is enabled.
language object
If item language variants are enabled, contains the information related to the specified task language.
language/name string
The name of the language.
language/code enumeration
The language’s ISO code. The available language codes are amh, ar, arm, pob, bul, mya, zh, zho, hrv, ces, dan, nl, en-int, en, us, est, per, tgl, fin, frc, ga, gle, glg, ge, gre, heb, hun, ind, ita, jpn, kk, khm, kor, lao, la, lav, lit, mlt, mon, nep, no, pol, por, iir, ron, rus, smo, slk, slv, som, sp, es-int, lac, es-pa, es-pr, swe, tha, tur, ukr, vie, and we.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Listing Review task results
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve a list of the results for a specific Review task using either its ID or reference. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
top |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult?$top={top}&taskId={id} |
Defines number of responses to return when paging a response, where {top} is a number between 1 and 40 and {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
skip |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult?$skip={skip}&taskId={id} |
Defines how many responses to skip when paging a response, where {skip} is a number that should not exceed the total number of responses and {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
filter |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult?$filter={filter} {operator} {value}&taskId={id} |
Filters results, searching either for an exact match or for the data to contain a defined value. For an exact match: {filter} is id, {operator} is eq (equal to), and {value} is the integer the filter query looks for an exact match for in the request. For a greater than query: {filter} is id, {operator} is ge (greater than), and {value} is the integer the filter looks for more than in the request. For a less than query: {filter} is id, {operator} is le (less than), and {value} is the integer the filter looks for less than in the request. {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
taskId |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult?taskId={id} |
Returns results for the specified Review task, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
taskReference |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult?taskReference={reference} |
Returns results for the specified Review task, where {reference} is the task’s unique reference code. |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": 14,
"top": 10,
"skip": 0,
"pageCount": 2,
"nextPageLink": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com:443/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult?taskReference=ReviewTask1%20review&$skip=10",
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"id": 1,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/1",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false
"id": 2,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/2",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false
"id": 3,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/3",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false
"id": 4,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/4",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false
"id": 5,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/5",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false
"id": 6,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/6",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false
"id": 7,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/7",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false
"id": 8,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/8",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false
"id": 9,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/9",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false
"id": 10,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/10",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many results there are in total.
top integer
Details number of results returned in the response.
skip integer
Details how many results were skipped to display those in the response.
pageCount integer
Details how many results there are.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of results. If null, the response is the last page of results.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of results. If null, the response is the first page of results.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
id integer
The result’s unique identifier.
href string
The endpoint to call the result’s information, such as /api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/{id} where {id} is the result’s unique identifier.
isFlagged Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has flagged the item.
isSubmitted Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has submitted the item.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Retrieving Review task results information
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve information for a specific Review task result using either its ID or reference. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/{id} |
Returns information for the specified Review task result, where {id} is the result’s unique identifier. |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": null,
"top": null,
"skip": null,
"pageCount": null,
"nextPageLink": null,
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"id": 1,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/1",
"externalItemId": 1,
"externalItemVersion": "2.0",
"externalSubjectId": 1,
"reviewResult": 2,
"lastModifiedDate": "2020-02-24T14:27:34.327",
"executor": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "User1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/1"
"isFinalDecision": false,
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many results there are in total. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
top integer
Details number of results returned in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
skip integer
Details how many results were skipped to display those in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
pageCount integer
Details how many pages of results there are. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of results. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of results. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
id integer
The result’s unique identifier.
href string
The endpoint to call the result’s information, such as /api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult{id} where {id} is the result’s unique identifier.
externalItemId integer
The item’s unique identifier.
externalItemItemVersion integer
The item’s version.
externalSubjectId integer
The unique identifier of the subject the item is in.
reviewResult enumeration
The task assignee’s vote. The possible values are:
- 0 – Reject.
- 1 – Advise.
- 2 – Approve.
comment string
Any comment left by the task assignee.
lastModifiedDate string
The date the result was last updated, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executor/href string
The endpoint to call the task assignee’s information, such as /api/v2/User/{id} where {id} is the task assignee’s unique identifier.
isFinalDecision Boolean
Determines whether the result is the lead assignee’s final decision.
isFlagged Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has flagged the item.
isSubmitted Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has submitted the item.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Creating a Review task
Send a request to the endpoint to create a Review task.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
content-type |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the request, which can be either JSON or XML. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
Sample requests
The following request contains the minimum required request body to create a Review task.
"reference": "ReviewTask1",
"name": "Review January 2023 Test Form items",
"startDate": "2020-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"itemList": {
"id": 1
"executors": [
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "LeadAssignee"
The following requests contain the minimum required request body to create each Review task type.
"reference": "ReviewTask2",
"name": "Review January 2023 Test Form items",
"startDate": "2020-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"itemList": {
"id": 1
"executors": [
"executor": {
"id": 1,
"role": "LeadAssignee"
"executor": {
"id": 2
"role": "Assignee"
"allowEditItems": true,
"isChangesTrackingEnabled": true,
"reviewType": "Multiple",
"isExtendedHistoryEnabled": true
"reference": "ReviewTask3",
"name": "Review January 2023 Test Form items",
"startDate": "2020-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"itemList": {
"id": 1
"executors": [
"executor": {
"id": 1,
"role": "LeadAssignee"
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "Assignee"
"allowEditItems": true,
"isChangesTrackingEnabled": true,
"reviewType": "Single",
"isExtendedHistoryEnabled": false
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
reference string mandatory
The task’s unique reference code.
name string mandatory
The task’s name.
description string optional
The task’s description.
startDate string mandatory
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string mandatory
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
itemList object mandatory
Contains the item list’s information.
itemList/id integer
The item list’s unique identifier.
itemList/reference string
The item list’s unique reference code.
executors array mandatory
Contains the task assignees’ information.
executors/executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executors/executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executors/role enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s role. This can be either Assignee or LeadAssignee. If the assignee has been removed from the task, their role is Retired.
itemStatus object optional
Contains the information of the workflow status that items will be automatically posted to when submitted as part of this task.
The default workflow statuses are Draft, To Review, Reviewed, Live, and Withdrawn. Custom workflow statuses can also be created and assigned to items. Defaults to Draft if omitted.
itemStatus/id integer
The unique identifier of the workflow status. For the unique identifier of each workflow status, refer to WorkflowStatus API.
itemStatus/name string
The name of the workflow status.
allowEditItems Boolean optional
Determines whether the Allow assignees to edit items during the task setting is enabled. Defaults to true if omitted.
taskProfile object optional
Contains the information of any tags assigned to items in the list that are available to view by assignees.
taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tags to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tags are shown.
- 1 – All tags are hidden.
- 2 – Some tags are shown.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails array
If some tags are shown (taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag group’s details.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeName string
The tag group’s name.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeKey enumeration
The type of tag group. The default tag groups in Surpass are ‘Learning Outcomes’ (1), ‘Units’ (2), and ‘Keywords’ (3). Users can also create custom (4) tag groups.
taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tag collections to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tag collections are shown.
- 1 – All tag collections are hidden.
- 2 – Some tag collections are shown.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria array
If some tag collections are shown (taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag collection group’s details.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/subjectReferences array
Contains the tag collection group’s subject’s reference. The reference code of any other subject’s specified for the tag collection group should also be listed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollectionGroup string
The tag collection group’s name.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollections array
Contains the tag collection’s name. Multiple tag collections should be listed together.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/inverseTagCollectionSelection Boolean
Indicates whether the task collection is visible (false) or not (true). Defaults to false if omitted.
isChangesTrackingEnabled Boolean optional
Determines whether the Track Changes setting is enabled. This highlights all edits, additions, and deletions made to on-page text fields during the task. Each assignee’s changes are highlighted in a different colour. Defaults to true if omitted.
reviewType enumeration optional
Determines the type of Review task:
- Multiple [copy] – The task is an Individual Review task. Each assignee receives their own copy of a review item to edit.
- Single [copy] – The task is a Shared Review task. All assignees access and may edit the same version of a review item.
itemSource enumeration optional
isExtendedHistoryEnabled Boolean optional
Determines whether the Extended History setting is enabled. This allows assignees to view all previous versions of their assigned items from the Version menu. Defaults to true if omitted.
allowAssigneeVote Boolean optional
Determines whether assignees can vote and comment (true) or comment only (false). Defaults to false if omitted.
allowAssigneeViewComments Boolean optional
Determines whether the Allow assignees to see other assignee comments setting is enabled. Defaults to false if omitted.
language object optional
If item language variants are enabled, contains the information related to the specified task language.
language/code enumeration
The language’s ISO code. The available language codes are amh, ar, arm, pob, bul, mya, zh, zho, hrv, ces, dan, nl, en-int, en, us, est, per, tgl, fin, frc, ga, gle, glg, ge, gre, heb, hun, ind, ita, jpn, kk, khm, kor, lao, la, lav, lit, mlt, mon, nep, no, pol, por, iir, ron, rus, smo, slk, slv, som, sp, es-int, lac, es-pa, es-pr, swe, tha, tur, ukr, vie, and we.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the new Review task’s details.
"id": 1,
"reference": "ReviewTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/1",
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": null
Updating a Review task
Send a request to the endpoint to update a specific Review task.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
content-type |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the request, which can be either JSON or XML. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/{id} |
Updates specified task, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
reference |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask?reference={reference} |
Updates specified task, where {reference} is the task’s unique reference code. |
Sample request
At least one property must be updated in the request. The following request contains the minimum required request body to update a Review task. Refer to the request body schema for all properties that can be updated.
"name": "Review June 2023 Test Form items"
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
reference string
The task’s unique reference code.
name string
The task’s name.
description string
The task’s description.
startDate string
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
itemList object
Contains the item list’s information.
itemList/id integer
The item list’s unique identifier.
itemList/reference string
The item list’s unique reference code.
itemList/refreshListContent Boolean
Checks for updates to the task’s list and updates the task if true. Only the order, addition, or removal of items in the list are updated. Changes to items themselves made since the list was associated with the task are effective as normal. The list cannot be refreshed after the task has started.
executors array
Contains the task assignees’ information.
executors/executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executors/executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executors/role enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s role. This can be either Assignee or LeadAssignee. If the assignee has been removed from the task, their role is Retired.
itemStatus object
Contains the information of the workflow status that items will be automatically posted to when submitted as part of this task.
The default workflow statuses are Draft, To Review, Reviewed, Live, and Withdrawn. Custom workflow statuses can also be created and assigned to items. Defaults to Draft if omitted.
itemStatus/id integer
The unique identifier of the workflow status. For the unique identifier of each workflow status, refer to WorkflowStatus API.
itemStatus/name string
The name of the workflow status.
taskProfile object
Contains the information of any tags assigned to items in the list that are available to view by assignees.
taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tags to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tags are shown.
- 1 – All tags are hidden.
- 2 – Some tags are shown.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails array
If some tags are shown (taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag group’s details.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeName string
The tag group’s name.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeKey enumeration
The type of tag group. The default tag groups in Surpass are ‘Learning Outcomes’ (1), ‘Units’ (2), and ‘Keywords’ (3). Users can also create custom (4) tag groups.
taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tag collections to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tag collections are shown.
- 1 – All tag collections are hidden.
- 2 – Some tag collections are shown.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria array
If some tag collections are shown (taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag collection group’s details.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/subjectReferences array
Contains the tag collection group’s subject’s reference. The reference code of any other subject’s specified for the tag collection group should also be listed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollectionGroup string
The tag collection group’s name.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollections array
Contains the tag collection’s name. Multiple tag collections should be listed together.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/inverseTagCollectionSelection Boolean
Indicates whether the task collection is visible (false) or not (true).
isExtendedHistoryEnabled Boolean
Determines whether the Extended History setting is enabled. This allows assignees to view all previous versions of their assigned items from the Version menu.
status enumeration
Indicates the task’s status. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task not yet started.
- 1 – Task currently in progress.
- 2 – Task is complete.
allowAssigneeVote Boolean
Determines whether assignees can vote and comment (true) or comment only (false).
allowAssigneeViewComments Boolean
Determines whether the Allow assignees to see other assignee comments setting is enabled.
language object
If item language variants are enabled, contains the information related to the specified task language.
language/code enumeration
The language’s ISO code. The available language codes are amh, ar, arm, pob, bul, mya, zh, zho, hrv, ces, dan, nl, en-int, en, us, est, per, tgl, fin, frc, ga, gle, glg, ge, gre, heb, hun, ind, ita, jpn, kk, khm, kor, lao, la, lav, lit, mlt, mon, nep, no, pol, por, iir, ron, rus, smo, slk, slv, som, sp, es-int, lac, es-pa, es-pr, swe, tha, tur, ukr, vie, and we.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the updated Review task’s details.
"id": 1,
"reference": "ReviewTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/1",
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": null
Updating a Review task result
Send a request to the endpoint to update a specific Review task result.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
content-type |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the request, which can be either JSON or XML. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/{id} |
Updates specified task, where {id} is the result’s unique identifier. |
Sample request
At least one property must be updated in the request. The following request contains the minimum required request body to update a Review task result. Refer to the request body schema for all properties that can be updated.
"isFlagged": true
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
reviewResult enumeration
The task assignee’s vote. The possible values are:
- 0 – Reject.
- 1 – Advise.
- 2 – Approve.
comment string
Any comment left by the task assignee.
workFlowSatusId integer
The workflow status that the item will be automatically posted to when submitted as part of this task. For the unique identifier of each workflow status, refer to WorkflowStatus API.
isFlagged Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has flagged the item.
isSubmitted Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has submitted the item.
overrideUserLock Boolean
Overrides validation if a task assignee is reviewing the item when the call is made. You must have the Review Manager permission.
role enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s role. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task assignee.
- 1 – Lead assignee.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the updated Review task result’s details.
"id": 1,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemReviewTask/ItemReviewResult/1",
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": null
Standard Setting tasks
In a Standard Setting task, assignees rate items in an item list according to the Angoff rating method to help determine a cut score for your test. The Angoff rating method is designed to identify the proportion of minimally competent candidates.
The Task API resource can be used to retrieve, create, and update Standard Setting tasks, as well as list, retrieve, and update Standard Setting task results.
To learn more about Standard Setting tasks, read Creating a Standard Setting task, Working in a Standard Setting task as an assignee, and Working in a Standard Setting task as a lead assignee.
Retrieving Standard Setting task information
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve information for a specific Standard Setting task using either its ID or reference. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/{id} |
Returns information for the specified Standard Setting task, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
reference |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask?reference={reference} |
Returns information for the specified Standard Setting task, where {reference} is the task’s unique reference code. |
includeDetails |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/{id}?includeDetails={Boolean} |
If {Boolean} is true, returns further information about the task creator and task assignee, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier (or reference code). |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": null,
"top": null,
"skip": null,
"pageCount": null,
"nextPageLink": null,
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Rate January 2023 Test Form items",
"reference": "StandardSettingTask1",
"description": null,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/1",
"type": 3,
"startDate": "2020-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"createDate": "2020-07-06T09:53:47.08",
"creator": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "User1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/1",
"firstName": "Stuart",
"lastName": "Fenwick",
"email": "stuart.fenwick@surpass.com",
"jobTitle": "",
"defaultLanguage": "English",
"dateCreated": "2017-11-23T15:30:16.857",
"retired": false,
"expiryDate": "2027-11-23T00:00:00",
"userName": "stuartf"
"status": 1,
"itemStatus": {
"id": 4,
"name": "Live"
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/Subject/1",
"name": "Geography Subject"
"itemList": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "ItemList1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/ItemList/1",
"name": "Geography 2023 Test Form items",
"isDeleted": false
"updateDate": "2020-11-10T10:58:53.063",
"executors": [
"status": 0,
"executor": {
"id": 2,
"reference": "User2",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/2",
"firstName": "Kathrin",
"lastName": "Wilcox",
"email": "kathrin.wilcox@surpass.com",
"jobTitle": "",
"defaultLanguage": "English",
"dateCreated": "2017-11-23T15:30:16.857",
"retired": false,
"expiryDate": "2027-11-23T00:00:00",
"userName": "kathrinw"
"role": 0
"status": 0,
"executor": {
"id": 3,
"reference": "User3",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/3",
"firstName": "Nigella",
"lastName": "Schulz",
"email": "nigella.schulz@surpass.com",
"jobTitle": "",
"defaultLanguage": "English",
"dateCreated": "2017-11-23T15:30:16.857",
"retired": false,
"expiryDate": "2027-11-23T00:00:00",
"userName": "nigellas"
"role": 1
"taskProfile": null,
"navigationType": "ForwardOnly",
"ratingMethods": [
"ratingMethod": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Angoff"
"ratingMethodOptions": [
"ratingMethodOption": {
"id": 1,
"name": "AngoffPresentRevisedRatingParameter"
"value": "true"
"ratingMethodOption": {
"id": 2,
"name": "AngoffRepeatedProcessParameter"
"value": "0"
"attachments": []
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many tasks there are in total. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
top integer
Details number of tasks returned in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
skip integer
Details how many tasks were skipped to display those in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
pageCount integer
Details how many pages of tasks there are. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of tasks. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of tasks. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific task.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
id integer
The task’s unique identifier.
name string
The task’s name.
reference string
The task’s unique reference code.
description string
The task’s description.
href string
The endpoint to call the task’s information, such as /api/v2/StandardSettingTask/{id} where {id} is the task’s unique identifier.
type enumeration
Indicates the task type. The possible values are:
- 0 – General task.
- 1 – Review task.
- 2 – Authoring task.
- 3 – Standard Setting task.
This property always returns a 3 as it is a Standard Setting task.
startDate string
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
createDate string
The date the task was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator object
Contains the task creator’s information.
creator/id integer
The task creator’s unique identifier.
creator/reference string
The task creator’s unique reference code.
creator/href string
The endpoint to call the task creator’s information, such as /api/v2/User/{id} where {id} is the task creator’s unique identifier.
creator/firstName string
The task creator’s first name.
creator/lastName string
The task creator’s surname.
creator/email string
The task creator’s email address.
creator/jobTitle string
The task creator’s job title.
creator/defaultLanguage enumeration
Determines whether the task creator’s default language is English (UK) (English), English (US) (EnglishUs), Dutch (Dutch), Arabic (Arabic), German (German), Spanish (Spanish), Latin American Spanish (SpanishLatinAmerica), French Canadian (FrenchCanadian), or Welsh (Welsh).
creator/dateCreated string
The date the task creator’s user account was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator/retired Boolean
Determines whether the task creator is retired.
creator/expiryDate string
The date the task creator’s user account expires, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
creator/username string
The task creator’s username.
status enumeration
Indicates the task’s status. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task not yet started.
- 1 – Task currently in progress.
- 2 – Task is complete.
subject object
Contains the task’s parent subject’s information.
subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
subject/href string
The endpoint to call the subject’s information, such as /api/v2/Subject/{id} where {id} is the subject’s unique identifier.
subject/name string
The subject’s name.
itemList object
Contains the item list’s information.
itemList/id integer
The item list’s unique identifier.
itemList/reference string
The item list’s unique reference code.
itemList/href string
The endpoint to call the item list’s information, such as /api/v2/ItemList/{id} where {id} is the item list’s unique identifier.
itemList/name string
The item list’s name.
itemList/isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the item list has been deleted.
updateDate string
The date the task’s status was last updated, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executors array
Contains the task assignees’ information.
executors/status enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s progress. The possible values are:
- 0 – Assignee has not yet started the task.
- 1 – Assignee is in progress with the task.
- 2 – Assignee has completed the task.
executors/executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executors/executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executors/executor/href string
The endpoint to call the task assignee’s information, such as /api/v2/User/{id} where {id} is the task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/firstName string
The task assignee’s first name.
executors/executor/lastName string
The task assignee’s surname.
executors/executor/email string
The task assignee’s email address.
executors/executor/jobTitle string
The task assignee’s job title.
executors/executor/defaultLanguage enumeration
Determines whether the task assignee’s default language is English (UK) (English), English (US) (EnglishUs), Dutch (Dutch), Arabic (Arabic), German (German), Spanish (Spanish), Latin American Spanish (SpanishLatinAmerica), French Canadian (FrenchCanadian), or Welsh (Welsh).
executors/executor/dateCreated string
The date the task assignee’s user account was created, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executors/executor/retired Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee is retired.
executors/executor/expiryDate string
The date the task assignee’s user account expires, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executors/executor/username string
The task assignee’s username.
executors/role enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s role. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task assignee.
- 1 – Lead assignee.
taskProfile object
Contains the information of any tags assigned to items in the list that are available to view by assignees.
taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tags to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tags are shown.
- 1 – All tags are hidden.
- 2 – Some tags are shown.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails array
If some tags are shown (taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag group’s details.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeName string
The tag group’s name.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeKey enumeration
The type of tag group. The default tag groups in Surpass are ‘Learning Outcomes’ (1), ‘Units’ (2), and ‘Keywords’ (3). Users can also create custom (4) tag groups.
taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tag collections to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tag collections are shown.
- 1 – All tag collections are hidden.
- 2 – Some tag collections are shown.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria array
If some tag collections are shown (taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag collection group’s details.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/subjectReferences array
Contains the tag collection group’s subject’s reference. The reference code of any other subject’s specified during tag collection setup for the tag collection group are also listed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollectionGroup string
The tag collection group’s name.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollections array
Contains the tag collection’s name. Multiple tag collections are listed together.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/inverseTagCollectionSelection Boolean
Indicates whether the task collection is visible (false) or not (true). Defaults to false if omitted.
navigationType enumeration
The task’s navigation type. This can be either Standard or ForwardOnly.
ratingMethods array
Contains the rating methods’ information.
ratingMethods/ratingMethod object
Contains the rating method’s information.
ratingMethods/ratingMethod/id enumeration
The rating method’s unique identifier, The possible values are:
- 1 – Angoff.
ratingMethods/ratingMethod/name enumeration
The rating method’s name. The only rating method currently available is Angoff.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions array
Contains the rating method settings.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption object
Contains the rating method’s settings.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/id enumeration
The rating method setting’s unique identifier. The possible values are:
- 1 – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting.
- 2 – The Process Settings: Sequential or Repeated.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/name enumeration
The rating method setting’s name. The possible values are:
- AngoffPresentRevisedRatingParameter – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting.
- AngoffRepeatedProcessParameter – The Process Settings: Sequential or Repeated.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/value enumeration
The setting’s state. If the ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/id is 1, the possible values are:
- true – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting is enabled.
- false – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting is disabled.
If the ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/id is 2, and navigationType is set to ForwardOnly, the possible values are:
- 0 – The process setting is Sequential
- 1 – The process setting is Repeated.
attachments array
Contains any attachment’s information.
attachments/id integer
The attachment’s unique identifier.
attachments/fileName string
The attachment’s file name and extension.
attachments/href string
The endpoint to call the attachment’s information, such as /api/v2/StandardSettingTask/{id}/Attachment/{id} where {id} is the task’s unique identifier and {id} is the attachment’s unique identifier.
attachments/fileSize integer
The file size in KB.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Listing Standard Setting task results
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve a list of the results for a specific Standard Setting task using either its ID or reference. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
top |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult?$top={top}&taskId={id} |
Defines number of responses to return when paging a response, where {top} is a number between 1 and 40 and {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
skip |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult?$skip={skip}&taskId={id} |
Defines how many responses to skip when paging a response, where {skip} is a number that should not exceed the total number of responses and {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
filter |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult?$filter={filter} {operator} {value}&taskId={id} |
Filters results, searching either for an exact match or for the data to contain a defined value. For an exact match: {filter} is id, {operator} is eq (equal to), and {value} is the integer the filter query looks for an exact match for in the request. For a greater than query: {filter} is id, {operator} is ge (greater than), and {value} is the integer the filter looks for more than in the request. For a less than query: {filter} is id, {operator} is le (less than), and {value} is the integer the filter looks for less than in the request. {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
taskId |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult?taskId={id} |
Returns results for the specified Standard Setting task, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
taskReference |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult?taskReference={reference} |
Returns results for the specified Standard Setting task, where {reference} is the task’s unique reference code. |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": 14,
"top": 10,
"skip": 0,
"pageCount": 2,
"nextPageLink": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com:443/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult?taskReference=StandardSettingTask1%20review&$skip=10",
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"id": 1,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/1",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false,
"ratingMethodResults": null
"id": 2,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/2",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false,
"ratingMethodResults": null
"id": 3,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/3",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false,
"ratingMethodResults": null
"id": 4,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/4",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false,
"ratingMethodResults": null
"id": 5,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/5",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false,
"ratingMethodResults": null
"id": 6,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/6",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false,
"ratingMethodResults": null
"id": 7,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/7",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false,
"ratingMethodResults": null
"id": 8,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/8",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false,
"ratingMethodResults": null
"id": 9,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/9",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false,
"ratingMethodResults": null
"id": 10,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/10",
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false,
"ratingMethodResults": null
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many results there are in total.
top integer
Details number of results returned in the response.
skip integer
Details how many results were skipped to display those in the response.
pageCount integer
Details how many results there are.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of results. If null, the response is the last page of results.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of results. If null, the response is the first page of results.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
id integer
The result’s unique identifier.
href string
The endpoint to call the result’s information, such as /api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/{id} where {id} is the result’s unique identifier.
isFlagged Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has flagged the item.
isSubmitted Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has submitted the item.
ratingMethodResults array
Contains the results.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Retrieving Standard Setting task results information
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve information for a specific Standard Setting task result using either its ID or reference. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/{id} |
Returns information for the specified Standard Setting task result, where {id} is the result’s unique identifier. |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": null,
"top": null,
"skip": null,
"pageCount": null,
"nextPageLink": null,
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"id": 1,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/1",
"externalItemId": 1,
"externalSubjectId": 1,
"reviewResult": 2,
"lastModifiedDate": "2020-02-24T14:27:34.327",
"executor": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "User1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/User/1"
"isFlagged": false,
"isSubmitted": false,
"ratingMethodResults": [
"ratingMethodOption": {
"id": 3,
"name": "AngoffInitialRatingValue"
"value": null
"ratingMethodOption": {
"id": 4,
"name": "AngoffRevisedRatingValue"
"value": null
"comment": null
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many results there are in total. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
top integer
Details number of results returned in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
skip integer
Details how many results were skipped to display those in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
pageCount integer
Details how many pages of results there are. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of results. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of results. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific result.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
id integer
The result’s unique identifier.
href string
The endpoint to call the result’s information, such as /api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult{id} where {id} is the result’s unique identifier.
externalItemId integer
The item’s unique identifier.
externalSubjectId integer
The unique identifier of the subject the item is in.
lastModifiedDate string
The date the result was last updated, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executor/href string
The endpoint to call the task assignee’s information, such as /api/v2/User/{id} where {id} is the task assignee’s unique identifier.
ratingMethodResults array
Contains the assignee’s ratings.
ratingMethodResults/ratingMethodOption object
Contains the rating method options.
ratingMethodResults/ratingMethodOption/id enumeration
The rating method option’s unique identifier. The possible values are:
- 3 – Initial Angoff rating.
- 4 – Revised Angoff rating.
ratingMethodResults/ratingMethodOption/name enumeration
The rating method option’s name. The possible values are:
- AngoffInitialRatingValue– The initial Angoff rating.
- AngoffRevisedRatingValue– The revised Angoff rating.
ratingMethodResults/value integer
The assignee’s rating. If null, the assignee is the lead assignee (lead assignees cannot rate items).
isFlagged Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has flagged the item.
isSubmitted Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has submitted the item.
comment string
Any comment left by the task assignee when flagging the item.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Creating a Standard Setting task
Send a request to the endpoint to create a Standard Setting task.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
content-type |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the request, which can be either JSON or XML. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
Sample requests
The following request contains the minimum required request body to create a Standard Setting task.
"reference": "StandardSettingTask1",
"name": "Rate January 2023 Test Form items",
"startDate": "2020-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"itemList": {
"id": 1
"executors": [
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "0"
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "1"
"navigationType": "Standard",
"ratingMethods": [
"ratingMethod": {
"id": 1
"ratingMethodOptions": [
"ratingMethodOption": {
"id": 1,
"name": "AngoffPresentRevisedRatingParameter"
"value": "false"
The following requests contain the minimum required request body to create a Standard Setting task with each possible combination of settings.
"reference": "StandardSettingTask1",
"name": "Rate January 2023 Test Form items",
"startDate": "2020-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"itemList": {
"id": 1
"executors": [
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "0"
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "1"
"navigationType": "Standard",
"ratingMethods": [
"ratingMethod": {
"id": 1
"ratingMethodOptions": [
"ratingMethodOption": {
"id": 1,
"name": "AngoffPresentRevisedRatingParameter"
"value": "true"
"reference": "StandardSettingTask1",
"name": "Rate January 2023 Test Form items",
"startDate": "2020-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"itemList": {
"id": 1
"executors": [
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "0"
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "1"
"navigationType": "ForwardOnly",
"ratingMethods": [
"ratingMethod": {
"id": 1
"ratingMethodOptions": [
"ratingMethodOption": {
"id": 1,
"name": "AngoffPresentRevisedRatingParameter"
"value": "false"
"reference": "StandardSettingTask1",
"name": "Rate January 2023 Test Form items",
"startDate": "2020-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"itemList": {
"id": 1,
"executors": [
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "0"
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "1"
"navigationType": "ForwardOnly",
"ratingMethods": [
"ratingMethod": {
"id": 1
"ratingMethodOptions": [
"ratingMethodOption": {
"id": 1,
"name": "AngoffPresentRevisedRatingParameter"
"value": "true"
"ratingMethodOption": {
"id": 2,
"name": "AngoffRepeatedProcessParameter"
"value": "0"
"reference": "StandardSettingTask1",
"name": "Rate January 2023 Test Form items",
"startDate": "2020-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"expiryDate": "2025-08-06T00:00:00Z",
"itemList": {
"id": 1,
"executors": [
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "0"
"executor": {
"id": 1
"role": "1"
"navigationType": "ForwardOnly",
"ratingMethods": [
"ratingMethod": {
"id": 1
"ratingMethodOptions": [
"ratingMethodOption": {
"id": 1,
"name": "AngoffPresentRevisedRatingParameter"
"value": "true"
"ratingMethodOption": {
"id": 2,
"name": "AngoffRepeatedProcessParameter"
"value": "1"
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
reference string mandatory
The task’s unique reference code.
name string mandatory
The task’s name.
description string optional
The task’s description.
startDate string mandatory
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string mandatory
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
itemList object mandatory
Contains the item list’s information.
itemList/id integer
The item list’s unique identifier.
itemList/reference string
The item list’s unique reference code.
executors array mandatory
Contains the task assignees’ information.
executors/executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executors/executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executors/role enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s role. This can be either Assignee or LeadAssignee. If the assignee has been removed from the task, their role is Retired.
taskProfile object optional
Contains the information of any tags assigned to items in the list that are available to view by assignees.
taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tags to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tags are shown.
- 1 – All tags are hidden.
- 2 – Some tags are shown.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails array
If some tags are shown (taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag group’s details.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeName string
The tag group’s name.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeKey enumeration
The type of tag group. The default tag groups in Surpass are ‘Learning Outcomes’ (1), ‘Units’ (2), and ‘Keywords’ (3). Users can also create custom (4) tag groups.
taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tag collections to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tag collections are shown.
- 1 – All tag collections are hidden.
- 2 – Some tag collections are shown.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria array
If some tag collections are shown (taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag collection group’s details.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/subjectReferences array
Contains the tag collection group’s subject’s reference. The reference code of any other subject’s specified for the tag collection group should also be listed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollectionGroup string
The tag collection group’s name.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollections array
Contains the tag collection’s name. Multiple tag collections should be listed together.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/inverseTagCollectionSelection Boolean
Indicates whether the task collection is visible (false) or not (true). Defaults to false if omitted.
navigationType enumeration mandatory
The task’s navigation type. This can be either Standard or ForwardOnly.
ratingMethods array mandatory
Contains the rating methods’ information.
ratingMethods/ratingMethod object
Contains the rating method’s information.
ratingMethods/ratingMethod/id enumeration
The rating method’s unique identifier, The possible values are:
- 1 – Angoff.
ratingMethods/ratingMethod/name enumeration
The rating method’s name. The only rating method currently available is Angoff.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions array
Contains the rating method settings.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption object
Contains the rating method’s settings.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/id enumeration
The rating method setting’s unique identifier. The possible values are:
- 1 – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting.
- 2 – The Process Settings: Sequential or Repeated.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/name enumeration
The rating method setting’s name. The possible values are:
- AngoffPresentRevisedRatingParameter – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting.
- AngoffRepeatedProcessParameter – The Process Settings: Sequential or Repeated.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/value enumeration
The setting’s state. If the ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/id is 1, the possible values are:
- true – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting is enabled.
- false – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting is disabled.
If the ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/id is 2, and navigationType is set to ForwardOnly, the possible values are:
- 0 – The process setting is Sequential
- 1 – The process setting is Repeated.
itemSource enumeration optional
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the new Standard Setting task’s details.
"id": 1,
"reference": "StandardSettingTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/1",
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": null
Updating a Standard Setting task
Send a request to the endpoint to update a specific Standard Setting task.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
content-type |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the request, which can be either JSON or XML. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/{id} |
Updates specified task, where {id} is the task’s unique identifier. |
reference |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask?reference={reference} |
Updates specified task, where {reference} is the task’s unique reference code. |
Sample request
At least one property must be updated in the request. The following request contains the minimum required request body to update a Standard Setting task. Refer to the request body schema for all properties that can be updated.
"name": "Rate June 2023 Test Form items"
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
reference string
The task’s unique reference code.
name string
The task’s name.
description string
The task’s description.
startDate string
The task’s start date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
expiryDate string
The task’s expiry date, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
itemList object
Contains the item list’s information.
itemList/id integer
The item list’s unique identifier.
itemList/reference string
The item list’s unique reference code.
itemList/refreshListContent Boolean
Checks for updates to the task’s list and updates the task if true. Only the order, addition, or removal of items in the list are updated. Changes to items themselves made since the list was associated with the task are effective as normal. The list cannot be refreshed after the task has started.
executors array
Contains the task assignees’ information.
executors/executor object
Contains the task assignee’s information.
executors/executor/id integer
The task assignee’s unique identifier.
executors/executor/reference string
The task assignee’s unique reference code.
executors/role enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s role. This can be either Assignee or LeadAssignee. If the assignee has been removed from the task, their role is Retired.
taskProfile object
Contains the information of any tags assigned to items in the list that are available to view by assignees.
taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tags to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tags are shown.
- 1 – All tags are hidden.
- 2 – Some tags are shown.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails array
If some tags are shown (taskProfile/tagsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag group’s details.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeName string
The tag group’s name.
taskProfile/taskProfileTagDetails/tagTypeKey enumeration
The type of tag group. The default tag groups in Surpass are ‘Learning Outcomes’ (1), ‘Units’ (2), and ‘Keywords’ (3). Users can also create custom (4) tag groups.
taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType enumeration
Indicates the visibility of tag collections to assignees. The possible values are:
- 0 – All tag collections are shown.
- 1 – All tag collections are hidden.
- 2 – Some tag collections are shown.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria array
If some tag collections are shown (taskProfile/tagCollectionsVisibilityType is set to 2), contains the tag collection group’s details.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/subjectReferences array
Contains the tag collection group’s subject’s reference. The reference code of any other subject’s specified for the tag collection group should also be listed.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollectionGroup string
The tag collection group’s name.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/tagCollections array
Contains the tag collection’s name. Multiple tag collections should be listed together.
taskProfile/tagCollectionCriteria/inverseTagCollectionSelection Boolean
Indicates whether the task collection is visible (false) or not (true).
status enumeration
Indicates the task’s status. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task not yet started.
- 1 – Task currently in progress.
- 2 – Task is complete.
navigationType enumeration
The task’s navigation type. This can be either Standard or ForwardOnly.
ratingMethods array
Contains the rating methods’ information.
ratingMethods/ratingMethod object
Contains the rating method’s information.
ratingMethods/ratingMethod/id enumeration
The rating method’s unique identifier, The possible values are:
- 1 – Angoff.
ratingMethods/ratingMethod/name enumeration
The rating method’s name. The only rating method currently available is Angoff.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions array
Contains the rating method settings.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption object
Contains the rating method’s settings.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/id enumeration
The rating method setting’s unique identifier. The possible values are:
- 1 – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting.
- 2 – The Process Settings: Sequential or Repeated.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/name enumeration
The rating method setting’s name. The possible values are:
- AngoffPresentRevisedRatingParameter – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting.
- AngoffRepeatedProcessParameter – The Process Settings: Sequential or Repeated.
ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/value enumeration
The setting’s state. If the ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/id is 1, the possible values are:
- true – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting is enabled.
- false – The Present Revised Angoff rating setting is disabled.
If the ratingMethods/ratingMethodOptions/ratingMethodOption/id is 2, and navigationType is set to ForwardOnly, the possible values are:
- 0 – The process setting is Sequential
- 1 – The process setting is Repeated.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the updated Standard Setting task’s details.
"id": 1,
"reference": "StandardSettingTask1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/1",
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": null
Updating a Standard Setting task result
Send a request to the endpoint to update a specific Standard Setting task result.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
content-type |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the request, which can be either JSON or XML. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/{id} |
Updates specified task, where {id} is the result’s unique identifier. |
Sample request
At least one property must be updated in the request. The following request contains the minimum required request body to update a Standard Setting task result. Refer to the request body schema for all properties that can be updated.
"isFlagged": true
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
isFlagged Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has flagged the item.
isSubmitted Boolean
Determines whether the task assignee has submitted the item.
role enumeration
Indicates the task assignee’s role. The possible values are:
- 0 – Task assignee.
- 1 – Lead assignee.
ratingMethodResults array
Contains the assignee’s ratings.
ratingMethodResults/ratingMethodOption object
Contains the rating method options.
ratingMethodResults/ratingMethodOption/id enumeration
The rating method option’s unique identifier. The possible values are:
- 3 – Initial Angoff rating.
- 4 – Revised Angoff rating.
ratingMethodResults/value integer
The assignee’s rating.
comment string
Any comment left by the task assignee. This must be passed together with the isFlagged property set to true.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the updated Standard Setting task result’s details.
"id": 1,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}.surpass.com/api/v2/StandardSettingTask/StandardSettingResult/1",
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": null
Error Codes
Refer to the following table for information on error codes that may be encountered when using this resource.
Name |
Code |
Description |
InternalServer |
1 |
Internal server error. |
Unauthorized |
3 |
The request has been sent by an unauthorised user. |
IncorrectFieldFormat |
4 |
A field in the request has not been completed in the correct format. |
InaccessibleOperation |
5 |
The request has been sent by a user with invalid permissions. |
InaccessibleData |
6 |
The request has been sent by a user with invalid permissions. |
MissingBody |
7 |
There is an issue with the request body. |
InvalidReference |
11 |
The unique reference code used in the request is invalid. |
InvalidInputParameters |
15 |
There is an issue with the path or query parameters. |
InvalidId |
16 |
The ID number used in the request is invalid. |
InvalidODataOperation |
19 |
There is an issue with the query parameters. |
BadRequest |
20 |
There is an issue with the /api/v2/GeneralTask?$skip={skip} query parameter, where {skip} is a number that should not exceed the total number of responses. |
Further reading
Read the following articles to learn more about similar APIs, how to get started with the Surpass API v2, and how to get the best out of this reference documentation: