ItemSet OAPI

Item sets are groups of items with “friend” relationships. Items with friend relationships cannot be added to a test without their friend items. Friend items always appear next to each other in tests and can share source material and question text, making them ideal for presenting a number of items on the same theme (such as in a case study).

The ItemSet OAPI resource is used to create and update item sets. If item language variants are enabled, you can also use the ItemSet OAPI to create and update item set language variants.

This article explains what calls can be made to the Surpass OAPI using the ItemSet resource.

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Creating an item set

post /oapi/ItemSet

Send a request to the endpoint to create an item set.

If item language variants are enabled, you can also use the ItemSet OAPI to create specific item language variants of an item by passing a LanguageVariant path parameter in the request’s header.

Updating an item set

put /oapi/ItemSet/{id}

Send a request to the endpoint to update an item set. The item set’s name, settings, owner, items, source materials, shared text, media, and comments can be updated using this endpoint.

If item language variants are enabled, you can also use the ItemSet OAPI to update specific item language variants of an item by passing a LanguageVariant path parameter in a request’s header.

Error Codes

Refer to the following table for information on error codes that may be encountered when using this resource.

Further reading

Read the following articles to learn how to get started with the Surpass OAPI or more about similar APIs:

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