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Showing results for create item item

Creating an item template

You can create an item template in the Templates screen. Item templates can be used to create items in HTML subjects.

Editing a role

This article explains how to edit a custom role and lists all available permissions.

Creating a File Attach question

This article explains how to create a basic File Attach item in Surpass, including details on the difference between Manual and Managed modes and how to set up Secure File Attach.

About the Test Form Rules tab

This article explains the functionality on the Test Form Rules tab. This includes adding, editing and deleting content, pinning items in place, grouping items, validating content, and saving content.

Creating a Review task

This article explains how to create and assign Review tasks, including details about Shared and Individual editing modes, adding attachments, and managing tags.

Creating a Table (Legacy) question

This article explains how to create a basic Table question in Surpass and includes information on formatting options and cell marking.

Creating an Authoring task

This article explains how to create and assign Authoring tasks, including adding attachments and managing tags.

Creating a Numerical Entry question

This article explains how to create a basic Numerical Entry question in Surpass, including details on Advanced Numerical Entry for HTML subject items, how to limit candidates’ responses, and hints.

Creating a Select From a List question

This article explains how to create a basic Select From a List question in Surpass, including details on how to order lists alphabetically and enabling absolute marking.

Creating a Drag and Drop question

This article explains how to create a basic Drag and Drop question in Surpass, including details on how to include distractor drag options, set the maximum number of drag options per drop zone, and use absolute marking.

About item owners

This article explains what item owners are, how to find an item’s owner, how to set up owners using a spreadsheet import, and how to change owners using bulk update.

Reviewing marked responses in the Quotas screen

This article explains how to review marked responses in the Quotas screen of SecureMarker, including how to view the mark distribution graph and how to discard marks assigned to responses.

Creating an Extended Matching question

This article explains how to create a basic Extended Matching question in Surpass, including details on one to one, one to many, and many to many matching types.

Setting up items

This section of the Surpass Help Site covers all the additional settings, options, and features available when creating items.

Creating a Fill in the Blank question

This article explains how to create a basic Fill in the Blank question in Surpass, including details on how to add alternative answers, enable case sensitivity, and set up absolute marking.