Creating an accessible test profile

Test profiles allow you to customise the appearance of the Surpass test driver. This includes adding custom logos, defining colour schemes, and choosing what information and functionality is available to candidates during a test. These settings can be customised to support candidates with accessibility requirements, such as colour blindness or other visual impairments.

This article explains how to create an accessible test profile in the Test Profiles screen.

Table of Contents

1. Go to the Test Profiles screen

To view the Test Profiles screen, go to Test Creation > Test Profiles.

2. Select Create New Profile

Select Create New Profile in the Test Profiles screen.

3. Configure test profile settings

IMPORTANT: You must save any changes to your test profile in all tabs.
NOTE: It is your responsibility to create an accessible test profile.

You can apply a variety of settings to a test profile to customise the appearance of a test. You can also define time remaining alerts, enter candidate details, and upload client and provider logos. For full instructions on how to customise a test profile, read About test profile settings.

Some settings in Test Profiles can be customised to support candidates with accessibility requirements. This includes defining colour schemes, setting the test content position, and adding checkboxes to support screen readers.

Adding alt text to test driver logos

TIP: Alt text provides a text alternative to images for screen readers, supporting candidates with accessibility requirements.

Alt text can be added to your provider and client logos, which are presented to candidates before they start their test. You can add alt text to your logos in the Provider Logo and Client Logo tabs of the Test Profiles screen. For more information, read ‘Provider Logo’ and ‘Client Logo’ in About test profile settings.

Setting colour schemes

NOTE: Candidates can change the colour settings of their test in the test driver.
TIP: Accessible colours should conform to WCAG guidelines. Use a colour contrast checker to ensure your colours meet the required guidelines, e.g. Web Aim’s Contrast Checker.

When creating a test profile, you must ensure that the text and background colours provide sufficient contrast to support candidates with visual impairments. You can customise these text and background colours in the Delivery Presentation tab of the Test Profiles screen. For more information, read ‘Delivery Presentation’ in About test profile settings.

Setting test content position

TIP: It is recommended you set the delivery position to Left or Right if your test contains source material so that it can be viewed side-by-side.

You can set the position of test content in the test driver in Settings. The test driver’s position can be Left, Central, or Right.

Adding checkboxes to Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, and Either/Or items

Ensure that checkboxes are shown in delivery for Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, and Either/Or items, and Multiple Choice and Multiple Response survey items. This allows for compatibility with various assistive technology.

To add checkboxes, select Enable checkboxes in Item Authoring when creating a subject. Read ‘Editing a Subject’s settings’ in Editing a subject for more information.

4. Publish your test profile

Select Published to publish your test profile. When your test profile is published, you can apply it to a test in Test Creation. For more information, read Applying a test profile to a test.