Surpass (Legacy) tablet app Changelog

Surpass (Legacy) tablet app Release 1.12


  • Tests in Awaiting Upload state can now be uploaded after the schedule window has closed (DE45782).
  • An issue with tests not starting when the designated schedule window end time begins with a zero, e.g. 09:59 (DE45934).

Surpass (Legacy) tablet app Release 1.11


  • Items with different levels of encryption can now be delivered in the same test (DE45540).

Surpass (Legacy) tablet app Release 1.10


  • PIN codes now have to be manually entered by candidates to access tests that require them. This issue (the PIN code is automatically passed for the candidate if required) still persists on release 1.9 using Surpass 12.27.

Surpass (Legacy) tablet app Release 1.9


  • Login button is no longer unresponsive on some versions of iOS/iPadOS if the app does not have access to the microphone; the candidate is now prompted to give the app access to the microphone (DE45167).
  • Candidates entering a keycode with one incorrect character, two final incorrect characters, or for a warehoused test, will now see an informative error message (DE45168, DE45153, DE45152).
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