Setting up accessible tests in Surpass
This section covers how to set up accessible tests in Surpass. This includes details on how to set up reasonable adjustments for candidates with accessibility requirements, and how to set up the JAWS screen reader, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, and Windows Magnifier for usage in tests.
Setting up reasonable adjustments for candidates
Setting up reasonable adjustments for candidates gives full instructions on how to give candidates extra time on their tests. You will learn how to add breaks to the end of sections.
Setting up the JAWS screen reader
Setting up the JAWS screen reader contains information on how to set up the JAWS screen reader for tests delivered in Surpass.
Setting up Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Setting up Dragon NaturallySpeaking contains information on how to set up Dragon NaturallySpeaking for tests delivered in Surpass.
Setting up Windows Magnifier
Setting up Windows Magnifier explains how candidates can use Windows Magnifier during a test.