An item is a page that appears in a test. Items may be scored questions (for example, Multiple Choice items), non-scored surveys (for example, Likert items), basic pages (for example, Introduction, Information, and Finish Pages), or item sets.
The Item OAPI resource can be used to list, retrieve, create, and delete scored question items. Essay items can be updated. If item language variants are enabled, you can also use the Item OAPI to list, retrieve, and create item language variants.
To learn more about items, see the Item Authoring section of the Surpass documentation.
This article explains what calls can be made to the Surpass OAPI using the Item resource.
Import this API into your Postman Workspace
Listing items
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve a list of items. Refer to the available parameters to influence the response. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Bearer {token} |
A bearer token must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {token} is a JWT (JSON web token). |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json |
Determines data format of the response (JSON). |
fieldsNames |
query OPTIONAL |
/oapi/Item?fieldsNames={fieldsNames} |
Includes additional properties in the response not returned as standard, where {fieldsNames} is one of the following properties returned when retrieving information for a specific item: reference, createdBy, lastEditedBy, parent, createDate, updateDate, contentUpdateDate, tagGroups, enemyItems, status, mark, owner, stemComponents, purpose, markingType, citations, version, comments, assistiveMedia, sourceMaterials, mediaLayout, allowOpenImageInPopup, itemTools, standardLists, sharedWith, sharedMediaItems. |
filter |
query OPTIONAL |
/oapi/Item?filter={filter} {operator} {value} |
Filters results, searching for an exact match or for the data to contain a defined value. For an exact match: {filter} is one of id, name, type,, subject.reference, isDeleted; {operator} is eq (equal to); and {value} is the string, Boolean, or integer the filter query looks for an exact match for in the request. For a greater than query: {filter} is id,; {operator} is ge (greater than); and {value} is the integer the filter looks for more than in the request. For a less than query: {filter} is id,; {operator} is le (less than); and {value} is the integer the filter looks for less than in the request. For a contains query: {filter} is one of name,; {operator} is contains; and {value} is the string the filter query looks for an exact match for in the request. |
filterGrouping |
query OPTIONAL |
/oapi/Item?filter={filter} {operator} {value}&filter={filter} {operator} {value}&filterGrouping={integer} {operator} {integer} |
Used to create different Boolean combinations when multiple properties are joined within a filter query parameter. See filter above. Each {integer} represents a respective filter starting at 0, which are then combined using an AND or OR Boolean {operator}.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /oapi/Item?filter=type eq MultipleChoice&filter=type eq MultipleResponse&filterGrouping=0 OR 1 would return both Multiple Choice (0) and Multiple Response (1) questions.
TIP: More than two filter parameters can be combined, for example you might group three filters as follows: 0 AND 1 OR 2.
orderBy |
query OPTIONAL |
/oapi/Item?orderBy=fieldName={fieldName}&ascending={operator} |
Determines order of results, where {fieldName} is one of id, reference, type, isDeleted; and {operator} is true or false. |
take |
query OPTIONAL |
/oapi/Item?take={take} |
Defines number of responses to return when paging a response, where {take} is a number between 1 and 100. |
skip |
query OPTIONAL |
/oapi/Item?skip={skip} |
Defines how many responses to skip when paging a response, where {skip} is a number that should not exceed the total number of responses. |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in JSON format as requested.
"count": 14975,
"top": 10,
"skip": 0,
"totalPages": 1498,
"nextPageLink": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"previousPageLink": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Multiple Choice question 1",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"name": "Geography Subject",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"centre": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Centre1",
"name": "Surpass Centre"
"isDeleted": false
"id": 2,
"name": "Multiple Choice question 2",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"name": "Geography Subject",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"centre": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Centre1",
"name": "Surpass Centre"
"isDeleted": false
"id": 3,
"name": "Multiple Choice question 3",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"name": "Geography Subject",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"centre": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Centre1",
"name": "Surpass Centre"
"isDeleted": false
"id": 4,
"name": "Multiple Choice question 4",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"name": "Geography Subject",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"centre": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Centre1",
"name": "Surpass Centre"
"isDeleted": false
"id": 5,
"name": "Multiple Choice question 5",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"name": "Geography Subject",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"centre": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Centre1",
"name": "Surpass Centre"
"isDeleted": false
"id": 6,
"name": "Multiple Choice question 6",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"name": "Geography Subject",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"centre": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Centre1",
"name": "Surpass Centre"
"isDeleted": false
"id": 7,
"name": "Multiple Choice question 7",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"name": "Geography Subject",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"centre": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Centre1",
"name": "Surpass Centre"
"isDeleted": false
"id": 8,
"name": "Multiple Choice question 8",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"name": "Geography Subject",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"centre": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Centre1",
"name": "Surpass Centre"
"isDeleted": false
"id": 9,
"name": "Multiple Choice question 9",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"name": "Geography Subject",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"centre": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Centre1",
"name": "Surpass Centre"
"isDeleted": false
"id": 10,
"name": "Multiple Choice question 10",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"name": "Geography Subject",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"centre": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Centre1",
"name": "Surpass Centre"
"isDeleted": false
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many items there are in total.
top integer
Details number of items returned in the response.
skip integer
Details how many items were skipped to display those in the response.
totalPages integer
Details how many pages of items there are.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of items. If null, the response is the last page of items.
previousPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of items. If null, the response is the first page of items.
results array
Contains the rest of the response.
id integer
The item’s unique identifier.
name string
The item’s name.
type enumeration
The item type, which can be one of MultipleChoice, MultipleResponse, EitherOr, NumericalEntry, FillInTheBlank, ShortAnswer, Essay, SelectFromAList, MatchingBoxes (Extended Matching questions), FileAttach, DragAndDrop, EquationEntry, HotSpot, Spreadsheet, VoiceCapture, CqtItem (Custom Question type questions), FractionEntryItem, MultipleChoiceSurvey, MultipleResponseSurvey, Likert, or ItemSet.
subject object
Contains the subject that the item is in.
subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
subject/name string
The subject’s name.
subject/href string
The endpoint to call the subject’s information, such as /api/v2/Subject?reference={reference} where {reference} is the subject’s unique reference code.
subject/centre object
The subject’s primary centre. Subjects can only be associated with one centre by default, but can also be shared with other centres. Any tests created in the subject can be scheduled at the associated centre(s).
subject/centre/id integer
The unique identifier of the subject’s primary centre.
subject/centre/reference string
The unique reference code of the subject’s primary centre.
subject/centre/name string
The name of the subject’s primary centre.
isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the item is in its subject’s recycle bin.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Listing item versions
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve a list of items. Refer to the available parameters to influence the response. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Bearer {token} |
A bearer token must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {token} is a JWT (JSON web token). |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json |
Determines data format of the response (JSON). |
id |
/oapi/Item/versions/{id} |
Returns a list of versions for the specified item, where {id} is the item’s unique identifier. |
languageCode |
/oapi/Item/versions/{id}/LanguageVariant/{languageCode} |
Returns a list of versions for the specified item language variant, where {id} is the item’s unique identifier and {languageCode} is the language variant’s ISO code.
NOTE: Item language variants are not available by default. If you would like item language variants enabled on your Surpass instance, contact your Surpass Customer Success Manager.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in JSON format as requested.
"count": 5,
"top": null,
"skip": null,
"totalPages": null,
"nextPageLink": null,
"previousPageLink": null,
"results": [
"version": "1.1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"version": "2.0",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"version": "3.0",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"version": "4.0",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"version": "5.0",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many versions there are in total.
top integer
Details number of versions returned in the response.
skip integer
Details how many versions were skipped to display those in the response.
totalPages integer
Details how many pages of versions there are.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of versions. If null, the response is the last page of versions.
previousPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of versions. If null, the response is the first page of versions.
results array
Contains the rest of the response.
version string
The item’s version.
Whenever an item is changed and saved, Surpass creates a new item version. Items can have major versions (whole integers like 1, 2, and 3) and minor versions (non-integer decimals like 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3). A new major item version is created every time there are saved changes to the item owner or workflow status. Any changes made to live items create a new major version.
href string
The endpoint to call the item version’s information, such as /oapi/Item/{id}?version={version} where {id} is the item’s unique identifier and {version} is the item’s major version number. The information returned by this endpoint is the same information returned when retrieving item information.
Retrieving item information
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve information for a specific item using its ID. No request body is required.
If item language variants are enabled, you can also use the Item OAPI to retrieve specific item language variant information by passing a languageCode path parameter in a request’s header.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Bearer {token} |
A bearer token must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {token} is a JWT (JSON web token). |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json |
Determines data format of the response (JSON). |
id |
/oapi/Item/{id} |
Returns information for the specified item, where {id} is the item’s unique identifier. |
version |
query OPTIONAL |
/oapi/Item/{id}?version={version} |
Returns information for the specified item version, where {id} is the item’s unique identifier and {version} is the item’s major version number.
NOTE: Version Compare must be enabled on your Surpass instance for this endpoint to work. If you would like Version Compare enabled on your Surpass instance, speak to your Surpass Customer Success Manager.
languageCode |
/oapi/Item/{id}/LanguageVariant/{languageCode} |
Returns information for the specified item language variant, where {id} is the item’s unique identifier and {languageCode} is the language variant’s ISO code.
NOTE: Item language variants are not available by default. If you would like item language variants enabled on your Surpass instance, contact your Surpass Customer Success Manager.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in JSON format as requested.
"response": {
"name": "Geography MCQ1",
"id": 1,
"reference": "MCQ1",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"subject": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Subject1",
"name": "Geography Subject",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"centre": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "Centre1",
"name": "Surpass Centre"
"createdBy": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "User1",
"name": "Stuart Fenwick",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"lastEditedBy": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "User1",
"name": "Stuart Fenwick",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"parent": null,
"createDate": "2022-09-21T18:17:54.213",
"updateDate": "2023-02-10T10:36:29.397",
"contentUpdateDate": "2023-02-10T10:19:34.203",
"isDeleted": false,
"language": {
"code": "en",
"name": "UK"
"tagGroups": [],
"enemyItems": [
"isSectionOnly": false,
"isPrincipal": false,
"child": null,
"item": {
"id": 2,
"reference": "MCQ2",
"type": "MultipleChoice",
"name": "Geography MCQ2",
"position": 0,
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"subjectId": 1
"status": "Live",
"mark": 1,
"owner": {
"id": 1,
"reference": "User1",
"name": "Stuart Fenwick",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"stemComponents": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "<p>What is the capital of France?</p>"
"purpose": "Unspecified",
"markingType": "Computer",
"citations": null,
"version": "2.0",
"languageVariants": [],
"comments": [],
"generalFeedback": null,
"correctFeedback": {
"text": "<p>Correct</p>",
"mediaItems": [],
"sourceMaterials": []
"incorrectFeedback": {
"text": "<p>Incorrect</p>",
"mediaItems": [],
"sourceMaterials": []
"sourceMaterials": [],
"assistiveMedia": null,
"mediaItems": [],
"mediaLayout": "AutoSelect",
"allowOpenImageInPopup": false,
"itemTools": [],
"sharedWith": [],
"standardLists": [],
"sharedQuestionText": null,
"sharedMediaItems": null,
"answerOptions": [
"id": 1,
"label": "A",
"answerColumns": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "<p><span style="font-size:14px">Paris</span></p>",
"media": null
"assistiveMedia": null,
"rationaleText": null,
"exclusiveOption": false,
"correct": true
"id": 2,
"label": "B",
"answerColumns": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "<p><span style="font-size:14px">London</span></p>",
"media": null
"assistiveMedia": null,
"rationaleText": null,
"exclusiveOption": false,
"correct": false
"id": 3,
"label": "C",
"answerColumns": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "<p><span style="font-size:14px">Madrid</span></p>",
"media": null
"assistiveMedia": null,
"rationaleText": null,
"exclusiveOption": false,
"correct": false
"randomise": true,
"exclusiveOptionEnabled": false,
"answerWidthRatio": null,
"addLabelsToOptions": true,
"tableOptionsHtml": null,
"markType": "Standard",
"rationaleEnabled": false
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
response object
Contains the rest of the response.
name string
The item’s name.
id integer
The item’s unique identifier.
reference string
The item’s unique reference code.
subject object
Contains the subject that the item is in.
subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
subject/name string
The subject’s name.
subject/href string
The endpoint to call the subject’s information, such as /api/v2/Subject?reference={reference} where {reference} is the subject’s unique reference code.
subject/centre object
The subject’s primary centre. Subjects can only be associated with one centre by default, but can also be shared with other centres. Any tests created in the subject can be scheduled at the associated centre(s).
subject/centre/id integer
The unique identifier of the subject’s primary centre.
subject/centre/reference string
The unique reference code of the subject’s primary centre.
subject/centre/name string
The name of the subject’s primary centre.
createdBy object
Contains the item creator’s information.
createdBy/id integer
The item creator’s unique identifier.
createdBy/reference string
The item creator’s unique reference code.
createdBy/name string
The item creator’s name.
createdBy/href string
The endpoint to call the item creator’s information, such as /api/v2/User?reference={reference} where {reference} is the item creator’s unique reference code.
lastEditedBy object
Contains the user who last edited the item’s information.
lastEditedBy/id integer
The user who last edited the item’s unique identifier.
lastEditedBy/reference string
The user who last edited the item’s unique reference code.
lastEditedBy/name string
The user who last edited the item’s name.
lastEditedBy/href string
The endpoint to call the user who last edited the item’s information, such as /api/v2/User?reference={reference} where {reference} is the user who last edited the item’s unique reference code.
parent object
Contains the information of any parent relationship with the item (if the item is in a folder or an item set).
parent/id integer
The parent’s unique identifier.
parent/reference string
The parent’s unique reference code.
parent/name string
The parent’s name.
parent/type string
The type of parent relationship (Folder or ItemSet).
createDate string
The date the item was created, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:SS format.
updateDate string
The date the item was last updated, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:SS format.
contentUpdateDate string
The date the item’s content was last updated, in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:SS format.
isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the item is in its subject’s recycle bin.
language object
If item language variants are enabled, contains the information related to the item’s language (the default language of the item, unless the languageCode path parameter is passed in the request’s header).
language/code enumeration
The language’s ISO code. The available language codes are amh, ar, arm, pob, bul, mya, zh, zho, hrv, ces, dan, nl, en-int, en, us, est, per, tgl, fin, frc, ga, gle, glg, ge, gre, heb, hun, ind, ita, jpn, kk, khm, kor, lao, la, lav, lit, mlt, mon, nep, no, pol, por, iir, ron, rus, smo, slk, slv, som, sp, es-int, lac, es-pa, es-pr, swe, tha, tur, ukr, vie, and we.
language/name string
The name of the language.
tagGroups array
Contains the information of any tags assigned to the item.
tagGroups/id integer
The tag group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/name string
The tag group’s name.
tagGroups/tagCategories array
Contains the information of any tag categories the tag group is in.
tagGroups/tagCategories/id integer
The tag category’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagCategories/name string
The tag category’s name.
tagGroups/tagValues array
Contains the information of the tag value(s) assigned to the item.
tagGroups/tagValues/id integer
The tag value’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/value string
The tag value.
tagGroups/tagValues/isItemSetTag Boolean
If true, the tag value is inherited from the item set.
tagGroups/isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the tag group is deleted.
enemyItems array
Contains the information of any items the item has an enemy relationship with.
enemyItems/isSectionOnly Boolean
Determines whether the enemy relationship is section-level (true) or test form-level (false).
enemyItems/isPrincipal Boolean
Determines whether the enemy relationship is a principal (true) or acquired relationship (false).
enemyItems/child object
If the item is an item set, contains the information for the item in the item set with an enemy relationship.
enemyItems/child/id integer
The item’s unique identifier.
enemyItems/child/reference string
The item’s unique reference code.
enemyItems/child/type enumeration
The item type, which can be one of MultipleChoice, MultipleResponse, EitherOr, NumericalEntry, FillInTheBlank, ShortAnswer, Essay, SelectFromAList, MatchingBoxes (Extended Matching questions), FileAttach, DragAndDrop, EquationEntry, HotSpot, Spreadsheet, VoiceCapture, CqtItem (Custom Question type questions), FractionEntryItem, MultipleChoiceSurvey, MultipleResponseSurvey, Likert, or ItemSet.
enemyItems/child/name string
The item’s name.
enemyItems/child/position integer
enemyItems/child/href string
The endpoint to call the item’s information, such as /api/v2/Item/{id} where {id} is the item’s unique identifier.
enemyItems/item object
Contains the enemy item’s information.
enemyItems/item/id integer
The enemy item’s unique identifier.
enemyItems/item/reference string
The enemy item’s unique reference code.
enemyItems/item/type enumeration
The enemy item type, which can be one of MultipleChoice, MultipleResponse, EitherOr, NumericalEntry, FillInTheBlank, ShortAnswer, Essay, SelectFromAList, MatchingBoxes (Extended Matching questions), FileAttach, DragAndDrop, EquationEntry, HotSpot, Spreadsheet, VoiceCapture, CqtItem (Custom Question type questions), FractionEntryItem, MultipleChoiceSurvey, MultipleResponseSurvey, Likert, or ItemSet.
enemyItems/item/name string
The enemy item’s name.
enemyItems/item/position integer
enemyItems/item/href string
The endpoint to call the enemy item’s information, such as /api/v2/Item/{id} where {id} is the item’s unique identifier.
enemyItems/item/subjectId integer
The unique identifier of the enemy item’s subject.
status enumeration
The item’s workflow status. The default workflow statuses are Draft, To Review, Reviewed, Live, and Withdrawn. Every item starts at Draft and must be set to Live before being able to be added to a test form. Custom workflow statuses can also be created and assigned to items.
mark integer
The item’s assigned mark.
owner object
The item owner’s information.
owner/id integer
The item owner’s unique identifier.
owner/reference string
The item owner’s unique reference code.
owner/name string
The item owner’s name.
owner/href string
The endpoint to call the item owner’s information, such as /api/v2/User?reference={reference} where {reference} is the item owner’s unique reference code.
stemComponents array
A collection of text, images or equations that form each question stem.
stemComponents/contentType enumeration
Determines the content type for the question stem. This can be either RichText, an Image, or MathML (Mixed subjects only).
stemComponents/content string
The question stem’s content in HTML format.
stemComponents/media object
If the contentType is an Image, contains the media’s information.
stemComponents/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
stemComponents/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. Otherwise this property always returns null. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
stemComponents/media/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
stemComponents/id integer
The question stem’s unique identifier.
purpose enumeration
The item’s assigned purpose. This can be either Summative, Formative, or Unspecified. If 3 is returned, the item is a sample item.
markingType enumeration
Determines whether the item is set to be Computer or Human-marked.
citations string
Any citations added to the item in HTML format. If null, the item does not have any citations.
version string
The item’s version.
Whenever an item is changed and saved, Surpass creates a new item version. Items can have major versions (whole integers like 1, 2, and 3) and minor versions (non-integer decimals like 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3). A new major item version is created every time there are saved changes to the item owner or workflow status. Any changes made to live items create a new major version.
languageVariants array
If item language variants are enabled, contains the language variant(s) information.
languageVariants/code enumeration
The language’s ISO code. The available language codes are amh, ar, arm, pob, bul, mya, zh, zho, hrv, ces, dan, nl, en-int, en, us, est, per, tgl, fin, frc, ga, gle, glg, ge, gre, heb, hun, ind, ita, jpn, kk, khm, kor, lao, la, lav, lit, mlt, mon, nep, no, pol, por, iir, ron, rus, smo, slk, slv, som, sp, es-int, lac, es-pa, es-pr, swe, tha, tur, ukr, vie, and we.
languageVariants/name string
The name of the language.
languageVariants/isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the language variant has been deleted. Deleted language variants can be stored or permanently deleted.
languageVariants/href string
The endpoint to call the language variant’s information, such as /oapi/Item/{id}/LanguageVariant/{languageCode} where {id} is the item’s unique identifier and {languageCode} is the language variant’s ISO code.
comments array
Contains the information for any comments left on the item.
comments/id integer
The comment’s unique identifier.
comments/text string
The comment.
comments/isPrivate Boolean
Determines whether the comment is a private comment (only viewable by users with the Comment Manager permission) or not.
comments/dateCreated string
The date the comment was left, in YYYY/MM/DD format.
comments/createdBy array
Contains the user who left the comment’s information.
comments/createdBy/id integer
The user’s unique identifier.
comments/createdBy/reference string
The user’s unique reference code.
comments/createdBy/name string
The user’s name.
comments/createdBy/href string
The endpoint to call the user’s information, such as /api/v2/User?reference={reference} where {reference} is the user’s unique reference code.
generalFeedback object
Contains any general candidate feedback added to the item.
generalFeedback/text string
The feedback text in HTML format.
generalFeedback/mediaItems array
Contains any media added to the feedback.
generalFeedback/mediaItems/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
generalFeedback/mediaItems/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. Otherwise this property always returns null. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
generalFeedback/mediaItems/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials array
Contains any source material added to the feedback.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/id integer
The source material’s unique identifier.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. Otherwise this property always returns null. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/name string
The source material’s name in Surpass.
correctFeedback object
Contains any correct candidate feedback added to the item.
correctFeedback/text string
The feedback text in HTML format.
correctFeedback/mediaItems array
Contains any media added to the feedback.
correctFeedback/mediaItems/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
correctFeedback/mediaItems/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. Otherwise this property always returns null. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
correctFeedback/mediaItems/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
correctFeedback/sourceMaterials array
Contains any source material added to the feedback.
correctFeedback/sourceMaterials/id integer
The source material’s unique identifier.
correctFeedback/sourceMaterials/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. Otherwise this property always returns null. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
correctFeedback/sourceMaterials/name string
The source material’s name in Surpass.
incorrectFeedback object
Contains any incorrect candidate feedback added to the item.
incorrectFeedback/text string
The feedback text in HTML format.
incorrectFeedback/mediaItems array
Contains any media added to the feedback.
incorrectFeedback/mediaItems/id string
The media’s unique identifier.
incorrectFeedback/mediaItems/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. Otherwise this property always returns null. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
incorrectFeedback/mediaItems/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
incorrectFeedback/sourceMaterials array
Contains any source material added to the feedback.
incorrectFeedback/sourceMaterials/id integer
The source material’s unique identifier.
incorrectFeedback/sourceMaterials/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. Otherwise this property always returns null. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
incorrectFeedback/sourceMaterials/name string
The source material’s name in Surpass.
sourceMaterials array
Contains any source material attached to the item.
sourceMaterials/id integer
The source material’s unique identifier.
sourceMaterials/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. Otherwise this property always returns null. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
sourceMaterials/name string
The source material’s name.
assistiveMedia object
Contains any assistive media if it has been attached to the first question stem block. If null, the item does not contain any assistive media.
assistiveMedia/id integer
The assistive media’s unique identifier.
assistiveMedia/name string
The assistive media’s name in Surpass.
mediaItems array
Contains any media embedded on the item.
mediaItems/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
mediaItems/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. Otherwise this property always returns null. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
mediaItems/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
mediaLayout enumeration
The media layout if media is added to Step 3 of the item. The layout options are AutoSelect, LeftAnswer, RightAnswer, AboveQuestionText, AboveAnswer, and BelowAnswer.
allowOpenImageInPopup Boolean
Determines whether the Allow image to be opened in popup setting is enabled if an image is added to Step 3 of the item.
itemTools array
Contains the information of any tools added to the item.
itemTools/id integer
The tool’s unique identifier.
itemTools/type enumeration
The type of tool. The available tools are BasicCalculator, ScientificCalculator, Caliper (3), Notepad (4), and Protractor (5).
itemTools/label string
The name given to the tool.
sharedWith array
Contains the information for any subject the item is shared with.
sharedWith/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
sharedWith/reference string
The subject’s’s unique reference code.
sharedWith/name string
The subject’s name.
sharedWith/href string
The endpoint to call the subject’s information, such as /api/v2/{id} where {id} is the subject’s unique identifier.
standardLists array
Contains the information for any item list the item is a part of.
standardLists/id integer
The item list’s unique identifier.
standardLists/reference string
The item list’s unique reference code.
standardLists/href string
The endpoint to call the item list’s information, such as /api/v2/ItemList/{id} where {id} is the item list’s unique identifier.
standardLists/subject object
Contains the information of the item list’s subject.
standardLists/subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
standardLists/subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
sharedQuestionText object
If the item is in an item set, shared text is a collection of text, images or equations that are shared from the item set with its items.
sharedQuestionText/contentType enumeration
Determines the content type for the shared text. This can be either RichText, an Image, or MathML (Mixed subjects only).
sharedQuestionText/content string
The shared text’s content in HTML format.
sharedMediaItems array
If the item is in an item set, contains any media embedded on the item set and shared with its items.
sharedMediaItems/id integer
The shared media’s unique identifier.
sharedMediaItems/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. Otherwise this property always returns null. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
sharedMediaItems/name string
The shared media’s name in Surpass.
answerOptions array
Contains the item’s answer options’ information.
answerOptions/id integer
The answer option’s unique identifier.
answerOptions/label string
The answer option’s label. If null, answer option labels are not enabled for the item.
answerOptions/answerColumns array
Contains the text, media, or mathML for each answer option column. The first array returns information for the answer option in the first column regardless of the Layout options, but the second array contains the second column’s information if set to Two columns.
answerOptions/answerColumns/contentType enumeration
Determines the content type for the shared text. This can be either RichText, an Image, or MathML (Mixed subjects only).
answerOptions/answerColumns/content string
The answer option text in HTML format.
If set to Answer options as a table (HTML subjects only), the first row is returned separated by the pipe symbol (for example, Paris|Berlin|Madrid|Copenhagen).
answerOptions/answerColumns/media array
Contains any media used as the answer option. If null, the answer option is not an image.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. Otherwise this property always returns null. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia object
Contains the information of any assistive media attached to the answer option.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia/id integer
The assistive media’s unique identifier.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia/name string
The assistive media’s name in Surpass.
answerOptions/rationaleText string
The rationale text for the answer option if Show Answer Rationale has been enabled.
answerOptions/exclusiveOption Boolean
Determines whether the answer option is set to be an Exclusive Option, meaning it cannot be selected in conjunction with other answer options.
answerOptions/correct Boolean
Determines whether the answer option is the correct answer if the Marking type is set to Standard.
randomise Boolean
Determines whether the answer options are to be randomised for the candidate.
exclusiveOptionEnabled Boolean
Determines whether the answer option is set to be an Exclusive Option, meaning it cannot be selected in conjunction with other answer options.
answerWidthRatio enumeration
Determines whether the answer option column width ratio is 50/50, 20/80, or 80/20 if the Layout options are set to Two columns. Defaults to 50/50 if omitted.
addLabelsToOptions Boolean
Determines whether the answer options have added labels for candidate delivery.
tableOptionsHtml string
The answer options as a table in HTML format if the Layout option is set to Answer options as a table (HTML subjects only).
markType enumeration
Determines whether the Marking type for the question is Standard, Weighted, or Combination.
multipleChoiceQuestions/rationaleEnabled Boolean
Determines whether the Show Answer Rationale setting has been enabled.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Creating an item
The Item OAPI resource can be used to create Either/Or, Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, and Essay question items.
If item language variants are enabled, you can also use the Item OAPI to create specific item language variants of an item by passing a LanguageVariant path parameter in a request’s header.
Creating a Multiple Choice question
Send a request to the endpoint to create a Multiple Choice question.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Bearer {token} |
A bearer token must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {token} is a JWT (JSON web token). |
content-type |
header MANDATORY |
application/json |
Determines data format of the request (JSON). |
content-length |
header MANDATORY |
{number} |
Determines the number of characters passed in the body of the request, where {number} is a numerical figure. This is usually automatically calculated when the request is sent. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json |
Determines data format of the response (JSON). |
LanguageVariant |
/oapi/Item/MCQ/{id}/LanguageVariant |
Creates a new item language variant for the specified item, where {id} is the item’s unique identifier and the item’s language code is specified in the request body.
NOTE: Item language variants are not available by default. If you would like item language variants enabled on your Surpass instance, contact your Surpass Customer Success Manager.
Sample request
The following request contains the minimum required request body to create a live Multiple Choice question.
"subject": {
"reference": "Subject1"
"name": "Multiple Choice question",
"status": "Live",
"stemComponents": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "What is the capital city of Belgium?"
"mark": 1,
"answerOptions": [
"correct": true,
"answerColumns": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "Brussels"
"correct": false,
"answerColumns": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "Brugge"
"correct": false,
"answerColumns": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "Antwerp"
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
subject object mandatory
Contains the subject that the item is in.
subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
name string mandatory
The item’s name.
status enumeration optional
The item’s workflow status. The default workflow statuses are Draft, To Review, Reviewed, Live, and Withdrawn. Every item starts at Draft and must be set to Live before being able to be added to a test form. Custom workflow statuses can also be created and assigned to items.
Defaults to Draft if omitted.
stemComponents array optional
A collection of text, images or equations that form each question stem.
stemComponents/contentType enumeration
Determines the content type for the question stem. This can be either RichText, an Image, or MathML (Mixed subjects only).
stemComponents/content string
The question stem’s content in HTML format.
stemComponents/media object
If the contentType is an Image, contains the media’s information.
stemComponents/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
stemComponents/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
stemComponents/media/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
stemComponents/media/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
stemComponents/media/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
stemComponents/media/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
stemComponents/id integer
The question stem’s unique identifier.
owner object optional
The item owner’s information.
owner/id integer
The item owner’s unique identifier.
owner/reference string
The item owner’s unique reference code.
Contains the information of any tags assigned to the item.
tagGroups/id integer
The tag group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/name string
The tag group’s name.
tagGroups/tagCategories array
Contains the information of any tag categories the tag group is in.
tagGroups/tagValues array
Contains the information of the tag value(s) assigned to the item.
tagGroups/tagValues/id integer
The tag value’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/value string
The tag value.
tagGroups/tagValues/isItemSetTag Boolean
If true, the tag value is inherited from the item set.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection object
Contains the information of any tag collections the tag value is in.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/id integer
The tag collection’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/reference string
The tag collection’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/name string
The tag collection’s name.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/order integer
The tag collection’s position within the tag collection group.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/isCurrent Boolean
Determines whether the tag collection is the latest tag collection. Only the latest tag values can be returned when searching for items in Item Search.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup object
Contains the tag collection’s tag collection group information.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup/reference string
The tag collection group’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection object
Contains the information of any subcollections the tag value is in.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/reference string
The subcollection’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/name string
The subcollection’s name.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/order integer
The subcollection’s position within the subcollection group.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup object
Contains the subcollection’s subcollection group information.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup/id integer
The subcollection group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup/reference string
The subcollection group’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the tag group has been deleted.
enemyItems array optional
Contains the information of any items the item has an enemy relationship with.
enemyItems/id integer
The item’s unique identifier.
enemyItems/isSectionOnly Boolean
Determines whether the enemy relationship is section-level (true) or test form-level (false).
mark integer optional
The item’s assigned mark.
parentId integer optional
If the item is in an item set, the item set’s unique identifier.
citations string optional
Any citations added to the item in HTML format.
comment object optional
Contains the information of any comment left on the item.
comment/text string
Any comment left on the item in text format.
comment/isPrivate Boolean
Determines whether the comment is a private comment (only viewable by users with the Comment Manager permission) or not. Defaults to false if omitted.
generalFeedback object optional
Contains any general candidate feedback added to the item.
generalFeedback/text string
The feedback text in HTML format.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials array
Contains any source material added to the feedback.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/id integer
The source material’s unique identifier.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
generalFeedback/media object
Contains the information of any media attached to the general feedback.
generalFeedback/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
generalFeedback/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
generalFeedback/media/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
generalFeedback/media/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
generalFeedback/media/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
mediaItems array optional
Contains any media embedded on the item.
mediaItems/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
mediaItems/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
mediaItems/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
language object optional
If item language variants are enabled and the LanguageVariant path parameter is passed in the request’s header, contains the information for the new language variant.
language/code enumeration
The language’s ISO code. The available language codes are amh, ar, arm, pob, bul, mya, zh, zho, hrv, ces, dan, nl, en-int, en, us, est, per, tgl, fin, frc, ga, gle, glg, ge, gre, heb, hun, ind, ita, jpn, kk, khm, kor, lao, la, lav, lit, mlt, mon, nep, no, pol, por, iir, ron, rus, smo, slk, slv, som, sp, es-int, lac, es-pa, es-pr, swe, tha, tur, ukr, vie, and we.
answerOptions array mandatory
Contains the item’s answer options’ information.
answerOptions/correct Boolean
Determines whether the answer option is the correct answer.
answerOptions/weight integer
The answer option’s mark if the item’s answer options are weighted.
answerOptions/label string
The label text for the answer option if Add Labels for Candidate Delivery has been enabled.
answerOptions/answerColumns array
Contains the text, media, or mathML for each answer option column. Passing two arrays, one for each column, sets the Layout options to Two columns.
answerOptions/answerColumns/contentType enumeration
Determines the content type for the answer option. This can be either RichText, an Image, or MathML (Mixed subjects only).
answerOptions/answerColumns/content string
The answer option text in HTML format.
If set to Answer options as a table (HTML subjects only), the first row is returned separated by the pipe symbol (for example, Paris|Berlin|Madrid|Copenhagen).
answerOptions/answerColumns/media array
Contains any media used as the answer option.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia object
Contains the information of any assistive media attached to the answer option.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia/name string
The assistive media’s name in Surpass.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia/data string
The assistive media’s file data in encoded Base64 format.
answerOptions/rationaleText string
The rationale text for the answer option if Show Answer Rationale has been enabled.
answerOptions/exclusiveOption Boolean
Determines whether the answer option is set to be an Exclusive Option, meaning it cannot be selected in conjunction with other answer options.
randomise Boolean optional
Determines whether the answer options are to be randomised for the candidate.
answerWidthRatio enumeration optional
Determines whether the answer option column width ratio is 50/50, 20/80, or 80/20 if the Layout options are set to Two columns.
useLabels Boolean optional
Determines whether the answer options have added labels for candidate delivery. Defaults to false if omitted.
markType enumeration optional
Determines whether the Marking type for the question is Standard or Weighted. Defaults to Standard if omitted.
tableOptionsHtml string optional
The answer options as a table in HTML format if the Layout option is set to Answer options as a table (HTML subjects only).
rationaleEnabled Boolean optional
Determines whether the Show Answer Rationale setting has been enabled. Defaults to false if omitted.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the new item’s details (the response value is the item’s unique identifier).
"response": 1,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Creating a Multiple Response question
Send a request to the endpoint to create a Multiple Response question.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Bearer {token} |
A bearer token must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {token} is a JWT (JSON web token). |
content-type |
header MANDATORY |
application/json |
Determines data format of the request (JSON). |
content-length |
header MANDATORY |
{number} |
Determines the number of characters passed in the body of the request, where {number} is a numerical figure. This is usually automatically calculated when the request is sent. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json |
Determines data format of the response (JSON). |
LanguageVariant |
/oapi/Item/MRQ/{id}/LanguageVariant |
Creates a new item language variant for the specified item, where {id} is the item’s unique identifier and the item’s language code is specified in the request body.
NOTE: Item language variants are not available by default. If you would like item language variants enabled on your Surpass instance, contact your Surpass Customer Success Manager.
Sample request
The following request contains the minimum required request body to create a live Multiple Response question.
"subject": {
"reference": "Subject1"
"name": "Multiple Response question",
"status": "Live",
"stemComponents": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "Which of the following cities are in the Netherlands?"
"mark": 1,
"answerOptions": [
"correct": true,
"answerColumns": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "Maastricht"
"correct": false,
"answerColumns": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "Ghent"
"correct": true,
"answerColumns": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "Utrecht"
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
subject object mandatory
Contains the subject that the item is in.
subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
name string mandatory
The item’s name.
status enumeration optional
The item’s workflow status. The default workflow statuses are Draft, To Review, Reviewed, Live, and Withdrawn. Every item starts at Draft and must be set to Live before being able to be added to a test form. Custom workflow statuses can also be created and assigned to items.
Defaults to Draft if omitted.
stemComponents array optional
A collection of text, images or equations that form each question stem.
stemComponents/contentType enumeration
Determines the content type for the question stem. This can be either RichText, an Image, or MathML (Mixed subjects only).
stemComponents/content string
The question stem’s content in HTML format.
stemComponents/media object
If the contentType is an Image, contains the media’s information.
stemComponents/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
stemComponents/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
stemComponents/media/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
stemComponents/media/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
stemComponents/media/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
stemComponents/media/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
stemComponents/id integer
The question stem’s unique identifier.
owner object optional
The item owner’s information.
owner/id integer
The item owner’s unique identifier.
owner/reference string
The item owner’s unique reference code.
Contains the information of any tags assigned to the item.
tagGroups/id integer
The tag group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/name string
The tag group’s name.
tagGroups/tagCategories array
Contains the information of any tag categories the tag group is in.
tagGroups/tagValues array
Contains the information of the tag value(s) assigned to the item.
tagGroups/tagValues/id integer
The tag value’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/value string
The tag value.
tagGroups/tagValues/isItemSetTag Boolean
If true, the tag value is inherited from the item set.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection object
Contains the information of any tag collections the tag value is in.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/id integer
The tag collection’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/reference string
The tag collection’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/name string
The tag collection’s name.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/order integer
The tag collection’s position within the tag collection group.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/isCurrent Boolean
Determines whether the tag collection is the latest tag collection. Only the latest tag values can be returned when searching for items in Item Search.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup object
Contains the tag collection’s tag collection group information.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup/reference string
The tag collection group’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection object
Contains the information of any subcollections the tag value is in.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/reference string
The subcollection’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/name string
The subcollection’s name.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/order integer
The subcollection’s position within the subcollection group.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup object
Contains the subcollection’s subcollection group information.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup/id integer
The subcollection group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup/reference string
The subcollection group’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the tag group has been deleted.
enemyItems array optional
Contains the information of any items the item has an enemy relationship with.
enemyItems/id integer
The item’s unique identifier.
enemyItems/isSectionOnly Boolean
Determines whether the enemy relationship is section-level (true) or test form-level (false).
mark integer optional
The item’s assigned mark.
parentId integer optional
If the item is in an item set, the item set’s unique identifier.
citations string optional
Any citations added to the item in HTML format.
comment object optional
Contains the information of any comment left on the item.
comment/text string
Any comment left on the item in text format.
comment/isPrivate Boolean
Determines whether the comment is a private comment (only viewable by users with the Comment Manager permission) or not. Defaults to false if omitted.
generalFeedback object optional
Contains any general candidate feedback added to the item.
generalFeedback/text string
The feedback text in HTML format.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials array
Contains any source material added to the feedback.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/id integer
The source material’s unique identifier.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
generalFeedback/media object
Contains the information of any media attached to the general feedback.
generalFeedback/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
generalFeedback/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
generalFeedback/media/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
generalFeedback/media/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
generalFeedback/media/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
mediaItems array optional
Contains any media embedded on the item.
mediaItems/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
mediaItems/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
mediaItems/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
language object optional
If item language variants are enabled and the LanguageVariant path parameter is passed in the request’s header, contains the information for the new language variant.
language/code enumeration
The language’s ISO code. The available language codes are amh, ar, arm, pob, bul, mya, zh, zho, hrv, ces, dan, nl, en-int, en, us, est, per, tgl, fin, frc, ga, gle, glg, ge, gre, heb, hun, ind, ita, jpn, kk, khm, kor, lao, la, lav, lit, mlt, mon, nep, no, pol, por, iir, ron, rus, smo, slk, slv, som, sp, es-int, lac, es-pa, es-pr, swe, tha, tur, ukr, vie, and we.
answerOptions array mandatory
Contains the item’s answer options’ information.
answerOptions/correct Boolean
Determines whether the answer option is the correct answer.
answerOptions/weight integer
The answer option’s mark if the item’s answer options are weighted.
answerOptions/label string
The label text for the answer option if Add Labels for Candidate Delivery has been enabled.
answerOptions/answerColumns array
Contains the text, media, or mathML for each answer option column. Passing two arrays, one for each column, sets the Layout options to Two columns.
answerOptions/answerColumns/contentType enumeration
Determines the content type for the answer option. This can be either RichText, an Image, or MathML (Mixed subjects only).
answerOptions/answerColumns/content string
The answer option text in HTML format.
If set to Answer options as a table (HTML subjects only), the first row is returned separated by the pipe symbol (for example, Paris|Berlin|Madrid|Copenhagen).
answerOptions/answerColumns/media array
Contains any media used as the answer option.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia object
Contains the information of any assistive media attached to the answer option.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia/name string
The assistive media’s name in Surpass.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia/data string
The assistive media’s file data in encoded Base64 format.
answerOptions/rationaleText string
The rationale text for the answer option if Show Answer Rationale has been enabled.
answerOptions/exclusiveOption Boolean
Determines whether the answer option is set to be an Exclusive Option, meaning it cannot be selected in conjunction with other answer options.
randomise Boolean optional
Determines whether the answer options are to be randomised for the candidate.
answerWidthRatio enumeration optional
Determines whether the answer option column width ratio is 50/50, 20/80, or 80/20 if the Layout options are set to Two columns.
useLabels Boolean optional
Determines whether the answer options have added labels for candidate delivery. Defaults to false if omitted.
markType enumeration optional
Determines whether the Marking type for the question is Standard, Combination, or Weighted. Defaults to Standard if omitted.
tableOptionsHtml string optional
The answer options as a table in HTML format if the Layout option is set to Answer options as a table (HTML subjects only).
rationaleEnabled Boolean optional
Determines whether the Show Answer Rationale setting has been enabled. Defaults to false if omitted.
combinations array optional
Contains the answer option combinations’ information if the Marking type is set to Combination.
combinations/mark integer
The number of marks for the answer option combination.
combinations/labels array
Contains the labels of the answer options included in the combination.
combinations/title string
The answer option combination’s title.
awardAllCorrect Boolean
Determines whether the Only award mark if candidate selects all correct options setting is enabled (true) or not (false). Defaults to false if omitted.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the new item’s details (the response value is the item’s unique identifier).
"response": 1,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Creating an Either/Or question
Send a request to the endpoint to create an Either/Or question.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Bearer {token} |
A bearer token must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {token} is a JWT (JSON web token). |
content-type |
header MANDATORY |
application/json |
Determines data format of the request (JSON). |
content-length |
header MANDATORY |
{number} |
Determines the number of characters passed in the body of the request, where {number} is a numerical figure. This is usually automatically calculated when the request is sent. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json |
Determines data format of the response (JSON). |
LanguageVariant |
/oapi/Item/EitherOr/{id}/LanguageVariant |
Creates a new item language variant for the specified item, where {id} is the item’s unique identifier and the item’s language code is specified in the request body.
NOTE: Item language variants are not available by default. If you would like item language variants enabled on your Surpass instance, contact your Surpass Customer Success Manager.
Sample request
The following request contains the minimum required request body to create a live Either/Or question.
"subject": {
"reference": "Subject1"
"name": "Either/Or question",
"status": "Live",
"stemComponents": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "Halley's Comet returns to Earth approximately every 75 years. True or false?"
"mark": 1,
"answerOptions": [
"correct": true,
"answerColumns": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "True"
"correct": false,
"answerColumns": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "False"
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
subject object mandatory
Contains the subject that the item is in.
subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
name string mandatory
The item’s name.
status enumeration optional
The item’s workflow status. The default workflow statuses are Draft, To Review, Reviewed, Live, and Withdrawn. Every item starts at Draft and must be set to Live before being able to be added to a test form. Custom workflow statuses can also be created and assigned to items.
Defaults to Draft if omitted.
stemComponents array optional
A collection of text, images or equations that form each question stem.
stemComponents/contentType enumeration
Determines the content type for the question stem. This can be either RichText, an Image, or MathML (Mixed subjects only).
stemComponents/content string
The question stem’s content in HTML format.
stemComponents/media object
If the contentType is an Image, contains the media’s information.
stemComponents/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
stemComponents/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
stemComponents/media/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
stemComponents/media/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
stemComponents/media/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
stemComponents/media/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
stemComponents/id integer
The question stem’s unique identifier.
owner object optional
The item owner’s information.
owner/id integer
The item owner’s unique identifier.
owner/reference string
The item owner’s unique reference code.
Contains the information of any tags assigned to the item.
tagGroups/id integer
The tag group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/name string
The tag group’s name.
tagGroups/tagCategories array
Contains the information of any tag categories the tag group is in.
tagGroups/tagValues array
Contains the information of the tag value(s) assigned to the item.
tagGroups/tagValues/id integer
The tag value’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/value string
The tag value.
tagGroups/tagValues/isItemSetTag Boolean
If true, the tag value is inherited from the item set.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection object
Contains the information of any tag collections the tag value is in.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/id integer
The tag collection’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/reference string
The tag collection’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/name string
The tag collection’s name.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/order integer
The tag collection’s position within the tag collection group.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/isCurrent Boolean
Determines whether the tag collection is the latest tag collection. Only the latest tag values can be returned when searching for items in Item Search.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup object
Contains the tag collection’s tag collection group information.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup/reference string
The tag collection group’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection object
Contains the information of any subcollections the tag value is in.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/reference string
The subcollection’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/name string
The subcollection’s name.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/order integer
The subcollection’s position within the subcollection group.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup object
Contains the subcollection’s subcollection group information.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup/id integer
The subcollection group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup/reference string
The subcollection group’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the tag group has been deleted.
enemyItems array optional
Contains the information of any items the item has an enemy relationship with.
enemyItems/id integer
The item’s unique identifier.
enemyItems/isSectionOnly Boolean
Determines whether the enemy relationship is section-level (true) or test form-level (false).
mark integer optional
The item’s assigned mark.
parentId integer optional
If the item is in an item set, the item set’s unique identifier.
citations string optional
Any citations added to the item in HTML format.
comment object optional
Contains the information of any comment left on the item.
comment/text string
Any comment left on the item in text format.
comment/isPrivate Boolean
Determines whether the comment is a private comment (only viewable by users with the Comment Manager permission) or not. Defaults to false if omitted.
generalFeedback object optional
Contains any general candidate feedback added to the item.
generalFeedback/text string
The feedback text in HTML format.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials array
Contains any source material added to the feedback.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/id integer
The source material’s unique identifier.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
generalFeedback/media object
Contains the information of any media attached to the general feedback.
generalFeedback/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
generalFeedback/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
generalFeedback/media/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
generalFeedback/media/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
generalFeedback/media/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
mediaItems array optional
Contains any media embedded on the item.
mediaItems/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
mediaItems/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
mediaItems/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
language object optional
If item language variants are enabled and the LanguageVariant path parameter is passed in the request’s header, contains the information for the new language variant.
language/code enumeration
The language’s ISO code. The available language codes are amh, ar, arm, pob, bul, mya, zh, zho, hrv, ces, dan, nl, en-int, en, us, est, per, tgl, fin, frc, ga, gle, glg, ge, gre, heb, hun, ind, ita, jpn, kk, khm, kor, lao, la, lav, lit, mlt, mon, nep, no, pol, por, iir, ron, rus, smo, slk, slv, som, sp, es-int, lac, es-pa, es-pr, swe, tha, tur, ukr, vie, and we.
answerOptions array mandatory
Contains the item’s answer options’ information.
answerOptions/correct Boolean
Determines whether the answer option is the correct answer.
answerOptions/weight integer
The answer option’s mark if the item’s answer options are weighted.
answerOptions/label string
The label text for the answer option if Add Labels for Candidate Delivery has been enabled.
answerOptions/answerColumns array
Contains the text, media, or mathML for each answer option column. Passing two arrays, one for each column, sets the Layout options to Two columns.
answerOptions/answerColumns/contentType enumeration
Determines the content type for the answer option. This can be either RichText, an Image, or MathML (Mixed subjects only).
answerOptions/answerColumns/content string
The answer option text in HTML format.
If set to Answer options as a table (HTML subjects only), the first row is returned separated by the pipe symbol (for example, Paris|Berlin|Madrid|Copenhagen).
answerOptions/answerColumns/media array
Contains any media used as the answer option.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
answerOptions/answerColumns/media/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia object
Contains the information of any assistive media attached to the answer option.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia/name string
The assistive media’s name in Surpass.
answerOptions/assistiveMedia/data string
The assistive media’s file data in encoded Base64 format.
answerOptions/rationaleText string
The rationale text for the answer option if Show Answer Rationale has been enabled.
answerOptions/exclusiveOption Boolean
Determines whether the answer option is set to be an Exclusive Option, meaning it cannot be selected in conjunction with other answer options.
randomise Boolean optional
Determines whether the answer options are to be randomised for the candidate.
answerWidthRatio enumeration optional
Determines whether the answer option column width ratio is 50/50, 20/80, or 80/20 if the Layout options are set to Two columns.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the new item’s details (the response value is the item’s unique identifier).
"response": 1,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Creating an Essay question
Send a request to the endpoint to create an Essay question.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Bearer {token} |
A bearer token must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {token} is a JWT (JSON web token). |
content-type |
header MANDATORY |
application/json |
Determines data format of the request (JSON). |
content-length |
header MANDATORY |
{number} |
Determines the number of characters passed in the body of the request, where {number} is a numerical figure. This is usually automatically calculated when the request is sent. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json |
Determines data format of the response (JSON). |
LanguageVariant |
/oapi/Item/Essay/{id}/LanguageVariant |
Creates a new item language variant for the specified item, where {id} is the item’s unique identifier and the item’s language code is specified in the request body.
NOTE: Item language variants are not available by default. If you would like item language variants enabled on your Surpass instance, contact your Surpass Customer Success Manager.
Sample request
The following request contains the minimum required request body to create a live Essay question.
"subject": {
"reference": "TCS"
"name": "Essay question",
"status": "Live",
"stemComponents": [
"contentType": "RichText",
"content": "Summarise the key differences between Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' and George Orwell's '1984' in under 750 words."
"mark": 1,
"maxCharacters": 8000
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
subject object mandatory
Contains the subject that the item is in.
subject/id integer
The subject’s unique identifier.
subject/reference string
The subject’s unique reference code.
name string mandatory
The item’s name.
status enumeration optional
The item’s workflow status. The default workflow statuses are Draft, To Review, Reviewed, Live, and Withdrawn. Every item starts at Draft and must be set to Live before being able to be added to a test form. Custom workflow statuses can also be created and assigned to items.
Defaults to Draft if omitted.
stemComponents array optional
A collection of text, images or equations that form each question stem.
stemComponents/contentType enumeration
Determines the content type for the question stem. This can be either RichText, an Image, or MathML (Mixed subjects only).
stemComponents/content string
The question stem’s content in HTML format.
stemComponents/media object
If the contentType is an Image, contains the media’s information.
stemComponents/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
stemComponents/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
stemComponents/media/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
stemComponents/media/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
stemComponents/media/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
stemComponents/media/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
stemComponents/id integer
The question stem’s unique identifier.
owner object optional
The item owner’s information.
owner/id integer
The item owner’s unique identifier.
owner/reference string
The item owner’s unique reference code.
Contains the information of any tags assigned to the item.
tagGroups/id integer
The tag group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/name string
The tag group’s name.
tagGroups/tagCategories array
Contains the information of any tag categories the tag group is in.
tagGroups/tagValues array
Contains the information of the tag value(s) assigned to the item.
tagGroups/tagValues/id integer
The tag value’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/value string
The tag value.
tagGroups/tagValues/isItemSetTag Boolean
If true, the tag value is inherited from the item set.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection object
Contains the information of any tag collections the tag value is in.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/id integer
The tag collection’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/reference string
The tag collection’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/name string
The tag collection’s name.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/order integer
The tag collection’s position within the tag collection group.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/isCurrent Boolean
Determines whether the tag collection is the latest tag collection. Only the latest tag values can be returned when searching for items in Item Search.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup object
Contains the tag collection’s tag collection group information.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup/reference string
The tag collection group’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection object
Contains the information of any subcollections the tag value is in.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/reference string
The subcollection’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/name string
The subcollection’s name.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/order integer
The subcollection’s position within the subcollection group.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup object
Contains the subcollection’s subcollection group information.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup/id integer
The subcollection group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup/reference string
The subcollection group’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the tag group has been deleted.
enemyItems array optional
Contains the information of any items the item has an enemy relationship with.
enemyItems/id integer
The item’s unique identifier.
enemyItems/isSectionOnly Boolean
Determines whether the enemy relationship is section-level (true) or test form-level (false).
mark integer optional
The item’s assigned mark.
parentId integer optional
If the item is in an item set, the item set’s unique identifier.
citations string optional
Any citations added to the item in HTML format.
comment object optional
Contains the information of any comment left on the item.
comment/text string
Any comment left on the item in text format.
comment/isPrivate Boolean
Determines whether the comment is a private comment (only viewable by users with the Comment Manager permission) or not. Defaults to false if omitted.
generalFeedback object optional
Contains any general candidate feedback added to the item.
generalFeedback/text string
The feedback text in HTML format.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials array
Contains any source material added to the feedback.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/id integer
The source material’s unique identifier.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
generalFeedback/sourceMaterials/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
generalFeedback/media object
Contains the information of any media attached to the general feedback.
generalFeedback/media/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
generalFeedback/media/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
generalFeedback/media/type enumeration
The type of media, Image or Video.
generalFeedback/media/width integer
The media’s width in pixels.
generalFeedback/media/height integer
The media’s height in pixels.
mediaItems array optional
Contains any media embedded on the item.
mediaItems/id integer
The media’s unique identifier.
mediaItems/externalId string
If using the Nuxeo media repository: the media’s external reference. For more information about Nuxeo, read ‘About Media settings’ in About Site Settings options.
mediaItems/name string
The media’s name in Surpass.
language object optional
If item language variants are enabled and the LanguageVariant path parameter is passed in the request’s header, contains the information for the new language variant.
language/code enumeration
The language’s ISO code. The available language codes are amh, ar, arm, pob, bul, mya, zh, zho, hrv, ces, dan, nl, en-int, en, us, est, per, tgl, fin, frc, ga, gle, glg, ge, gre, heb, hun, ind, ita, jpn, kk, khm, kor, lao, la, lav, lit, mlt, mon, nep, no, pol, por, iir, ron, rus, smo, slk, slv, som, sp, es-int, lac, es-pa, es-pr, swe, tha, tur, ukr, vie, and we.
maxCharacters integer mandatory
The maximum number of characters allowed for the candidate’s response.
numberOfLinesPerResponse integer optional
The number of lines provided for the candidate’s response if the test is being delivered on paper.
enableTextFormatting Boolean optional
Determines whether the Enable text formatting for candidates setting is enabled, letting candidates use basic formatting tools when writing their response.
displayCounter Boolean optional
Determines whether the Display word counter setting is enabled, letting candidates view their current word count when writing their response.
wordCounterLabel string optional
The name of the word counter if essayQuestions/displayCounter is true.
allowDiagrams Boolean optional
Determines whether the Diagram Creator tool is enabled.
diagramsButtonLabel Boolean optional
The Diagram Creator tool’s button text if allowDiagrams is true.
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the new item’s details(the response value is the item’s unique identifier).
"response": 1,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Updating an Essay question
Send a request to the endpoint to update a specific Essay question. The item’s name, tags, and enemy relationships can be updated using this endpoint.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Bearer {token} |
A bearer token must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {token} is a JWT (JSON web token). |
content-type |
header MANDATORY |
application/json |
Determines data format of the request (JSON). |
content-length |
header MANDATORY |
{number} |
Determines the number of characters passed in the body of the request, where {number} is a numerical figure. This is usually automatically calculated when the request is sent. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json |
Determines data format of the response (JSON). |
id |
/oapi/Item/Essay/{id} |
Updates specified item, where {id} is the item’s unique identifier. |
Sample request
At least one property must be updated in the request. The following request contains the minimum required request body to update an Essay question. Refer to the request body schema for all properties that can be updated.
"name": "Essay question 2"
Request body schema
The request body schema contains a description of every property that can be passed with this endpoint.
name string
The item’s name.
tagGroups array
Contains the information of any tags assigned to the item.
tagGroups/id integer
The tag group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/name string
The tag group’s name.
tagGroups/tagCategories array
Contains the information of any tag categories the tag group is in.
tagGroups/tagValues array
Contains the information of the tag value(s) assigned to the item.
tagGroups/tagValues/id integer
The tag value’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/value string
The tag value.
tagGroups/tagValues/isItemSetTag Boolean
If true, the tag value is inherited from the item set.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection object
Contains the information of any tag collections the tag value is in.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/id integer
The tag collection’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/reference string
The tag collection’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/name string
The tag collection’s name.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/order integer
The tag collection’s position within the tag collection group.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/isCurrent Boolean
Determines whether the tag collection is the latest tag collection. Only the latest tag values can be returned when searching for items in Item Search.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup object
Contains the tag collection’s tag collection group information.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup/id integer
The tag collection group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/collectionGroup/reference string
The tag collection group’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection object
Contains the information of any subcollections the tag value is in.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/reference string
The subcollection’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/name string
The subcollection’s name.
tagGroups/tagValues/collection/subCollection/order integer
The subcollection’s position within the subcollection group.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup object
Contains the subcollection’s subcollection group information.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup/id integer
The subcollection group’s unique identifier.
tagGroups/tagValues/subCollection/collectionGroup/reference string
The subcollection group’s unique reference code.
tagGroups/isDeleted Boolean
Determines whether the tag group has been deleted.
enemyItems array
Contains the information of any items the item has an enemy relationship with.
enemyItems/id integer
The item’s unique identifier.
enemyItems/isSectionOnly Boolean
Determines whether the enemy relationship is section-level (true) or test form-level (false).
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the updated Essay question’s details.
"response": 1,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Deleting an item
Send a request to the endpoint to delete a specific item. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
authorization |
header OPTIONAL |
Bearer {token} |
A bearer token must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {token} is a JWT (JSON web token). |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json |
Determines data format of the response (JSON). |
id |
/oapi/Item/{id} |
Deletes specified item, where {id} is the item’s unique identifier. |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will confirm the item has been deleted by returning a null id.
"permanentlyDeleted": true,
"id": null,
"href": null,
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": null
Error Codes
Refer to the following table for information on error codes that may be encountered when using this resource.
Code |
Description |
400 |
Indicates one of the following issues:
401 |
The request has been sent by an unauthorised user. |
403 |
Item cannot be accessed. |
404 |
Item does not exist. |
Further reading
Read the following articles to learn how to get started with the Surpass OAPI or more about similar APIs: