Report API
Item performance, test performance, and centre statistics can be extracted in the form of an XML report. This is done by retrieving and then adding the required query parameters to the endpoint, which can then be called to return the defined report.
View the available parameters in ‘Generating a report’ for a comprehensive list of the available reports and their mandatory and optional parameters.
The Report API resource is used to list reports, retrieve report parameters, and generate reports.
This article explains what calls can be made to the Surpass API using the Report resource.
Import this API into your Postman Workspace
Listing reports
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve a list of reports. Refer to the available parameters to influence the response. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
top |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report?$top={top} |
Defines number of responses to return when paging a response, where {top} is a number between 1 and 40. |
skip |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report?$skip={skip} |
Defines how many responses to skip when paging a response, where {skip} is a number that should not exceed the total number of responses. |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": 11,
"top": 10,
"skip": 0,
"pageCount": 2,
"nextPageLink": "https://{your Surpass instance}$skip=10",
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"name": "Item Performance Analysis Report",
"id": 1,
"reference": "Report Ref 1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"name": "Centre Test Volume Report",
"id": 2,
"reference": "Report Ref 2",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"name": "Test Information Report",
"id": 3,
"reference": "Report Ref 3",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"name": "Test Performance Analysis Report",
"id": 4,
"reference": "Report Ref 4",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"name": "Raw Data Extract",
"id": 5,
"reference": "Report Ref 5",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"name": "Score: Grade Transformation Report",
"id": 6,
"reference": "Report Ref 6",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"name": "Distractor Analysis Report",
"id": 7,
"reference": "Report Ref 7",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"name": "Item Authoring Folder Information Report",
"id": 8,
"reference": "Report Ref 8",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"name": "Item Production Analysis Report",
"id": 9,
"reference": "Report Ref 9",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"name": "Subjects Report",
"id": 10,
"reference": "Report Ref 10",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many reports there are in total.
top integer
Details number of reports returned in the response.
skip integer
Details how many reports were skipped to display those in the response.
pageCount integer
Details how many pages of reports there are.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of reports. If null, the response is the last page of reports.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of reports. If null, the response is the first page of reports.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
name string
The report’s name.
id integer
The report’s unique identifier.
reference Boolean
The report’s unique reference code.
href string
The endpoint to call the report’s information, such as /api/v2/Report/{id} where {id} is the report’s unique identifier.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Retrieving report parameters
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve the parameters for a specific report using its ID. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/Report/{id} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier. |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": null,
"top": null,
"skip": null,
"pageCount": null,
"nextPageLink": null,
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"reportParameters": {
"startDate": "DATETIME",
"endDate": "DATETIME",
"centreReferences": "COLLECTION",
"subjectReferences": "COLLECTION",
"testFormReference": "STRING",
"itemID": "STRING",
"scored": "STRING",
"nonScored": "STRING",
"showUntagged": "STRING",
"tagGroups": "COLLECTION",
"tagValues": "COLLECTION"
"name": "Item Performance Analysis Report",
"id": 1,
"reference": "Report Ref 1",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}"
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many reports there are in total. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
top integer
Details number of reports returned in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
skip integer
Details how many reports were skipped to display those in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
pageCount integer
Details how many pages of reports there are. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of reports. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of reports. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
reportParameters object
Contains the report parameters relevant to the specified report. Each report parameter returns one of the following indicators:
reportParameters/startDate enumeration
Indicates that the start date report parameter is used for the report, in DATETIME format. This is the start date of the information in the report.
reportParameters/endDate enumeration
Indicates that the end date report parameter is used for the report, in DATETIME format. This is is the end date of the information in the report.
reportParameters/folderID enumeration
Indicates that the folder ID report parameter is used for the report, in STRING format. This is the folder’s unique identifier.
reportParameters/statusID enumeration
Indicates that the status ID report parameter is used for the report, in STRING format. This is the workflow status’ unique identifier.
reportParameters/centreReferences enumeration
Indicates that the centre references report parameter is used for the report, in COLLECTION format. These are the centres’ unique reference codes.
reportParameters/onlyshowsubjectgroups enumeration
Indicates that the only show subject groups report parameter is used for the report, in STRING format. This Boolean parameter is the Only show subject groups filtering option.
reportParameters/showretiredsubjects enumeration
Indicates that the show retired subjects report parameter is used for the report, in STRING format. This Boolean parameter is the Show archived subjects filtering option.
reportParameters/subjectReference enumeration
Indicates that the subject reference report parameter is used for the report, in STRING format. This is the subject’s unique reference code.
reportParameters/subjectReferences enumeration
Indicates that the subject references report parameter is used for the report, in COLLECTION format. These are the subjects’ unique reference codes.
reportParameters/testFormReference enumeration
Indicates that the test form reference report parameter is used for the report, in STRING format. This is the test form’s unique reference code.
reportParameters/itemID enumeration
Indicates that the item ID report parameter is used for the report, in STRING format. This is the item’s unique identifier.
reportParameters/itemVersion enumeration
Indicates that the item version report parameter is used for the report, in STRING format. This is the item’s version.
reportParameters/scored enumeration
Indicates that the scored report parameter is used for the report, in STRING format. This is a Boolean parameter that determines whether the item is scored or non-scored.
reportParameters/nonScored enumeration
Indicates that the non-scored report parameter is used for the report, in STRING format. This is a Boolean parameter that determines whether the item is scored or non-scored.
reportParameters/showUntagged enumeration
Indicates that the show untagged report parameter is used for the report, in STRING format. This is a Boolean parameter that determines whether untagged items are included.
reportParameters/tagGroups enumeration
Indicates that the tag groups report parameter is used for the report, in COLLECTION format. These are the names of any tag groups.
reportParameters/tagValues enumeration
Indicates that the tag values report parameter is used for the report, in COLLECTION format. These are the names of any tag values.
name string
The report’s name.
id integer
The report’s unique identifier.
reference Boolean
The report’s unique reference code.
href string
The endpoint to call the report’s information, such as /api/v2/Report/{id} where {id} is the report’s unique identifier.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Generating a report
Send a request to the endpoint to retrieve the information for a specific report using its ID. No request body is required.
Parameters are passed with the endpoint to influence the response. Header parameters are included in the request header. Path parameters are extensions of the endpoint, and query parameters follow ? after any path parameters.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
authorization |
header MANDATORY |
Basic {credentials} |
Basic authentication details must be passed to authorise the user’s request, where {credentials} is a Base64 encoded username:password string. |
accept |
header OPTIONAL |
application/json or application/xml |
Determines data format of the response, which can be either JSON or XML. |
id |
/api/v2/Report/{id} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier. |
generate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, and {Boolean} is one of true or false. |
The following tables contain the mandatory and optional report parameters available for each report.
Item Performance Analysis Report (ID: 1)
The item performance analysis reporting data can also be seen in the Items Delivered report in the Surpass Reporting screens. For more information, read View Items Delivered reports.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
startDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&startDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to the last month.
endDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&endDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to the last month.
centreReferences |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}¢reReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any centre references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/1?generate=true¢reReferences={"Centre1", "Centre2", "Centre3"} would return an item performance analysis report for items in centres ‘Centre1’, ‘Centre2’, and ‘Centre3’.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all centres.
subjectReferences |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&subjectReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any subject references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/1?generate=true&subjectReferences={"Subject1", "Subject2", "Subject3"} would return an item performance analysis report for items in subjects ‘Subject1’, ‘Subject2’, and ‘Subject3’.
testFormReference |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&testFormReference={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is the test form’s unique reference code in inverted commas. |
itemID |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&itemID={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is the item’s unique identifier in inverted commas.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all items.
scored |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&scored={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is one of true or false. |
nonScored |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&nonScored={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is one of true or false. |
showUntagged |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&showUntagged={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is one of true or false. |
tagGroups |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&tagGroups={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any tag groups in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/1?generate=true&tagGroups={"TagGroup1", "TagGroup2", "TagGroup3"} would return an item performance analysis report for items tagged with tag values in tag groups ‘TagGroup1’, ‘TagGroup2’, and ‘TagGroup3’.
tagValues |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&tagValues={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any tag groups in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/1?generate=true&tagValues={"TagValue1", "TagValue2", "TagValue3"} would return an item performance analysis report for items tagged with tag values ‘TagValue1’, ‘TagValue2’, and ‘TagValue3’.
Centre Test Volume Report (ID: 2)
The centre test volume reporting data can also be seen in the Operational Data report in the Surpass Reporting screens. For more information, read About the Operational Data screen.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
startDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&startDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to the current year.
endDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&endDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to the current year.
centreReferences |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}¢reReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any centre references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/2?generate=true¢reReferences={"Centre1", "Centre2", "Centre3"} would return a test centre volume report for centres ‘Centre1’, ‘Centre2’, and ‘Centre3’.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all centres.
subjectReferences |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&subjectReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any subject references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/2?generate=true&subjectReferences={"Subject1", "Subject2", "Subject3"} would return a test centre volume report for centres containing subjects ‘Subject1’, ‘Subject2’, and ‘Subject3’.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all subjects.
Test Information Report (ID: 3)
The test information reporting data can also be seen in the Test Forms report in the Surpass Reporting screens. For more information, read Viewing Test Forms reports.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
subjectReferences |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&subjectReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any subject references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/3?generate=true&subjectReferences={"Subject1", "Subject2", "Subject3"} would return a test information report for tests in subjects ‘Subject1’, ‘Subject2’, and ‘Subject3’.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all subjects.
Test Performance Analysis Report (ID: 4)
The test performance analysis reporting data can also be seen in the Tests Delivered report in the Surpass Reporting screens. For more information, read Viewing Tests Delivered reports.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
startDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&startDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to the last month.
endDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&endDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to the last month.
centreReferences |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}¢reReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any centre references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/4?generate=true¢reReferences={"Centre1", "Centre2", "Centre3"} would return a test performance analysis report for tests in centres ‘Centre1’, ‘Centre2’, and ‘Centre3’.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all centres.
subjectReferences |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&subjectReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any subject references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/4?generate=true&subjectReferences={"Subject1", "Subject2", "Subject3"} would return a test performance analysis report for tests in subjects ‘Subject1’, ‘Subject2’, and ‘Subject3’.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all subjects.
Raw Data Extract Report (ID: 5 & 11) and Grade Transformation Report (ID: 6)
The raw data extract reporting data can also be seen in the Items Delivered report in the Surpass Reporting screens. For more information, read ‘Raw Data Extract’ in Viewing Items Delivered reports. Read ‘About the Grading Scale panel’ in Viewing Tests Delivered reports for more information on grade transformation reporting data.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
startDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&startDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to show all.
endDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&endDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to show all.
centreReferences |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}¢reReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any centre references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/{id}?generate=true¢reReferences={"Centre1", "Centre2", "Centre3"} would return a report for centres ‘Centre1’, ‘Centre2’, and ‘Centre3’.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all centres.
subjectReferences |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&subjectReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the raw data extract report’s unique identifier (6 or 11), {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any centre references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/7?generate=true¢reReferences={"Centre1", "Centre2", "Centre3"} would return an item performance analysis report for items in centres ‘Centre1’, ‘Centre2’, and ‘Centre3’.
subjectReference |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&subjectReference={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the grade transformation report’s unique identifier (6), {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is the subject’s unique reference code in inverted commas. |
testReference |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&testReference={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is the test’s unique reference code in inverted commas. |
testFormReference |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&testFormReference={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is the subject’s unique reference code in inverted commas. |
Distractor Analysis Report (ID: 7)
The distractor analysis reporting data can also be seen in the Items Delivered report in the Surpass Reporting screens. For more information, read ‘About the Distractor Analysis panel’ in Viewing Items Delivered reports.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
startDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&startDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to show all.
endDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&endDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to show all.
centreReferences |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}¢reReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any subject references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/7?generate=true&subjectReferences={"Subject1", "Subject2", "Subject3"} would return a distractor analysis report for items in centres ‘Centre1’, ‘Centre2’, and ‘Centre3’.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all centres.
subjectReferences |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&subjectReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any centre references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/7?generate=true¢reReferences={"Centre1", "Centre2", "Centre3"} would return a distractor analysis report for items in centres ‘Centre1’, ‘Centre2’, and ‘Centre3’.
testFormReference |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&testFormReference={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is the test form’s unique reference code in inverted commas. |
itemID |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&itemID={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is the item’s unique identifier in inverted commas. |
itemVersion |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&itemVersion={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is the item’s version in inverted commas. |
Folder Information Report (ID: 8)
The folder information report contains information on all items in folders.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
subjectReferences |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&subjectReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any subject references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/8?generate=true&subjectReferences={"Subject1", "Subject2", "Subject3"} would return a folder information report for folders in subjects ‘Subject1’, ‘Subject2’, and ‘Subject3’.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all subjects.
Item Production Analysis Report (ID: 9)
The distractor analysis reporting data can also be seen in the Item Bank report in the Surpass Reporting screens. For more information, read Viewing Item Bank reports.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
startDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&startDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to show all.
endDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&endDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to show all.
subjectReference |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&subjectReference={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is the subject’s unique reference code in inverted commas. |
folderID |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&folderID={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is the folder’s unique identifier in inverted commas.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to show all.
statusID |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&statusID={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is the item’s status in inverted commas. The item’s status is one of the following unique identifiers:
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to show all.
Subjects Report (ID: 10)
The subjects reporting data can also be seen in the Analytical Data report in the Surpass Reporting screens. For more information, read About the Analytical Data screen.
Name |
Parameter |
Input |
Description |
startDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&startDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults the last month.
endDate |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&endDate={DATETIME} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {DATETIME} is the date and time in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to the last month.
centreReferences |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}¢reReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any centre references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/10?generate=true¢reReferences={"Centre1", "Centre2", "Centre3"} would return a subjects report for subjects in centres ‘Centre1’, ‘Centre2’, and ‘Centre3’.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all centres.
subjectReferences |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&subjectReferences={COLLECTION} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {COLLECTION} is any subject references in inverted commas.
EXAMPLE: The endpoint /api/v2/Report/10?generate=true&subjectReferences={"Subject1", "Subject2", "Subject3"} would return a subjects report for subjects ‘Subject1’, ‘Subject2’, and ‘Subject3’.
NOTE: If omitted, the report defaults to include all subjects.
onlyshowsubjectgroups |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&onlyshowsubjectgroups={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is one of true or false. |
showretiredsubjects |
query OPTIONAL |
/api/v2/Report/{id}?generate={Boolean}&showretiredsubjects={STRING} |
Returns information for the specified report, where {id} is the report’s unique identifier, {Boolean} is one of true or false, and {STRING} is one of true or false. |
Sample response
If successful, the HTTP status code will be 200 and the response body will contain the information in either JSON or XML format as requested.
"count": null,
"top": null,
"skip": null,
"pageCount": null,
"nextPageLink": null,
"prevPageLink": null,
"response": [
"name": "Centre Test Volume Report",
"id": 2,
"reference": "Report Ref 2",
"href": "https://{your Surpass instance}",
"data": {
"Value": "<report><Centre Key=\"31\" Name=\"BTL Test\"><Qualification Key=\"104\" Name=\"Demonstration!^%\"><Exam Key=\"50081\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T18:54:00\" /></Qualification><Qualification Key=\"451\" Name=\"Will HTML\"><Exam Key=\"50083\" Completed=\"2022-01-26T11:35:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51299\" Completed=\"2022-01-28T11:25:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51415\" Completed=\"2022-01-28T11:39:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51426\" Completed=\"2022-02-11T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51447\" Completed=\"2022-02-15T14:51:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51474\" Completed=\"2022-02-18T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51502\" Completed=\"2022-02-21T15:48:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52531\" Completed=\"2022-02-25T15:39:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52649\" Completed=\"2022-03-08T15:37:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52840\" Completed=\"2022-03-09T11:50:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52841\" Completed=\"2022-03-09T17:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52842\" Completed=\"2022-03-09T20:17:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52843\" Completed=\"2022-03-09T20:48:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52851\" Completed=\"2022-03-10T15:12:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52863\" Completed=\"2022-03-12T00:01:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52867\" Completed=\"2022-03-14T23:01:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52874\" Completed=\"2022-03-15T15:39:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52875\" Completed=\"2022-03-15T15:44:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52881\" Completed=\"2022-03-16T15:50:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52882\" Completed=\"2022-03-16T16:27:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52949\" Completed=\"2022-03-25T13:58:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52952\" Completed=\"2022-03-25T19:24:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52968\" Completed=\"2022-03-29T10:31:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52976\" Completed=\"2022-03-29T16:26:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52977\" Completed=\"2022-03-29T17:59:00\" /></Qualification><Qualification Key=\"1292\" Name=\"Geography 2\"><Exam Key=\"52966\" Completed=\"2022-03-28T15:33:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"33\" Name=\"BTL Test Centre\"><Qualification Key=\"1216\" Name=\"BTL Service Desk Interview HTML\"><Exam Key=\"52942\" Completed=\"2022-03-23T13:22:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52944\" Completed=\"2022-03-23T03:16:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"233\" Name=\"All Staff Test Centre\"><Qualification Key=\"1150\" Name=\"Sumi Subject\"><Exam Key=\"50290\" Completed=\"2022-01-26T15:17:00\" /><Exam Key=\"50291\" Completed=\"2022-01-26T15:19:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51294\" Completed=\"2022-01-27T12:13:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51295\" Completed=\"2022-01-27T12:14:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51298\" Completed=\"2022-01-28T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51303\" Completed=\"2022-01-28T18:41:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51314\" Completed=\"2022-01-29T00:00:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"272\" Name=\"Andy Williams Test\"><Qualification Key=\"725\" Name=\"Andy Williams wizard \"><Exam Key=\"52864\" Completed=\"2022-03-12T00:01:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"374\" Name=\"Diana test\"><Qualification Key=\"758\" Name=\"Diana\"><Exam Key=\"51339\" Completed=\"2022-02-01T09:56:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51416\" Completed=\"2022-02-10T12:15:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51463\" Completed=\"2022-02-17T20:14:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51464\" Completed=\"2022-02-17T20:18:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51465\" Completed=\"2022-02-17T20:24:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51472\" Completed=\"2022-02-18T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52975\" Completed=\"2022-03-29T16:21:00\" /><Exam Key=\"53005\" Completed=\"2022-03-30T10:58:00\" /></Qualification><Qualification Key=\"771\" Name=\"Diana HTML\"><Exam Key=\"49491\" Completed=\"2022-01-04T12:23:00\" /><Exam Key=\"49492\" Completed=\"2022-01-04T12:34:00\" /><Exam Key=\"49792\" Completed=\"2022-01-20T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"49793\" Completed=\"2022-01-20T00:01:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51400\" Completed=\"2022-02-09T15:12:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52576\" Completed=\"2022-03-03T16:25:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52577\" Completed=\"2022-03-03T16:34:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52902\" Completed=\"2022-03-19T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52903\" Completed=\"2022-03-19T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52904\" Completed=\"2022-03-19T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52905\" Completed=\"2022-03-19T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52906\" Completed=\"2022-03-19T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52907\" Completed=\"2022-03-19T00:00:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"435\" Name=\"wind\"><Qualification Key=\"1264\" Name=\"SubjectTravis html\"><Exam Key=\"52894\" Completed=\"2022-03-17T20:31:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"436\" Name=\"BTL Training Centre\"><Qualification Key=\"451\" Name=\"Will HTML\"><Exam Key=\"52969\" Completed=\"2022-03-29T10:34:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52970\" Completed=\"2022-03-29T11:02:00\" /></Qualification><Qualification Key=\"1032\" Name=\"Kat HTML Subject\"><Exam Key=\"51380\" Completed=\"2022-02-08T10:27:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51381\" Completed=\"2022-02-08T10:33:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51524\" Completed=\"2022-02-24T00:00:00\" /></Qualification><Qualification Key=\"1122\" Name=\"Maths\"><Exam Key=\"51512\" Completed=\"2022-02-22T15:27:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"438\" Name=\"Liam Centre\"><Qualification Key=\"908\" Name=\"Liam Training\"><Exam Key=\"51344\" Completed=\"2022-02-02T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51478\" Completed=\"2022-02-18T14:55:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51479\" Completed=\"2022-02-18T14:57:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51480\" Completed=\"2022-02-18T14:58:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51481\" Completed=\"2022-02-18T14:59:00\" /></Qualification><Qualification Key=\"916\" Name=\"Liam HTML\"><Exam Key=\"49518\" Completed=\"2022-01-07T14:46:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52550\" Completed=\"2022-03-01T11:21:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"494\" Name=\"AWhittle\"><Qualification Key=\"1022\" Name=\"AWhittle\"><Exam Key=\"51459\" Completed=\"2022-02-17T11:47:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51460\" Completed=\"2022-02-17T11:50:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"495\" Name=\"Modassar Centre\"><Qualification Key=\"1018\" Name=\"Modassar HTML\"><Exam Key=\"49822\" Completed=\"2022-01-24T15:19:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"498\" Name=\"JackT Test\"><Qualification Key=\"1027\" Name=\"JackT HTML\"><Exam Key=\"49799\" Completed=\"2022-01-05T11:30:00\" /><Exam Key=\"49800\" Completed=\"2022-01-05T11:34:00\" /><Exam Key=\"49801\" Completed=\"2022-01-21T15:14:00\" /><Exam Key=\"49803\" Completed=\"2022-01-21T16:21:00\" /><Exam Key=\"49826\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T10:31:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51421\" Completed=\"2022-02-10T14:25:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51503\" Completed=\"2022-02-21T21:27:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51504\" Completed=\"2022-02-21T21:32:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51505\" Completed=\"2022-02-21T21:51:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51513\" Completed=\"2022-02-22T17:06:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51515\" Completed=\"2022-02-23T14:33:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51518\" Completed=\"2022-02-23T16:14:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52523\" Completed=\"2022-02-24T09:02:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52524\" Completed=\"2022-02-24T09:02:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52525\" Completed=\"2022-02-24T10:02:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52951\" Completed=\"2022-03-25T15:59:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54011\" Completed=\"2022-03-31T13:31:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54012\" Completed=\"2022-03-23T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54013\" Completed=\"2022-03-23T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54014\" Completed=\"2022-03-23T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54015\" Completed=\"2022-03-24T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54016\" Completed=\"2022-03-30T10:38:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54017\" Completed=\"2022-03-30T10:47:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54018\" Completed=\"2022-03-30T13:26:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54019\" Completed=\"2022-03-30T13:28:00\" /></Qualification><Qualification Key=\"1041\" Name=\"JackT Flash\"><Exam Key=\"51392\" Completed=\"2022-02-08T14:51:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51418\" Completed=\"2022-02-10T12:38:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51419\" Completed=\"2022-01-05T10:58:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51420\" Completed=\"2022-02-10T13:58:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"502\" Name=\"Akshay's Centre\"><Qualification Key=\"1053\" Name=\"Akshay Test multiple items\"><Exam Key=\"49498\" Completed=\"2022-01-05T00:00:00\" /></Qualification><Qualification Key=\"1279\" Name=\"C&G Submit script test\"><Exam Key=\"52568\" Completed=\"2022-03-03T11:35:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52569\" Completed=\"2022-03-03T11:38:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52570\" Completed=\"2022-03-03T11:45:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52573\" Completed=\"2022-03-03T11:49:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52574\" Completed=\"2022-03-03T12:02:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52847\" Completed=\"2022-03-10T11:58:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"514\" Name=\"Jake's Centre\"><Qualification Key=\"1086\" Name=\"Jake\"><Exam Key=\"51388\" Completed=\"2022-02-08T14:16:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51389\" Completed=\"2022-02-08T14:18:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51390\" Completed=\"2022-02-08T14:20:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51525\" Completed=\"2022-02-24T00:00:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"517\" Name=\"Ken's Centre\"><Qualification Key=\"1093\" Name=\"Kens Subject\"><Exam Key=\"52878\" Completed=\"2022-03-15T20:35:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54007\" Completed=\"2022-03-31T00:18:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"521\" Name=\"Diana new\"><Qualification Key=\"771\" Name=\"Diana HTML\"><Exam Key=\"52580\" Completed=\"2022-03-04T09:31:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52585\" Completed=\"2022-03-04T09:36:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52834\" Completed=\"2022-03-09T09:03:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52899\" Completed=\"2022-03-19T00:00:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52901\" Completed=\"2022-03-19T00:00:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"523\" Name=\"JTCentre\"><Qualification Key=\"1107\" Name=\"TestSubj\"><Exam Key=\"49509\" Completed=\"2022-01-06T15:46:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51306\" Completed=\"2022-01-28T19:23:00\" /><Exam Key=\"51307\" Completed=\"2022-01-28T19:54:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52871\" Completed=\"2022-03-15T15:01:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52872\" Completed=\"2022-03-15T15:03:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52873\" Completed=\"2022-03-15T15:10:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"547\" Name=\"GarethH\"><Qualification Key=\"1166\" Name=\"GarethH\"><Exam Key=\"49563\" Completed=\"2022-01-13T16:59:00\" /><Exam Key=\"49817\" Completed=\"2022-01-24T13:46:00\" /><Exam Key=\"49818\" Completed=\"2022-01-24T13:51:00\" /><Exam Key=\"49819\" Completed=\"2022-01-24T14:53:00\" /><Exam Key=\"50059\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T16:59:00\" /><Exam Key=\"50075\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T17:40:00\" /><Exam Key=\"50077\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T17:52:00\" /><Exam Key=\"50078\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T17:52:00\" /><Exam Key=\"50079\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T17:53:00\" /><Exam Key=\"50080\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T17:54:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52552\" Completed=\"2022-03-01T14:48:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52563\" Completed=\"2022-03-02T17:26:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52564\" Completed=\"2022-03-02T17:32:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52565\" Completed=\"2022-03-02T17:39:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52586\" Completed=\"2022-03-04T10:34:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52587\" Completed=\"2022-03-04T10:47:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52588\" Completed=\"2022-03-04T11:22:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52900\" Completed=\"2022-03-19T00:00:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"575\" Name=\"Leicestershire\"><Qualification Key=\"1238\" Name=\"Melton Mowbray\"><Exam Key=\"49566\" Completed=\"2022-01-15T00:01:00\" /><Exam Key=\"49572\" Completed=\"2022-01-16T00:00:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"588\" Name=\"Will R test centre\"><Qualification Key=\"1247\" Name=\"Will R subject\"><Exam Key=\"51461\" Completed=\"2022-02-17T15:55:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"591\" Name=\"Garethh2\"><Qualification Key=\"1166\" Name=\"GarethH\"><Exam Key=\"50071\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T17:05:00\" /><Exam Key=\"50072\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T17:06:00\" /><Exam Key=\"50073\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T17:06:00\" /><Exam Key=\"50074\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T17:39:00\" /><Exam Key=\"50076\" Completed=\"2022-01-25T17:43:00\" /></Qualification><Qualification Key=\"1273\" Name=\"GarethItemMovement\"><Exam Key=\"52895\" Completed=\"2022-03-18T14:57:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52916\" Completed=\"2022-03-20T14:31:00\" /></Qualification></Centre><Centre Key=\"598\" Name=\"Moon Base Alpha Dome 1\"><Qualification Key=\"1285\" Name=\"Moonbase Knowledge bank\"><Exam Key=\"52892\" Completed=\"2022-03-17T11:10:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52919\" Completed=\"2022-03-22T10:03:00\" /><Exam Key=\"52920\" Completed=\"2022-03-22T10:11:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54010\" Completed=\"2022-03-31T13:28:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54020\" Completed=\"2022-03-31T13:55:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54021\" Completed=\"2022-03-31T14:16:00\" /><Exam Key=\"54022\" Completed=\"2022-03-31T15:35:00\" /></Qualification></Centre></report>"
"errors": null,
"serverTimeZone": "GMT Standard Time"
Response schema
The response schema contains a description of every property that can be returned for this endpoint.
count integer
Details how many reports there are in total. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
top integer
Details number of reports returned in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
skip integer
Details how many reports were skipped to display those in the response. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
pageCount integer
Details how many pages of reports there are. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
nextPageLink string
The endpoint to call the next page of reports. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
prevPageLink string
The endpoint to call the previous page of reports. This is null because the information retrieved is for a specific report.
response array
Contains the rest of the response.
name string
The report’s name.
id integer
The report’s unique identifier.
reference Boolean
The report’s unique reference code.
href string
The endpoint to call the report’s information, such as /api/v2/Report/{id} where {id} is the report’s unique identifier.
data object
Contains the report data.
data/value string
The report data in XML format.
errors string
Information about any errors that occurred during the request.
serverTimeZone enumeration
The timezone of the server sending the response.
Error Codes
Refer to the following table for information on error codes that may be encountered when using this resource.
Name |
Code |
Description |
InternalServer |
1 |
Internal server error. |
Unauthorized |
3 |
The request has been sent by an unauthorised user. |
IncorrectFieldFormat |
4 |
A field in the request has not been completed in the correct format. |
InaccessibleOperation |
5 |
The request has been sent by a user with invalid permissions. |
InaccessibleData |
6 |
The request has been sent by a user with invalid permissions. |
MissingBody |
7 |
There is an issue with the request body. |
InvalidReportParameters |
9 |
The report parameters used in the request are invalid. |
InvalidInputParameters |
15 |
There is an issue with the path or query parameters. |
InvalidId |
16 |
The ID number used in the request is invalid. |
InvalidODataOperation |
19 |
There is an issue with the query parameters. |
BadRequest |
20 |
There is an issue with the /api/v2/Report?$skip={skip} query parameter, where {skip} is a number that should not exceed the total number of responses. |
ReportDoesNotExist |
25 |
The specified report does not exist. |
Further reading
Read the following articles to learn more about similar APIs, how to get started with the Surpass API v2, and how to get the best out of this reference documentation: