Setting up Single Sign-On with AD FS

Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) is a system developed by Microsoft to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication/authorisation. It is a claims-based authentication process; users are identified using a set of claims that are packaged into a secure token.

Surpass must be added as a relying party using the AD FS console. This enables the Surpass Platform’s server to provide users with access to Surpass. This article explains how to add Surpass as a relying party to AD FS.

NOTE: This article was last updated in June 2023 and therefore any changes to AD FS since then may not be reflected here.
In this section

1. Launch AD FS Management

Select AD FS Management from the Tools menu.

2. Begin to Add Relying Party Trust

Select Add Relying Party Trust… from the Actions toolbar.

In the first step of the Add Relying Party Trust Wizard, choose Claims aware.

In the Select Data Source step, choose to Enter data about the relying party manually.

3. Specify Display name

Enter a Display name in the Specify Display Name step.

This must match the name in the Service Provider Name field of Surpass in Site Settings > Single Sign On.

4. Upload the Surpass Service Provider Certificate

In Surpass, select Download Certificate from the Single Sign On page in Site Settings to download the certificate.

This certificate is the token-encryption certificate used to encrypt the SAML assertion. The SP (Surpass) decrypts the SAML assertion using the associated private key. Ignore any warnings about the key length.

Select Browse… in the Configure Certificate step of the Add Relying Party Trust Wizard to find and upload the certificate.

5. Configure URL by enabling support for the SAML 2.0 WebSSO protocol

In the Configure URL step, select to Enable support for the SAML 2.0 WebSSO protocol.

Enter the URL to the Surpass SAML login page in the Relying party SAML 2.0 SSO service URL field. To get this URL, add /Saml/SingleSignOnService to your Surpass instance’s URL.

EXAMPLE: https://{your Surpass instance}

6. Enter the Relying Party Trust Identifier

In the Configure Identifiers step, enter the name of your Surpass instance (the Service Provider) in the Relying party trust identifier field and select Add.

IMPORTANT: This must match the name in the Name/Identity ID field of Surpass in Site Settings > Single Sign On.

7. Finish adding relying party trust

Navigate through the remainder of the Add Relying Party Trust Wizard. You can choose an access control policy and amend any final trust configurations.

In the final step, select to Configure claims issuance policy for this application and then Close the dialog to finish the setup.

8. Update your rules for outgoing claims

From your list of Relying Party Trusts, right-click on your configuration and select Edit Claim Issuance Policy….

In the Choose Rule Type step of the Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard, select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims from the available claim rule templates.

To authenticate where the user already exists in Surpass, enter the following outgoing Surpass attribute along with your value in the Configure Claim Rule step:

Attribute Surpass Input LDAP Attributes

Unique User Identifier (Name ID)



To authenticate and create new users, enter the following outgoing Surpass attributes along with your values:

Attribute Surpass Input LDAP Attributes
Unique User Identifier (Name ID)






{email address}

First Name

{First Name}




Centre Reference

{Centre Reference}
NOTE: ssoExternalId is an attribute in the User API. Read User API for more information.

For more information, read ‘Mapping SAML attributes to Surpass centre and user attributes’ in Configuring Surpass for Single Sign-On.

9. Change the Secure Hash Algorithm to SHA-1

From your list of Relying Party Trusts, right-click on your configuration and select Properties.

Select the Advanced tab.

Select SHA-1 from the available secure hash algorithms.

10. Configure endpoint

In Properties, select the Endpoints tab.

Select Add SAML…

In the Add an Endpoint dialog, add an endpoint with the following properties:

Property Value
Endpoint type SAML Logout
Binding Redirect
Trusted URL https://{your Surpass instance}
Response URL https://{your Surpass instance}

11. Configure Surpass

Retrieve the certificate and any other information required to complete the Surpass Site Settings > Single Sign On configuration. For more information, read Configuring Surpass for Single Sign-On.