Some features in the Surpass Platform require a minimum entry to allow you to proceed, and others may have a maximum entry allowed for one item. The following sections detail the minimum and/or maximum entry limits for core aspects of the system, including performance limits to be adhered to for best system performance.
Table of Contents
System storage limits
Item Authoring
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Items |
– |
100,000 |
– |
The total amount of items in a Surpass instance across all subjects. |
Items in a Folder | – | 5000 | – |
The amount of items you can add to a folder. |
Items in a Subject | – | 25000 | – |
The amount of items you can have in a subject. |
Items in an Item List | – |
1000 |
– |
The amount of items you can have in an item list. |
Items in an Item List (for use in Tasks) |
100 |
The amount of items you can have in an item list, for use in Tasks. |
Items in an Item Set | – | – | 20 |
The amount of items you can add to an item set. |
Item Lists | – | – | – |
The amount of item lists that can be created. |
Media Files per Subject | – | 25000 | – |
The amount of media that can be uploaded to a subject. |
Test Wizard/Test Creation
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Tests |
– |
1000 |
– |
The total amount of tests in a Surpass instance across all subjects. |
Test Forms |
– |
3000 |
– |
The total amount of test forms in a Surpass instance across all subjects. |
Test Administration
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Results |
– |
1,000,000 |
– |
The total amount of test results stored in a Surpass instance. |
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Candidates | – | – | – |
The amount of candidates that can be created per centre. |
Centres | – | 6000 | – |
The total amount of centres that can be created per Surpass instance. |
Custom Tag Groups | – | – | 150 |
The amount of custom tag groups that can be created per subject. |
Shared Subjects | – | – | 2000 |
The amount of centres you can share a subject with. |
Subjects | – | 10000 | – |
The total amount of subjects that can be created per Surpass instance. |
Subjects per Centre | – | 100 | – |
The amount of subjects that can be created per centre. |
Subject Master Lists | – | – | 1 |
The amount of subject master lists can be created per subject. |
Tag Categories | – | – | 50 |
The amount of tag categories can be created per subject. |
Tag Groups (Tag Categories) | – | – | 150 |
The amount of tag groups that can be created per tag category. Tag groups collate tag values and custom tag values. |
Tag Groups (Tag Hierarchies) | – | – | 10 |
The amount of tag groups allowed per tag hierarchy. Each tag group represents a level in the hierarchy. |
Tag Hierarchies | – | – | 1 |
The amount of tag hierarchies per subject. |
Tag Values | – | 500 | 1300 |
The amount of tag values allowed per tag group.
NOTE: This limit is configurable up to 16000. If you need to increase the default 1300 limit, contact
Users | – | – | – |
The total amount of users that can be created per Surpass instance. |
Site Settings
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Subject Tags |
– |
– |
200 |
The amount of subject tags that can be added to the centralised list of subject tags. |
Feature limits
Test Driver
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Audio Capture Answer Length | 00:01 seconds | – | 60 minutes and 59 seconds |
The length of time for an Audio Capture response, defined by item authors. |
Audio Capture Attempts | 1 | – | 99 |
The amount of attempts at recording an Audio Capture response, defined by item authors. Item authors can define a limit up to 99 characters if Limit candidate attempts is selected. |
File Attach (Managed) Files | 1 | – |
5 |
The amount of files the candidate can download in a Standard File Attach question, defined by item authors. |
File Attach (Manual) Files | 1 | – |
10 |
The amount of files the candidate can download in an Advanced File Attach question, defined by item authors. |
Item Groups | 0 | 10 |
– |
The amount of items that can be grouped onto one scrollable page. |
Item Authoring
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Bulk Update: Owner | 2 | – | 5000 |
The amount of items that can have the owner changed at once using a spreadsheet. |
Bulk Update: Tags | 2 | – | 5000 |
The amount of items that tags can be added to and removed from items using a spreadsheet import. |
Grouped Source Material | 1 | – | 25 |
The amount of items you can add per grouped source material in the Media Library. |
Import Items via CSV | 1 | 100 | 5000 |
The amount of items that can be imported into a subject via CSV. If importing more than 100 items, for best performance import in separate batches of 100. |
Item Tree Structure Levels | 0 | – | 6 |
The amount of levels a subject item tree structure can have. Up to five folders can be nested and any items added to the fifth and final folder make up the sixth level of the tree. |
Mark | 1 | – | 999 |
The amount of marks that any question type can be worth. |
Media Files per Item |
0 |
10 |
30 |
The amount of media that can be attached to an item
IMPORTANT: You should always test whether your hardware can download and run a test containing items with lots of media and/or source material attached before running live tests. Large amounts of media and/or source material may require system specifications that exceed those listed in the System Requirements article.
Multiple Choice/Multiple Response Answer Options |
3 |
– |
30 |
The amount of answer options that can be included for candidates to choose from when authoring a Multiple Choice or Multiple Response question. |
Numerical Entry (Advanced) Answer Boxes |
1 |
– |
5 |
The amount of correct answers that can be included in an Advanced Numerical Entry question. |
Source Material |
0 |
– |
10 |
The amount of source materials that can be attached to an item.
IMPORTANT: See Media Files per Item above.
Tags Search | 0 | – | 100 |
The amount of tags that can be searched at any one time when searching or filtering items. |
Tools | 0 | – | 4 |
The amount of tools that can be added to an item. This can be every available tool but only one of either the Basic Calculator or Scientific Calculator. |
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Attachments | 0 | – |
40 |
The amount of files that can be attached to a task. |
Test Wizard/Test Creation
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Breaks | 0 | 60 minutes | 999 minutes |
The length of time candidate breaks can be scheduled for by test creators, including pooled break time. |
Candidate Agreement Duration | 0 | – | 60 minutes |
The length of time given to candidates to agree to terms. A Set duration (min) value of 0 gives candidates unlimited time to agree to the terms. |
Fixed Test Forms (Paper Tests) | 1 | – | 5 |
The amount of fixed test forms that can be generated for paper tests. |
Items (Test Wizard) | 1 | 100 | 100 |
The amount of questions you can put in a test when using the Test Wizard (in up to 10 sections). |
Items per Dynamic Section (Test Creation) | 1 | 50 | 120 |
The amount of items per dynamic section of a test created in Test Creation.
Items per Fixed Section (Test Creation) | 1 | 50 | 100 |
The amount of questions per fixed section of a test created in Test Creation.
Items per Test Form | 1 | 500 | – |
The total amount of items per test form. |
Live Weblinks | 0 | – | 10 |
The amount of live weblinks at any one time for an instance of Surpass. If you want to create more, an earlier weblink must be retired. |
Marking Auto Void Period | 0 | 60 | 9999 days |
The length of time after which unmarked tests will be voided. The default value is 60 days. |
Minimum Resit Time | 0 | – | 99999 days |
The length of time that must pass before candidates can resit a test. |
Number of Items to Mark | 1 | – | 5 |
The amount of items you want to include in a candidate’s final mark. The default value is All, but you can select a value between 1-5 from the drop-down menu. |
Number of Resits | 0 | – | 99 |
The amount of times candidates can resit a test. You must have Limit Resits enabled to use this. If set to 0, candidates cannot resit a test after their first attempt. |
Pre-session Download Window | 0 | – | 999 days |
The length of time in advance test content can be downloaded in SecureClient prior to the scheduled time of use. |
Reasonable Adjustments | 0 | – | 65535 minutes |
The length of extra time given to all candidates with reasonable adjustments. |
Results Upload Grace Period | 0 | – | 999 days |
The length of time that Surpass waits before automatically voiding tests that have not been submitted. |
Schedule Quality Review Test | 1 | – | 5 |
The amount of quality review tests that can be scheduled per user. |
Section Pass Mark | 1 | – | 9999 |
The amount of marks the candidate needs to pass the timed section. |
Sections per Test Form (Test Wizard) | 2 | – | 10 |
The amount of sections that can be added when creating a test in the Test Wizard. |
Subjects per Test Form | 1 | 5 | – |
The amount of subjects from which items can be added to one test form, if subjects are part of a subject group allowing items from multiple subjects to be added to a test. |
Test Duration | 5 | – | 9999 minutes |
The length of time a test can be. |
Test Form Section Duration | 1 | – | 9999 minutes |
The length of time timed sections can be. |
Test Profiles: Time Remaining Alerts | 1 | – | 9999 minutes |
The length of time remaining on a test at which point a time remaining alert is displayed to the candidate. |
User Details Confirmation Duration | 0 | – | 60 minutes |
The length of time given to candidates to confirm their details. A Set duration (min) value of 0 gives candidates unlimited time to confirm their details. |
Weblink Availability | 1 | – | 30 days |
The length of time that a web link for a test can be available. |
Test Administration
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Bulk Schedule: Multiple Centres | 0 |
– |
3000 |
The amount of tests that can be scheduled at once using Multiple Centres. |
Bulk Schedule: Single Centre | 0 |
– |
1000 |
The amount of tests that can be scheduled at once using Single Centre. |
Report Generation | 0 |
– |
50 |
The amount of candidates for which a report can be generated. |
Test Duration Adjustment | Length of test |
– |
9999 minutes |
The length of (extra) time given to the candidate. |
Site Settings
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Fixed Pass Grade | 1 |
– |
10 |
The default value for (z) as part of the Fixed Pass Grade parameter in Reporting. |
Learning Outcome Total Mark Threshold | 0 |
– |
999 |
The amount of marks that must be allocated to a learning outcome before it is affected by the Learning Outcome Pass Mark. |
Maximum Advance Schedule | 0 |
– |
365 days |
The length of time in advance a test can be scheduled. |
File sizes/resolutions
Test Driver
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Docked Source Material | 1920 x 1080 PX | – | – |
The screen resolution required for source material to automatically dock in a side-by-side view. |
File Attach Download File Size | 0 |
5MB |
20MB |
The size of files uploaded by item authors for candidates to download. |
File Attach (Manual) Upload File Size | 0 |
200MB |
999MB |
The size of files candidates can upload. Item authors can define a limit up to 999MB in the Maximum file size field. |
High Fidelity Image Viewer Image Size | 685 x 520 PX |
– |
– |
The image resolution required for it to be zoomable using the High Fidelity Image Viewer in SecureClient delivery. |
Media File Size | – |
2MB |
– |
The size of files added to items by item authors.
NOTE: This performance limit is specific to SecureClient for Mac/iPad.
Source Material File Size | – |
2MB |
– |
The size of files attached to items as source material by item authors.
NOTE: This performance limit is specific to SecureClient for Mac/iPad.
Item Authoring
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Assistive Media File Size |
1 byte |
– |
1MB |
The file size per assistive media attached to a question stem or answer option. |
Drag and Drop (Advanced) Background Image Size |
50 x 50 PX |
– |
750 x 350 PX |
The size a background image can be before it is automatically resized. |
Drag and Drop (Advanced) Drop Zone/Drag Option Size |
20 x 20 PX |
– |
750 x 350 PX |
The size the drop zone and drag options can be until they are automatically resized. |
Hotspot Image Size | No minimum | – | 945 x 614 PX |
The size a Hotspot question type image can be before it is automatically resized. |
Media File Size | 1 byte | – | 20MB |
The file size for media able to be imported into the Media Library. |
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Attachments: File Size |
1 byte |
5MB |
20MB |
The available file size per attachment. |
Test Wizard/Test Creation
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Test Profiles: Logo File Size | 1 byte | – | 100KB |
The Provider Logo and Client Logo file sizes. |
Test Profiles: Logo Image Size | 180 x 60 PX | – | 180 x 60 PX |
The Provider Logo and Client Logo image sizes. |
Test Profiles: Score Report File Size | 1 byte | – | 3MB |
The HTML file size for a custom score report. |
Site Settings
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Branding: Admin File Size | 1 byte |
– |
100KB |
The size of the files that can be uploaded for Admin Branding. |
Branding: Admin Image Size | 129 x 40 PX |
– |
129 x 40 PX |
The size an Admin Branding image can be. |
Branding: Home Page File Size | 1 byte |
– |
100KB |
The size of the files that can be uploaded for Home Page Banner. |
Branding: Login Image Size | 275 PX (width) |
– |
275 PX (width) |
The size a Login Branding image can be. |
Branding: Login Screen Image Size | 1600 x 1200 PX |
– |
– |
The size a Login Screen image can be. |
Text entry character limits
Test Driver
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Answer Options: Essay | 0 | – | 37,767 |
The amount of characters that can make up an Essay question response, defined by item authors. 37,767 characters equates to approximately 5,000 words. The default value is 5,000 characters (approximately 800 words). |
Answer Options: Numerical Entry |
0 | – | 22 |
The amount of characters that can make up a Numerical Entry response. Item authors can define a limit up to 22 characters if Limit candidate response is selected. |
Answer Options: Short Answer |
0 | – | 99 |
The amount of characters that can make up a Short Answer response. Item authors can define a limit up to 99 characters if Limit candidate response is selected. |
Notepad Tool | 0 | – | 5000 |
The amount of characters candidates can add to the Notepad tool. |
Table Question Cells | 0 | – | 500 |
The amount of characters candidates can add per cell in a Table question. |
Item Authoring
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Answer Options: Drag and Drop (Advanced) Drop Zone |
1 |
– |
100 |
The amount of characters that can make up an Advanced Drag and Drop item drop zone. |
Answer Options: Drag and Drop (Standard) Drop Zone |
1 |
– |
100 |
The amount of characters that can make up a Standard Drag and Drop item drop zone. |
Answer Options: Drag and Drop (Standard) Drag Option |
1 |
– |
– |
The amount of characters that can make up a Standard Drag and Drop item drag option. |
Answer Options: Either/Or |
1 | – | – |
The amount of characters that can make up an answer option for an Either/Or question type. |
Answer Options: Extended Matching | 1 | – | – |
The amount of characters that can make up an Extended Matching selection. |
Answer Options: Fraction Entry |
0 |
– |
3 |
The amount of characters that can make up a Fraction Entry response. |
Answer Options: Select From a List |
1 |
– |
34 |
The amount of characters allowed to make up an answer option for a Select From a List question type. |
Citations | 1 | – | 5000 |
The amount of characters that can be used when writing citations. |
Comments | 1 | – | 500 |
The amount of characters a comment on an item can contain. |
HTML/URL Source Material Name | 0 | – | – |
The amount of characters that can make up the name of a piece of HTML or URL source material. |
Item List Name | 1 | – | 250 |
The amount of characters that can make up an item list name. |
Item List Reference | 1 | – | – |
The amount of characters that can make up an item list’s unique reference code. |
Item Name | 1 | – | 100 |
The amount of characters that can make up an item’s name. |
Media Alt Text | 0 | – | 500 |
The amount of characters that can make up a piece of media’s alt text. |
Media Display Name | 0 | – | 250 |
The amount of characters that can make up a piece of media’s display name once it has been added to an item. |
Question Stem | 1 | – | – |
The amount of characters each question stem can contain. |
Tag Collection Name | 1 | – | 50 |
The amount of characters that can make up a tag collection name. |
Tag Value Name | 1 | – | 500 |
The amount of characters that can make up a tag value name. |
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Description | 1 |
– |
4000 |
The amount of characters that can be used for the task’s description. |
Name | 1 |
– |
1000 |
The amount of characters that can be used for the task’s name. |
Reference | 1 |
– |
1000 |
The amount of characters that can be used for the task’s unique reference code. |
Test Wizard/Test Creation
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Candidate Terms | 0 | – | 15000 |
The amount of characters in your organisation’s Terms, to be agreed to by candidates. |
Test Name | 1 | – | 200 |
The amount of characters that can make up a test name. |
Test Reference (Test Creation) | 1 | – | 50 |
The amount of characters allowed for a test’s reference unique reference code if created in Test Creation. |
Test Form Comments | 0 | – | – |
The amount of characters that can make up a test form comment. |
Test Form Name | 1 | – | 100 |
The amounts of characters that can make up a test name. |
Test Profile Name | 0 | – | 50 |
The amount of characters that can make up a test profile name. |
Test Reference (Test Wizard) | 1 | – | 100 |
The amount of characters allowed for a test’s reference unique reference code if created in the Test Wizard. |
Test Form Section Label (Test Wizard) | 0 | – | 3 |
The amount of characters that can make up a test form section label. |
Section Name | 1 | – | – |
The amount of characters that can make up a section name. |
Section Description | 0 | – | 50 |
The amount of characters that can make up a section description. |
Test Administration
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Escalate Comment | 10 |
– |
1000 |
The amount of characters that can be used when giving a mandatory comment to escalate a candidate’s script. |
Flag For Review Comment | 10 |
– |
1000 |
The amount of characters that can be used by a marker or moderator when giving a mandatory comment to flag a response in a candidate’s script. |
Marker Comments | 1 |
– |
1000 |
The amount of characters that can be used in a marker’s comment. |
Void Reason | 1 |
– |
– |
The amount of characters an invigilator can use to provide more details for voiding a test with the reason being Other. |
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Candidate First Name | 1 | – | 50 |
The amount of characters that can make up a candidate’s first name. |
Candidate Last Name | 1 | – | 50 |
The amount of characters that can make up a candidate’s last name. |
Centre Name | 1 | – | 80 |
The amount of characters that can make up a centre name. |
Reference Number | 1 | – | 50 |
The amount of characters that can make up a candidate’s unique reference number. If the user does not enter any characters, Surpass will auto-generate one. |
Shortcode | 1 | – | 6 |
The amount of characters that can make up a tag value’s shortcode. |
Subject Name | 1 | – | 80 |
The amount of characters that can make up a subject name. |
Tag Category Name | 1 | – | 250 |
The amount of characters that can make up a tag category name. |
Tag Collection Group Name | 1 | – | 50 |
The amount of characters that can make up a tag collection group name. |
Tag Collection Subcollection Group Name | 1 | – | 150 |
The amount of characters that can make up a tag collection subcollection group name. |
Tag Group Name | 1 | – | 250 |
The amount of characters that can make up a tag group name. |
Tag Hierarchy Name | 1 | – | 100 |
The amount of characters that can make up a tag hierarchy name. |
Tag Value Name | 1 | – | 500 |
The amount of characters that can make up a tag value name. |
User First Name | 1 | – | 50 |
The amount of characters that can make up a user’s first name. |
User Last Name | 1 | – | 50 |
The amount of characters that can make up a user’s last name. |
Username | 1 | – | 50 |
The amount of characters that can make up a user’s username. |
User Email | 1 | – | 100 |
The amount of characters that can make up a user’s email address. |
User Job Title | 0 | – | 100 |
The amount of characters that can make up a user’s job title. |
Site Settings
Functionality | Min | Performance | Max | Description |
Branding: Email Footer Character Limit | 0 |
– |
– |
The amount of characters that can make up an email footer. |
Branding: Home Page Heading Character Limit | 0 |
– |
40 |
The amount of characters that can make up the Home page Heading. |
Branding: Home Page Subheading Character Limit | 0 |
– |
100 |
The amount of characters that can make up the Home page Subheading. |
Role Description | 1 |
– |
400 |
The amount of characters that can make up a role description. |
Role Name | 1 |
– |
256 |
The amount of characters that can make up a role name. |
Subject Tag Name | 1 |
– |
25 |
The amount of characters that can make up a subject tag name. |
Workflow Status | 1 |
– |
25 |
The amount of characters that can make up the name of a custom workflow status. |