Downloading publish reports

NOTE: If you have been unable to diagnose and troubleshoot any issues you are having with your content and/or the Surpass Publisher, contact

A Publish report detailing the success or failure of each publish attempt is generated at the end of the publishing process.

This article details how to download, open, and review the Publish report. This article also details the possible errors that may be encountered when using the Surpass Publisher to publish items for use in other test drivers.

In this section

1. Select Save Report…

After publishing is complete, select Save report….

2. Choose save destination

Choose a local save destination for the TXT file report.

3. Select Close

Close the Publish report section of the Publish wizard.

If you do not want to download the report, you can Close the wizard.

4. Open from saved location

Open the report. Each item and its unique identifier is listed on a separate row with a success or fail flag along with any further information for failed items.

Publishing errors

The following reference table details the possible publishing errors that may be detailed in the report.

Further reading

To learn more about publishing items with the Surpass Publisher, read the following articles:

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