Exporting candidate scripts in the Surpass Publisher

The Surpass Publisher can export candidates’ finished scripts, including candidate details, the correct answer and the candidate’s score for each question, using candidate keycodes. Scripts are exported as a ‘Test Result Overview’ HTML file.

This article explains how to export candidate scripts using the Surpass Publisher.

In this section

1. Navigate to Export Scripts

Select Export Scripts from the Surpass Publisher menu.

2. Find and enter keycodes

Find and enter the keycodes of the finished test scripts you want to export.

For one or a small number of keycodes, select Keycode from the Keycode / Exam Session toggle. Select Exam Session to filter by exam session for multiple keycodes.

Entering keycodes

Enter finished test keycodes in the Exam Keycodes entry field. Separate multiple keycodes by commas or spaces.

Filtering by exam session

To filter by exam session, choose a Date Range, Centre, Subject, Test, and Test Form. Scripts for all matching keycodes for tests taken during your selected date range and according to your selected criteria are exported.

NOTE: Unique reference codes are used instead of names for centres, subjects, tests, and test forms.

3. Configure exporting options

Use the available settings and options to configure the contents of your exported file(s).

Refer to the following table for information on each setting and option:

Setting Description

Candidate Details

Choose between candidate details being:

  • Identifiable

  • Partially Anonymous – Keycodes are the only identifying information included.

  • Fully Anonymous – No identifying information is included. If choosing this option, you must upload an Anonymisation CSV.

Anonymisation CSV

If exporting scripts with Candidate Details set to Fully Anonymous, you must upload a CSV containing an anonymisation code for each candidate.

Select Template CSV to download a template Anonymisation CSV to complete and reupload. A copy of this file is included with the final export.

NOTE: Candidate anonymisation codes also replace keycodes visible in File Attach question file names.


– Correct Answer Information/Key

– Awarded Score

Choose whether to include the correct answers/keys and/or awarded scores using the corresponding checkboxes.

NOTE: Candidates' selected answers are marked with an *. If Correct Answer Information/Key is selected, correct answers are marked in bold. If Awarded Score is unselected, the available score for each question is displayed instead.

-Computer-Marked Questions
-Item Name, ID and Type

Choose whether to exclude computer-marked questions (and basic pages and survey items) and/or item names, IDs, and item types using the corresponding checkboxes.

Export As

Choose whether to export all scripts in one file (Single File) or export each script in a separate file (Multiple Files).

Save Destination

Select [] to choose a save destination for your exported scripts. You must give the HTML file a name.

NOTE: Essay item content from Essay items with answer input direction set to Right to left is not supported and displays left to right instead.

4. Export scripts

Select Export to generate the ‘Test Result Overview’ HTML file, which is titled index and is included in a ZIP file along with an Exam_session_summary CSV file for reference.